Night of apocalypse

Chapter 661 Cooperation (first update)

At this time, looking down from the dome to the entire underground city, you can see a very creepy scene.

Tentacles wrapped around each other, penetrating through those who were disqualified, and devouring them in madness.

As more and more disqualified people were devoured, the tentacles extending from the ground suddenly swelled, becoming longer and thicker, and looked increasingly shiny. The entire monster was rapidly recovering its strength, and the aura and The momentum became more and more terrifying.

At this time, Bai Mucheng and Shen Qiu were getting closer to the city center.

They could clearly see the central area, where countless flesh and metal tentacles stretched out like seaweed. The spectacle was enough to make everyone despair.

At this time, several nearby tentacles suddenly penetrated towards the two of them.

Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng dodged at high speed.


Tentacles crisscrossed them and pierced the ground.

Shen Qiu and the others accelerated their sprint.

At this time, the monster seemed to sense a hint of danger, and once again controlled many tentacles to attack Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng. However, these tentacles do not attack directly, but are entangled with each other in two or three.

Then these tentacles transformed into different colors, then the head bulged, and then transformed into different types of disqualified persons.

These disqualified ones were all devoured by it, but the simulated form at this moment was even more powerful.

Shen Qiu looked at this scene and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. He didn't expect this monster to have such ability.


With a roar, monsters in the form of beasts appeared one after another, taking the lead in rushing towards Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng.

These simulated monsters are very fast and ferocious, and the probability of evading them is extremely low.

Shen Qiu then quickly stepped forward and swung the Star Blade to attack him head-on.


The sharp blade slashed through the monster's body, immediately revealing the flesh and metal tissue, which was no different from cutting off the tentacles.

However, at this moment, Shen Qiu suddenly felt danger. I saw invisible wind shackles winding towards him.

Shen Qiu drew out the Blue Bone Blade with his left hand and swept it across, cutting off the invisible wind shackles.

As a result, the next second, the ground beneath his feet cracked, and a pair of giant rock hands came out of the ground to grab him. At the same time, a howling blizzard swept over him.

It has to be said that these simulated tentacles are extremely tricky.

Shen Qiu then activated the Lightning Lightning Shadow and dodged like an afterimage.

The next second!


Shen Qiu suddenly felt as if his body was being pressed by invisible gravity, and he suddenly appeared.

He raised his head and looked up, only to see a simulated ghost-faced person not far away using gravity on him.

Then the solid ground under Shen Qiu's feet suddenly became as muddy as mud, and his feet sank.

At the same time, extremely cold air roared in, and everything along the way suddenly froze into ice sculptures. In an instant, the atomic magic suit on Shen Qiu's body was also covered with a thick layer of frost.

At this time, Shen Qiu was surrounded by the simulated disqualified ones, and they pounced on him like crazy.

Shen Qiu's pupils shrank, and purple lightning burst out all over his body.

"Atomic Amplification·Strong Thunder Burial!"


Brutal lightning spread out, covering the entire area.

Immediately after being hit, the simulated monsters screamed and degenerated into charred tentacles and retracted.

When Shen Qiu finished dealing with it and turned to look at Bai Mucheng, she saw severed tentacles everywhere around her, and all the monsters that attacked her were killed cleanly.


Bai Mucheng said calmly, and then ran forward.

Shen Qiu followed up very quickly.

However, at this moment, Shen Qiu and the two completely angered the monster. Suddenly, dozens of tentacles in the sky were intertwined and twisted into a ball. Its head fused to form a huge sarcoma ball, which then split open like a bud.

Immediately afterwards, terrifying dark red energy particles were accumulated, and the energy fluctuations caused the surrounding air to vibrate.

When Shen Qiu saw this scene, his face suddenly moved slightly. If such a terrifying energy was blasted down, the entire area would be flattened if they were so close.

Wu Di and others who were guarding the Xingyun Reactor saw this scene with their hearts in their throats.

At this time, Bai Mucheng stared at the tentacles that were accumulating power, raised her hand directly, and spoke to Shen Qiu at the same time.

"Punch him through!"

When Shen Qiu heard Bai Mucheng's words, he immediately raised his left hand without any hesitation, accumulating all his strength. The entire left hand flashed with purple lightning, and at the same time, he maximized the amplification of the atomic magic equipment.

At this time, the terrifying red energy ball accumulated by the sarcoma bud was compressed crazily.


Bai Mucheng moved her lips slightly and uttered two words.

The flower bud tentacles that instantly accumulated violent power suddenly stagnated, and the accumulated power exploded out of control!


Shen Qiu launched an attack instantly.

"Thunder Roar Cannon!"


A purple beam shot out and instantly penetrated the sarcoma bud, and violent thunder and lightning spread along the body. The tentacles that suddenly gathered together spread out and retracted.

Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng continued running towards the central area without stopping.

"How are you going to fix it?"

Shen Qiu asked solemnly while running.

"Just send me in."

Bai Mucheng said to Shen Qiu.

"Okay, I know what to do."

Although Shen Qiu was surprised, he replied without hesitation.

Soon the two of them broke through to the central area, and saw that the entire center of the dungeon had been penetrated, and countless tentacles emerged from it like a tidal wave. The number was so numerous that it made one's scalp numb.

At this time, ugly, ferocious, and twisted humanoid faces emerged from the roots of the extended tentacles.

These faces include old, young, young women and handsome men, and they are constantly wailing and screaming in pain.

The harsh sound has a strong ability to penetrate the mind. If an ordinary person were to get so close, they might go crazy.

Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng rushed towards these tentacles.

In an instant, all the densely packed faces looked at the two people, and they made chaotic sounds.

"I'm in so much pain, kill them."

"Swallow them."

Immediately after Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng, they suddenly felt that the entire sky had darkened.

Countless tentacles penetrated like raindrops.

The two of them dodge at high speed!


Tentacles stuck to the ground.

At this time, a large number of tentacles suddenly swept in from the left and right, and it was almost impossible to dodge.

Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng rushed towards each other in tacit understanding. In the moment of crossing each other, they simultaneously released their power to slash at the attacking tentacles.

"Thousand Blades of Light!"

"Thousand Blades Thunder Slash!"


All the tentacles that swept in were cut off.

Then the two of them turned around and continued to advance forcefully.

At this time, the monster was also extremely angry, and the painful faces opened their mouths one after another!


A series of colorful beams of light came overwhelmingly, and at the same time more tentacles swept over.

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