Night of apocalypse

Chapter 270 Not Strong (Part 2)

"Uh, why can't I be here, we are all from the third team, and I'm still the captain of the investigation."

Long Er's expression paused, his eyes rolled slightly, and he immediately said confidently.

"Oh. I'm sorry I forgot for a while, but you are also in the third team."

Shen Qiu realized in a moment that they met at the training ground of the third team. A large number of personnel from the third detachment have come to support, so it is not surprising to meet them here.

Just as Long Er was about to say something, suddenly a pained look appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help coughing violently.


Shen Qiu heard Long Er coughing, immediately took a step back, raised Han Ye in his hand to face Long Er.

"What are you doing?"

Long Er asked slightly startled.

"Don't move, I now suspect that you are infected."

Shen Qiu solemnly warned Long Er.

Long Eryi was at a loss for words, he helplessly explained to Shen Qiu.

"Don't be suspicious, if I get infected, I will die just now."

"Well, it's also possible that you are infected, but you are still conscious, and it will attack later."

Shen Qiu still did not lower his vigilance, Han Ye Dao was still facing Long Er.

Long Er raised his hand to push away Han Ye who was pointing at him, and said to Shen Qiu.

"Okay, stop messing around. I'm from a special department, so I can't be so easily infected."

"All right."

Shen Qiu pondered for a while, and finally chose to believe in Long Er, after all, this old man's strength is indeed quite good.

"Boy, do you bring water and food? I've been hungry for a long time."

Long Er asked in some embarrassment.


Shen Qiu took off his symbolic backpack, took out mineral water and compressed biscuits from it, and handed them to Long Er.

After Long Er took it, he turned his back to Shen Qiu and devoured it.

"Huh~, I'm saved."

After Long Er finished eating, he let out a long breath.

"By the way, what are you doing here? I've already accepted the task of this stronghold. You shouldn't have accepted the same task as me, have you?"

Shen Qiu asked calmly.

"I'm chasing and killing a Gap Girl, and it escaped into this building. But you can do it, and nothing happened?"

Long Er was also quite surprised when he said the latter, the girl with the gap did not attack Shen Qiu.

"Gap girl? Corpse monster? Where is it?"

Shen Qiu's expression tightened in vain, and he looked around vigilantly.

"Don't look at it, I guess it's gone now, it should have run away."

Long Er waved his hand and explained to Shen Qiu.

"All right."

Shen Qiu put down Han Ye from his hand.

Long Er looked at Shen Qiu, suddenly thought of something, he said to Shen Qiu with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, please do me a favor."

"you say."

Shen Qiu still had a very good impression of Long Er, after all he had guided him very patiently back then. And now he is obviously injured and needs his own help.

"Help me hunt down that girl with the gap, you see, my old bones are not good enough, so please help me."

Long Er sighed with emotion.

"Help you hunt down that girl with the gap? Is she strong? Will it be difficult?"

Shen Qiu asked cautiously, after all judging from what he said just now, that girl with the gap seems to be very strong.

"Not strong! How strong can a corpse monster be?"

Long Er replied with a smile.

"Are you sure? I don't feel like it."

Shen Qiu still maintained a skeptical attitude, feeling that something was wrong.

"Ahem, can I lie to you? Think about it! I, an old guy, can almost beat it, can't you?"

Looking at Shen Qiu, Long Er asked back with a smile.

"Why not, forget it, let me kill you for you."

Shen Qiu thought for a while, and finally decided to help Long Er.

"As expected, I saw you right, interesting enough!"

Long Er replied in a good mood when he heard that Shen Qiu was willing to help him.

"However, that guy ran away, are you sure we can catch up?"

Shen Qiu asked a little tricky.

"Don't worry it's injured, it won't be able to run very far."

Long Er is very confident.

"Okay! Then take me to find it."


For a while, Long Er didn't know what to do.

"Why is there a problem? Aren't you from the investigation department? You won't lie to me again, will you?"

"What does it mean to lie to you again? When did I lie to you?"

"Well, wait a minute, I remember your ability, it doesn't look like the investigation department!"

"Why doesn't it look like that? I'm from the Wind Department, and I'm most suitable for the Investigation Department."

"you sure?"

"Sure, please allow me to slow down, I am not letting you kick half your life, and you are in a bad state."


Shen Qiu did not continue to urge Long Er.

Long Er then stood on the spot and took a few deep breaths, then walked back.

Shen Qiu followed behind Long Er.

Not long after, the two came out of the building, Long Er took another breath of air and looked around.

"Right, chase!"

Shen Qiu dubiously followed Long Er and ran to the right.

As a result, while running, Shen Qiu found that Long Er was moving faster and faster, and it was a bit difficult for him to follow.

He also couldn't help admiring, as expected, he had two brushes.

At this time, Long Er turned into an alley in a densely populated area, where the alleys extend in all directions, and it is easy to get lost.

But it didn't have much impact on Long Er, he was like a hunter locking on his prey, approaching calmly and constantly.

With the deepening, the two began to run into trouble.

Wandering corpses appeared in the alley, and these corpses charged towards Long Er and Shen Qiu with grinning mouths.

"Don't use firearms, the movement is too loud."

Long Er said to Shen Qiu.


Shen Qiu speeded past Long Er, pulled out Han Ye, and facing the two corpses, cut them in half with a sharp knife.

Soon Shen Qiu got rid of the corpse monsters blocking him, he turned his head and said to Long Er seriously.


"Go, keep chasing, it's not far away!"


Shen Qiu didn't say much, and the two quickly shuttled forward.

A moment later, Shen Qiu and Long Er appeared at the door of a small prayer church in the center of this residential area.

"Are you sure you're here?"

Shen Qiu asked in a deep voice.

"It's definitely in there."

Long Er replied sternly.


Shen Qiu held Han Ye and took the lead to go in.

Long Er followed behind Shen Qiu. He looked at Shen Qiu's back with a hint of appreciation in his eyes. Often in battle, those who can take the initiative to walk in the front row are the most trustworthy.

Soon the two stepped into this small church.

There are rows of wooden benches in the church. On the front podium, a red figure stands there, holding a corpse in his hand and gnawing on it. Looking at it from the back, it looks pretty good.

"Hey, there is no way to escape!"

Long Er said in a good mood.

In the next second, the red figure on the podium turned around abruptly, with a gap full of blood, and roared resentfully at Long Er!


Shen Qiu instantly felt the extreme danger, and he resolutely used the battle bracelet to face the rip girl.

As a result, the wristband does not display numbers.

Shen Qiu's heart sank suddenly, and she asked Long Er.

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