Night Evolution

Chapter 1147: Brutal fight

Chapter 1147

Eternal immortality!

Zhao Mu's body has undergone earth-shaking changes, perfectly imitating the eternal immortal body of the emperor.

The Origin Realm constantly shatters the body of the Holy Emperor, not intending to cause harm to him, but to use the continuous smashing of the body of the Saint Emperor, let the carrier of the system Time Lost City analyze the physique of the Saint Emperor, and let the Origin Realm simulate and copy according to the analysis of the system. The eternal immortality of the emperor.

Zhao Mu estimated that the immortal body he copied was equivalent to 70% of the effect of the Holy Emperor.

This 70% is still under the premise that the Saint Emperor's skin does not have a fusion of dimensional membranes.

Although his Origin Realm is authentic, the origin and origin power he has mastered are much less than those of the Holy Emperor in terms of quantity. Therefore, it is unsustainable to replicate at most seven achievements. Fortunately, he still has a system. Can further optimize the eternal immortal body.

The lost city of time integrated into the body began to optimize and upgrade the entire human body system of the eternal immortal body.

The optimization is completed instantly under the acceleration of time, at this time his eternal immortal body is already equivalent to the effect of the Saint Emperor 90%.

But with the dimensional membranes, it is estimated that the attack is 10% worse, and the defense is at least twice as bad.

Although his defense is much worse, he also has his own advantages.

First of all, the brain of the eternal immortal body has been systematically modified, and the nervous system of the whole body has been optimized. His reaction speed will be faster than that of the holy emperor. There is also the origin world in his body. part of the damage caused by the holy emperor will be transferred to him. The Origin World was absorbed.

In this way, his attack is 90% of the Saint Emperor, and his defense is 80% of the Saint Emperor.

"I am really honored to be copied by Siyuan insects."

The Emperor sneered when he saw Zhao Mu's changes.

Zhao Mu really thought that his eternal immortality was just like this?

Zhao Mu copied his body, but did not copy the eternal immortality of his true spirit. The true eternal immortality has the same powerful effect in all aspects of body, spirit, will, true spirit and soul.

He would let Zhao Mu understand what it means to paint a tiger but not a dog.

"You are responsible for offense, I am responsible for defense."

Hong Ling'er said as she stepped into the Siyuan Holy Pagoda, the Siyuan Holy Pagoda swished and flew towards Zhao Mu's eyebrows.

Zhao Mu's eyebrows collapsed, and Siyuan Holy Pagoda was inlaid on it.

With Hong Ling'er's complete defense, he will not only not lose to the Holy Emperor but also beat him in defense.

Although the attack is a bit inferior, don't forget that there is also the sacred ghost domain.

The Ghost Realm Sacred did not resist, and was directly included in the Eternal Origin Sacred World unfolded by Hong Ling'er into the Origin Sacred Tower.

At the critical moment, the sacred ghost domain is the key to smooth the final gap.

"Dog men and women."

Seeing the cooperation of Zhao Mu and Hong Ling'er, the emperor scolded.

Instantly accelerated, directly pasted into Zhao Mu and began to attack.

Both of them gave up their defenses completely, and they could use all their hands, feet, and heads to attack. The attack frequency reached an astonishing 94.6 trillion collisions per second, which has surpassed 100 light years in a second. The limit speed.

It was just a second to fight, and the entire broken Dawn Saint Realm had been completely destroyed into the ancient void dust.

After completely appearing in the ancient void, the speed of the two dropped ten times.

Because the spatial intensity of the emptiness is ten times that of the heavens and worlds opened up by the holy emperor.

More than that, the spatial resilience of the ancient void is amazing.

The space of the heavens and myriad worlds, both the inner and outer space can be completely destroyed into turbulence, but only the outer space of the deserted ancient void can be shredded, and only the deserted ancient sacred space in the inner space can be shredded.

If you want to jump in the ancient void space, you can only do it by tearing up the inner space.

This also means that the space jump that can be unfolded by any myth of the heavens and the world is the exclusive of the ancient and sacred in the ancient void. It is no wonder that the holy emperor chooses the limit to strengthen the physique, which allows him to have ten light years in a second Speed ​​of escape.

The emperor knew very well that the Origin Insects would arrive within ten minutes at most.

Knowing this, the Holy Emperor once again began to explode the eternal immortal body again, and every cell in his body began to destroy and fission. Through the destruction and fission, it broke out several times of power in a short time, and completely broke Hong Ling's eternity at the cost of the weakness after the explosion. The powerful defense of Siyuan Holy Realm.

In just three seconds, the eternal origin holy world was penetrated.

In another two seconds, Zhao Mu's arms were shattered, and even his body was smashed to pieces. The Origin Realm in his body could not fully absorb the purest impact caused by the Holy Emperor. These five seconds The eruption of the bell directly forced Zhao Mu to a dead end.

He copied the eternal immortality, but he could not copy the eternal holy art developed by the emperor for the eternal immortality.

At the time of life and death, Hong Linger appeared and used Siyuan Holy Tower to harden the attack of the Holy Emperor.

The ghost realm hidden in the Siyuan Holy Tower is sacred, and at this moment a grimace imprint is sent from the Siyuan Holy Tower.

Hong Linger stubbornly carried the hurt, and stuck the grimace mark on the emperor through the eternal origin holy realm's control of space. In the grimace mark, the resentment of the death of all beings in the heavens and all realms, the sacred ghost domain did not hesitate to fall down the eternal sacred eruption. curse.

Even though the eternal immortal body of the holy emperor was strengthened with the true spirit, it was still under spiritual attack.

There is no direct killing, but the fear of the emperor is completely eliminated, and the anger of the emperor is completely ignited. Unless the emperor gets rid of the curse, even if the Primordial Insect has arrived at the emperor, it will not retreat.

Only by fighting forever, can it be possible to kill the Holy Emperor.

Otherwise, with his speed and survivability, he will escape with one heart, and even a few more eternal sacreds may not be able to siege him.

Relying on the time gained by Hong Ling'er, Zhao Mu has recovered with the help of the eternal immortal body.

Through previous battles, the system began to adjust and optimize the eternal immortal body again.

Zhao Mu's waist disappeared, instead he became countless tentacles entwining the saint emperor. Ten arms grew from the waist above the This is the limit of the number of arms that can be increased without affecting the strength of the body. , This is only a change in vitro, and the change in the body is even more amazing.

Although Hong Ling'er was not injured, Siwon Sacred Tower was cracked.

Seeing Zhao Mu's recovery, he once again escaped into the Siyuan Sacred Pagoda to shrink and inlay in Zhao Mu's forehead.

The offense and defense are unfolding again. Zhao Mu’s ten arms are constantly being shattered, but the broken ones will always regenerate. He will no longer fight head-on with the Holy Emperor, but keep delaying time mainly by dodge, so the Holy Emperor has been destroyed in the past two minutes. Fission consumption is serious.

On the surface, the Saint Emperor was intact and Zhao Mu was constantly being severely injured, but in fact, the Saint Emperor had been weakened not much better than him.

Seeing the grimace imprint on the emperor's body began to fade, Zhao Mu knew that the emperor was about to suppress the spiritual curse.

The saint emperor who has recovered his sanity is likely to choose to flee when he sees a bad situation.

Whether he can suppress the Holy Emperor before he wakes up depends on whether the method he prepared for the Holy Emperor over the years can be effective.

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