Night of apocalypse

Chapter 795 Blocking (1st update)

When Chen Ye heard Shen Qiu's words, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

Yun Xiaoxi also covered her mouth and smiled.


However, at this time, Bei Kailun calmly spoke to Shen Qiu.

"You don't have to make excuses to increase your score. If you want to go to the eighth district, just say it. No matter what decision you make, we will support you."

Shen Qiu was also startled when he heard Bei Kailun's words. He thought about it and it seemed that it was really what Bekelen said, there was no need to make any excuses.

Isn't the reason why he works so hard to improve his strength just to have the capital to do whatever he wants and do whatever he wants?

Shen Qiu suddenly showed a bright smile and said to Bei Kelun.

"After all these years, you finally said something I like to hear."


Bei Kailun was stunned for a moment when he heard Shen Qiu's words. He didn't expect that he would say this, but he stopped worrying about it.

Chen Ye then asked with a smile.

"Boss, when are we going to set off? I've been seeing people heading to District 8 every day lately, and I've long wanted to join in the fun."

"Let's go now!"

Shen Qiu made a decision immediately.


The Eighth Administrative Region: The center area of ​​the northwest defense line.

On the snow-covered plain, horizontal trenches were dug.

Soldiers were stationed on Henggou every day, and they set up anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns, and howitzer positions in front of Henggou.

In front of Henggou were deployed a number of Storm tanks, heavy Tiger tanks, armored vehicles and other weapons, and next to these heavy weapons stood an awakened master from the military department.

The Red Holy Word Legion is responsible for the central defense area. The defensive area on the left is fully responsible for the Cangye Legion. The defensive area on the right is responsible for the Lion Legion, Tianqing Legion and other six legions.

Stretching further to both sides, there are all scattered people supporting them.

They work as a team to form unique blocking points. Although it is not as good as the defensive positions built by regular troops, it is more flexible and can retreat at any time.

At this time, sparse snowflakes fell from the sky, and little snowflakes fell on the heads of all the people.

The biting cold wind kept blowing by.

There was a solemn look on every face.

In the main defense area, Lieutenant General Lin Yin was looking ahead with a telescope, while Miao Tong, commander of the Cangye Army, was standing beside him.

In the distant sky, monsters roared towards them.

Compared with the traditional strange tide impact, the eighth city suffered a different strange tide impact. First of all, these strange tides do not come all at once, but disperse.

Moreover, the monsters in the strange tide are gathered by type, and each monster group is distinct.

At this time, within the strange tide, a Storm Tank machine was moving forward. Its electronic eyes kept flashing, and red prompt boxes kept popping up on the internal screen.

"Calling, Cernica City!"

"Call failed, no answer!"

At this time, the human-faced spiders in the surrounding area came slightly closer, triggering the emergency alarm. The Storm Tank immediately turned its muzzle and turned on the rocket launcher.

Bang bang!

Rockets and artillery shells bombarded the human-faced spider and the surrounding monsters.


Immediately, several human-faced spiders and zombies were killed.

However, this attack instantly affected the surrounding monsters, and these monsters rushed towards the Storm Tank like crazy.


The Storm tank was directly submerged, and its thick armor plate was torn apart.

Finally it exploded with a bang.

Groups of monsters were blown away, and some rough-skinned monsters got up. The next second, these monsters looked at each other, and then they bared their teeth and pounced on each other to fight.

In addition to fighting each other, these monsters did not only attack one point in the Eighth City, but spread in a fan-like manner, impacting all areas along the way on a large scale.

Therefore, the defensive front of the Eighth Administrative District was also forced to be very long.

"Go ahead and get ready to fight."

Lin Yin issued the order in a deep voice.

A few hours after the last wave of shock passed, a new one struck again. And compared with the previous round of impact, the scale this time has doubled.

This shows that the situation is getting worse, but there is nothing we can do now but fight.


The herald next to him responded immediately.

As the order was issued, the nerves of all the defensive forces became tense.

Not long after, countless piles of snow rolled up in the distance!

Among the snowflakes, countless ferocious monsters roared and ran towards them like a tide.

Everyone on the entire battlefield held their breath, waiting for the attack order!

Miao Tong's eyes were fixed on the strange tide that was getting closer and closer.

ten kilometers! Nine kilometers!

Three kilometers!

1000 meters!

attack! ! !

Suddenly all the artillery positions and rocket vehicle positions started firing in unison.


The rain of bullets in the sky instantly fell into the strange tide, and the sound of explosions resounded in the sky, kicking off a new round of war.

You can see monsters of different forms having their bodies blown apart and lying down wailing.

But the monsters that followed continued to advance forward with red eyes as they stepped on their bodies.

The distance keeps shrinking.

500 meters!

300 meters!

100 metres!

As the distance shortens, the originally dense number of monsters becomes sparse.

But those who can survive to the end are often relatively high-level monsters, such as the LV3 Fiery Dog, the LV3 Corpse Crocodile, and even the LV4 Blood-armored Flying Insect.

Just when these monsters rushed to a distance of fifty meters.

"Brothers, it's our turn to perform, kill!"

KPIs and military non-commissioned officers rushed forward one after another to carry out encirclement and suppression!

"Lightning Shackles!"

"Burst of flames."

On the battlefield in front of the entire position, fierce fighting broke out

A war reporter behind the scene was extremely nervous, pressing the camera to shoot from a distance, and at the same time reporting the latest battle situation.

"Dear people, I am A Qi, a war correspondent from Frontier Newspapers. What we are seeing now is a new round of strange waves. Our soldiers are working hard to intercept and kill them. You can see that the scale of the strange waves is getting bigger and bigger. .It’s becoming more and more difficult to intercept from the outside.”


Northwest region of the Red League.

At a glance, the vast desert plain is densely covered with ferocious zombies, black-tongued beasts, scavengers, wolf spiders, greedy wolf mechas, giants, metal aliens, red-striped flying insects and other monsters.

There were so many of them that they couldn’t be counted, and their horror was so terrifying that it made one’s scalp numb.

In the central area of ​​​​the strange tide.

I saw a fifty-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus Rex with a ferocious head and sharp mechanical claws. The whole body was made of thick alloy armor. The body was densely covered with strange gray lines. The mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex Alien with MX197 engraved on its neck was emitting... A thundering roar.

Next to it, alien-infected monsters such as Wolf Spider Alien, Crypt Ant Alien, Giant Alien, etc. with red eyes and metalized bodies roared angrily.

In front of them, a sixty-meter-tall blood-devouring beast Hamilus.

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