Night Evolution

Chapter 1161: I'm so poor

   Chapter 1161

  Zhao Mu walked into the **** shop and opened his eyes holding a blue gourd eternal sacred.

   Reached out and took a shot on the gourd, and saw that the gourd’s mouth popped open and a azure blue water jumped out, floating in the air to form an ocean that looked the size of a square meter but had a space of several hundred kilometers in the center.

  The Lost City of Time in Zhao Mu's hands is fleeting, and there are many rare treasures in the sea.

  The eternal sacredness covered in blue scales glanced, and a shot of the gourd flew out of 6.2 million crystals.

  Zhao Mu put it away in an instant, sighed in his heart and left the **** shop.

What he took out were the immortal and sacred treasures of the heavens and the world, but only 6.2 million crystals of good fortune were exchanged. He did not suspect that the price was unfair. As the official pawnshop here, he would not appreciate the one he took out. Point the resource treasure of immortal sacred level.

   "I am too poor."

  The fire of greed ignited in Zhao Mu's heart.

  Since defeating the emperor, he felt for the first time that he had found a new goal.

   6.2 million fortune crystals seem to be a lot, but this is more than one hundred immortal sacred wealth in the heavens and the world, but placed in the emptiness, this is only the product of a miniature crystallization vein of 6.2 billion years.

  6.2 billion years seems to be a lot, but the more than one hundred immortal sacreds of the heavens and worlds add up to a few trillion years.

  The net worth of several trillion years is just a 6.2 billion-year output of a miniature crystalline mineral vein.

  To this point, he wanted to pull these immortal sacred corpses out.

  Leaving the **** shop, Zhao Mu went to the specialty shop opposite.

Inside, there are rows of densely stacked cube fish tanks. Don’t look at the size of a palm outside, the space inside is a few square kilometers as big as a world. Inside, there are all kinds of eternal sacred fish and sea beasts. .

Below   Eternal and sacred, there is no such thing and cannot be seen here.

  Zhao Mu took a look at the prices, and he was able to buy the cheapest specialties, of which only two were attractive.

For example, the annual ring shell, if this kind of shell lives for a thousand years, it can return the eternal and sacred body state to a thousand seconds ago, and when the body is severely injured, it will return to a thousand seconds ago, which is equivalent to directly Take a life back.

  There is also a kind of airspeed dzi fish, which has a very small chance of giving birth to airspeed dzi.

As long as the airspeed dzi leaves the space coordinates in one place, according to the quality of the airspeed dzi bead, it can directly perform short-distance space jumps in the inner void at different distances. Although it is only a one-time space jump, it will be destroyed, but This is one of the few spatial transmission methods that eternal sacred can master in the ancient void.

  For the eternal sacred who cannot jump in space, an airspeed dzi is a life at a critical moment.

  This kind of airspeed dzi fish that does not know whether there is airspeed dzi is sold for one million crystals.

  As for the annual ring shells, as long as one is worth two million crystals.

This is already the cheapest. No matter whether the ring shells or the airspeed dzi fish have no wisdom, they are eternally sacred. Even if not to mention their magical effects, shells, fish meat, fish bones, fish scales and fish blood Eternal sacredness is a big complement.

  Even if he can't find the Yuanzu fruit, it will not be many years before he eats them every day and becomes sacred.

  "Give me a millennium ring shell and a skyspeed dzi fish."

  Zhao Mu thought about it and said.

  "Do it yourself."

  The eternal sacred of the shop said casually.

Zhao Mu planned to lock two fish tanks, a white shell about the size of a needle tip and an airspeed dzi fish over a hundred meters long have been drawn into the lost city of time. Three million natural crystals of good fortune are compressed in a square inch of space and flew toward the shop. Eternal sacred.

  Zhao Mu continued to go around the trading area for a while, and finally left the trading area to the living area without buying anything.

  The most common accommodation here does not require money, the better the accommodation, the higher the price, the better the conditions.

Zhao Mu took a look at the top-level residence that would cost 10 million fortunes in a century. Yuanzu Tianzhou will directly customize a world that is absolutely satisfying according to the customer's requirements. If you want to leave the world of private customization a hundred years later, you can take it away. .

  Zhao Mu shook his head and walked towards the free residential area.

  Although it is free, it is also an indescribable luxury. Don't look at the outside, there is a cave inside. There are tens of thousands of characteristic buildings with different civilizations to choose from. Zhao Mu randomly chose one and opened the door and walked in.

  The front foot disappeared, and an eternal divine appeared in front of the back foot door.

The whole body is made of black iron, but there are thin red lines on the surface, and the thin lines emit red light. There is liquid flowing like molten iron in the body. His eyes are greedy and staring at the door of Zhao Mu's entrance for a long time. Just leave unwillingly.

   Zhao Mu walked into the house and saw a water building in front of him.

  All are made of coral and shells, among them there are mussel girls wandering in the water.

It can be seen that this is a slave of the aesthetic arrangement specifically for humanoid creatures. Free of charge has this kind of treatment. I really don’t know what kind of treatment 10 million crystals of good fortune will receive for a century. When he makes money, he must experience it personally. a bit.

   was about to go in and find a place to settle the Time Lost City, Zhao Mu suddenly looked back.

  Someone outside the door has bad intentions, and they can’t even notice when they are replaced by other eternal sacreds, but he can activate the super-dimensional intuition of the eternal holy arts based on origin power, destiny, death and disaster.

  As long as the eternal sacred is malicious against him, he will be keenly aware for the first time.

  Someone is staring at him, it will not be because of the consumption in the trading Excluding this, then only his current identity is the human being.

He first thought that human beings were immortal creations. Later, he knew that it was created by the emperor. He discovered the origin chip. He believed that human beings may have come from the existence of the origin chip. Both the holy race and the sin race in the past may not be regarded as real. Human beings.

  But this does not hinder, some people associate him with the sinner.

The predecessor of the Sin Tribe, the Saint Tribe, is also a top race anyway. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. The mineral veins created by more than one hundred natural crystals are not the handwriting of the ordinary race. People who follow him may be eyeing The wealth of the saints.

  Zhao Mu shook his head, and instantly flashed into a house made of shells.

  He has no time to pay attention to his eternal sacredness now, what he wants to do most now is to study alba ring shells and airspeed dzi fish.

  The former is time and the latter is space, and he can grasp the power of both through the origin world and origin power.

  The origin insect can become a sacred ancient sacred, the core is this ability to learn changes.

  In a blink of an eye, six thousand years have passed, and this day the water world suddenly keeps shaking.

I haven’t seen Zhao Mu’s clam girls for six thousand years. They immediately plucked up the courage to knock the shells. Zhao Mu happily left the City of Time. These clam girls bother him at this time. Obviously, the 100-year harvest period is coming soon. .

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