Chapter 127: Whatever you do, you have to pay the price!

The Fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi, who was standing by, was watching this scene, and she felt a little dazed.

She thought about her original intention of becoming the Mizukage.

It was to make the Hidden Mist Village better, so that the villagers of the Hidden Mist Village could live and work in peace and happiness.

And when she really became the Mizukage, what happened?

To stabilize the situation on all sides so that her position as the Mizukage would be more stable. In order to do this, she even sacrificed the normal lives of the villagers of the Hidden Mist Village… She kept saying that she wanted to make the Hidden Mist Village better.

But what was the reality?

What has she been doing during this period of time?


“”White Eye Ninja” Qing walked to the side of Terumi Mei and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Terumi Mei

“No need to say more.”

Qing had no choice but to stop talking.

“Send people to ambush in secret and observe the movements of the major families in the Hidden Mist Village. If there is any unusual movement, report to me immediately!”

Terumi Mei said.

Now that such a thing has happened, it is almost irreversible.

All she can do is to try to remedy it and minimize the impact of this matter.

Let’s see what these major families who opposed her becoming the Mizukage and refused the Uchiha clan to enter the Hidden Mist Village will do.


Time flies, five or six days have passed.

The Kirigakure Village is very peaceful, as if the previous incident had never happened.

At least on the surface it seems so.

But there is another incident that is making a lot of noise and is very lively.

26 That is the Kirigakure Village Security Department.

After the head of the Security Department, Uchiha Qianye, killed a senior consultant in public on the first day of his job and made such a statement, many villagers realized that the Security Department this time seemed to be somewhat different from the previous organizations.

So, some villagers began to report and expose all the unfair treatment they had received in the past period of time according to what the Security Department said.

Under Qianye’s instructions, no matter what the case was, whether it was big or small, how long it had been, it was all carefully recorded, and promised to give an explanation.

The villagers of Kirigakure Village were happy and emotional when they saw such a Security Department.

They were happy that everything they had experienced for so many years could finally have a result.

They were emotional about why a department like the Security Department did not appear earlier.

If this were the case, who knows how many unimaginable tragedies could be avoided.

At the same time, within the entire Kirigakure Village, the acceptance of the Uchiha clan is visibly increasing.

As the head of the security department, the name Uchiha Chiya is also widely known in Kirigakure Village.

Even Mei Terumi, who had just become the fifth Mizukage, was praised by everyone, saying that she had brought about such a big change as soon as she took office, and that the future of Kirigakure Village was promising. For a time, the entire Kirigakure Village was celebrating.

There were finally signs that they were going to get out of the dark and bloody rule of the Fourth Mizukage.


Inside the Shuiying Office

“”Baiyan Ninja” Qing is reporting the situation to Mei Terumi.

“What’s going on recently?”

Mei Terumi asked.

She was asking about the reactions of various forces after Qianye killed the senior advisor of Kirigakure in public.

During the time when the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by the masked man, the entire Kirigakure was incomparably dark.

There were definitely many people who did things that were against the rules like the senior advisor.

The difference was the size of the mistake.

The current Uchiha Qianye’s guard department was like a knife hanging over the heads of all of them.

Mei Terumi was really worried that these people would do something irrational out of desperation.

“”White Eye Ninja” Qing replied:”These families and high-level officials did not make any unusual moves on the surface, but they were communicating frequently in secret.”

“Because they were talking so quietly, we didn’t know what they were talking about.”

“But I think it won’t be good for us.”

As he said this, the”White Eye Ninja” Qing couldn’t help but sigh heavily.

“We were really too impulsive. We could have solved these problems in a more gentle way, but……”

“Stop talking!”

Mei Terumi interrupted Qing, took a long breath, and said thoughtfully:”Maybe he is right.”

“Isn’t the reason I aspire to become the Mizukage to do the same thing as him?”


Qing frowned.

He was older than Mei Terumi and had always treated her as his sister. The relationship between the two had always been good.

Therefore, he could speak out many of the things in his heart without too much scruples.

“I know his intentions are probably good, and everything he does is what we want to do.”

“But it’s a bit too hasty, isn’t it? If you’re not careful, the whole Kirigakure will be in chaos, or even a war. How many people will die at that time? Has he thought about these… these consequences?”

Terumi Mei didn’t say anything, but her expression became more serious.


If it wasn’t such a radical approach, why would she worry so much about it?

This time, Uchiha Qianye was too impulsive!

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei’s mind suddenly moved.


She suddenly realized something. They’ve known each other for so long.

What kind of person is Uchiha Qianye? Is he an impulsive person who does things without considering the consequences? (To read the violent novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Obviously, not.

From their first meeting to meeting the elder Yuanshi, Then there was the great help from the Kaguya clan and the temporary betrayal of the elder master. The reason why she could become the Mizukage was that Uchiha Chiye planned and controlled it step by step.

Therefore, no matter how dangerous the situation was, she could get through it safely.

And how could someone who could do all this be an extremely impulsive and reckless person?

And this time, it must not be a momentary impulse!

I am helping you…

Mei Terumi suddenly thought of what Chiye had said to her, and her thoughts became more certain.

She must meet Uchiha Chiye and find out what is behind this.


“”White-eyed Ninja” Qing’s mind suddenly became a little dazed, and then it immediately became clear. He quickly said:”Lord Mizukage, something big has happened!”

“Before this, Uchiha Qianye, for some unknown reason, suddenly sent invitations to all the high-ranking officials of our Kirigakure, saying that he wanted to invite them for tea.”

“As far as I know, this may be related to the previous reports and revelations made by the villagers in the Hidden Mist Village!”


“Why did you wait until now to tell me this?”

Mei Terumi was shocked.

Drinking tea?

As the Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village, she certainly wouldn’t be stupid enough to think that this was drinking tea in the literal sense.

This might be a reckoning!


“”The white-eyed ninja said,”Qing is like a dumb person eating bitter herbs, he can’t say anything about his suffering.”I just didn’t remember it for a moment, until I was in a trance just now.”

“I don’t know either……”

This matter is of great importance. If he had told Mei Terumi earlier, maybe he could have saved something.

But he actually forgot; uh, he couldn’t help but blame himself.

Seeing this, Mei Terumi reacted almost instantly.


This is an illusion!

It made Qing forget about this matter for a short time.

It was not until now that Qing remembered it.

“Who are the people who have been invited over?”

Terumi Mei asked solemnly.

“”White Eye Ninja” Qing replied:”There are too many people. Almost all the senior leaders of our Kirigakure have been called over.”

“Not only the opposition, there are also many of our supporters!”

“Damn it!”

Mei Terumi frowned, with a bad premonition.

She had lived in the Hidden Mist Village since she was a child. Over the years, she knew a lot about what had happened in the Hidden Mist Village and the corruption of the 693rd floor, even if she didn’t know everything.

Upon hearing the news, her subconscious reaction was that Uchiha Qianye was going to liquidate all these people, just like he did with the senior consultants before.

This was not okay.

Although killing a senior consultant would have a great impact before, it was barely within the controllable range.

And now, almost all the senior leaders of the Hidden Mist Village were going to be killed?

How would the entire Hidden Mist Village operate, and who would work for her!


Absolutely not!

Such a thing must not happen!

“”Go gather the Anbu personnel and go to the Security Department!”

Mei Terumi said.

With a flash, she left the Mizukage’s office.

Then, the”White Eye Ninja” Aoya hurried away to gather the Anbu ninjas.

At this time, in the interrogation room of the Security Department, the top leaders of the Hidden Mist Village gathered here.

In front of them was the head of the Security Department, Uchiha Chiye.

“Today, I invited everyone here because of something.”

“Recently, villagers from the Hidden Mist Village have been constantly reporting and exposing things to me, and everything in it may have something to do with everyone present here.”

Qianye gently tapped the table with one hand, while looking at these Hidden Mist Village high-level people with a playful look. When these Hidden Mist Village high-level people below heard Qianye’s words, their expressions couldn’t help but feel a little unnatural. Of course, they didn’t want to come.

However, after Qianye killed the senior advisor in public, everyone knew what kind of person Uchiha Qianye was, and also knew what the price would be for angering Uchiha Qianye.

Of course, with so many people, in addition to surrendering, they could also resist.

However, resistance… always takes time to prepare.

Without any preparation, it’s not resistance, it’s courting death.

Therefore, they came here with gritted teeth to test Qianye’s intentions, at least to stabilize Qianye and prepare time for their counterattack.

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