
Rosalind glanced around puzzledly.

She pulled the curtains that had been drawn from the carriage window, and at first glance, greenery appeared. When he said he had a place to go, she vaguely thought of somewhere indoors, so she never expected that the carriage would stop outside, even in the woods.

“You can get off.”

Then, the door of the carriage opened, and he, who got off first, reached out to her. The moment she took Kyle’s firm hand and stepped onto the ground.

“…Oh, my gosh, it’s so pretty.”

An indescribable exclamation flowed from her mouth. In front of her, a forest of flowers and trees spread out endlessly.

Golden marigolds and green trees are densely filling the forest. The marigolds in full bloom were in gold color like the stars embroidered in the night sky, and large trees around them were taking root as if they were surrounding the flowers.

The trees formed a shade, and the soft sunlight seeped through them and gently fell on the flowers. It was like a painting, a landscape that filled her heart.

“I found this place by mistake on the way, but it reminds me of you when I look at the golden flowers.”

“It’s beautiful.”

As Rosalind gazed at the flowers with her eyes vivid in admiration, Kyle was staring at her.

“…It has the same color as your hair.”

He reached out and gently stroked her hair. Rosalind was a little startled by the rather sudden touch, but she didn’t say anything. She just stared at the man who touched her hair that was swaying in the wind.

Perhaps, it was because it was held in his big and beautiful hands, her hair, which was not usually impressive for her, looked particularly beautiful today.

…No, even if her hair looked pretty, it couldn’t be more beautiful than the flowers here. It was true that the color of her hair was similar to that of marigolds, although the beauty of nature couldn’t be compared to that of a human.

Still, somehow, it felt good to hear that he thought of her when he saw the flowers. It seemed to tickle her heart like the wind that tickled her cheek over and over again…

“You like trees, too, so I wanted to come with you.”


Rosalind put on a small smile.

“No, actually, it’s all just excuses. I just wanted the two of us to go out anywhere, but I saw this and thought about it. It’s perfect, like this.”

…What was that?

Listening to Kyle’s joke, she burst into a laugh. The gentle smile quickly turned into laughter.

“It’s true. You’re taking it like a joke.”

Rosalind looked at him with a smirk in response to the calm, witty reply. It was an ambiguous expression that seemed to tease her or could be genuinely sincere.

“If it’s okay, would you like to sit down for a moment?”

Taking off his coat, he spread it over the flower bed. For a moment, Rosalind hesitated if she could sit over his laid-out clothes though she decided to accept his consideration. She sat down carefully over it, and he sat down next to her as well.

“…Sitting like this, I feel different again. I can see the sky better.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it.”

The two sat down affectionately and admired the scenery around them. The flying wind, the fluttering leaves, and the fragrant flowers were all beautiful. It was as if time had stopped here as it was one step away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Rosalind, who had been feeling the flowers and trees, the wind, and the tranquility for such a long time, suddenly opened her mouth.

“…I actually thought about it until the very end—whether to accuse Baron Albert or not. Of course, there was no compelling evidence, but the main reason was because of father’s sins. What a terrible thing he had done… Maybe, there’s something else I’m not aware of… If Albert’s sin was really caused by father, do I have the right to punish him for it? It’s such a worry.”

Her voice was calm, but at the same time, it was heavy like a large stone sinking to the bottom of the water.

Nevertheless, the accusation…

First of all, it was because Albert’s motives were unknown exactly, and she did not want it to turn into something more terrible. It was true that he killed her father and wounded soldiers and others.

“…And, I feel the same way about you.”

Even though Kyle opened his lips as though trying to say something, Rosalind didn’t stop, and she continued.

“I only sent flowers to the Duke was… because I was afraid. When I started liking the Duke, I confessed my feelings several times with the hope of holding on to even a glimmer of hope… As time went on, I realized that there were a lot of things intertwined between us, and it only felt difficult. Can I dare to love you? I, for the sake of love… Can I be greedy for you?”

She held her breath for a moment as she pressed down on the rushing emotions.

“…There are so many things between us, and many of them include not only the strife between you and me… Even father’s evil deeds are in it.”

Afterwards, Kyle’s voice resounded calmly and thoughtfully.

“There were rumors in the capital. All of Alicia’s fortune is being sold and donated.”

Although she could feel him looking back at her, Rosalind only fixed her gaze in front.

“Is it atonement?”


Answering him, she smiled faintly like someone who was shown something that shouldn’t be caught.

“I have to…”

“You were hurt too.”


“You were also hurt because of your father.”

Rosalind froze.

“Rosalind, you too had a hard time under such a father.”

She slowly turned her head to look at Kyle. Her eyes fluttered relentlessly as if she had been stabbed in the back.

“How can I compare myself to those people? I’m at least warm in a nice house…”

“You don’t have to do that for me. Why don’t you act like a child and yell that you’re hurt? Why are you trying to carry all the burden by yourself?”

Water suddenly formed in her eyes as he stared at her.

To avoid him, she hurriedly turned her head.

“No matter how…”

Rosalind, who had been trying so hard to calmly hold back the crying, finally couldn’t stop the flowing tears and fumbled around her eyes.

Wet water dripped from her fingertips.

She wiped away the tears with her fingertips, and then she eventually wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. The back of her hand quickly got wet as well.

Strangely, there were times when every word this person said touched her heart more than any consolation.

‘If you say it’s okay once, it’s okay, and if you say it’s okay twice, it’s really okay. If you say it’s okay three times… That’s not okay at all.’

‘I hate talking about other people’s affairs, but violence, regardless of type and reason, cannot be justified under any circumstances. It’s not your fault.’

Just like that night and today, why did his calm words touch her so deeply?

“…You know what I’m most afraid of?”

Rosalind didn’t say anything.

“I’m afraid you will leave me and disappear. That’s the most terrifying and frightening thing.”

Kyle hugged her crying little body. The man’s body was large and hard enough to hold all of her in his arms.

“…Don’t frighten me anymore.”

At that, she raised her head at the sound of his voice. Kyle smiled sweetly when her eyes met.

“I’m such a crybaby.”

He wiped the corners of Rosalind’s eyes with the back of his hand.

“You’re crying to drive me crazy.”

“Is it possible?”

“Every time you cry, I feel like I’m going crazy.”

Both during the day and at night. He whispered softly in her ear. Recognizing the meaning of his joke, Rosalind smiled faintly. Wasn’t it obvious what he meant by crying?

“Such a joke…”

A soft smile remained on his lips. She knew only then that he was joking to make her laugh. Rosalind gazed at Kyle blankly. He met her gaze and stretched out his hand before gently wiping away her small tears.

He held her warmly.

“It’s okay if you don’t comfort me.”

Rosalind grabbed Kyle’s wrist.

For some reason, as he comforted her, the tears that had barely been paused seemed to flow again. And, she said, just as she was about to release his hand, he snatched it up quickly and pulled it back.

“I’m really okay…”


With a short sound, the words in her mouth were eaten.

His lips fell like petals on her lips. He put his tongue in the slightly opened gap and ran gently inside. They patted each other’s lips and tasted the inside as if savoring everything in haste.

The kiss seemed to continue uninterrupted. As Rosalind tried to lift her lips, he moved a little closer and put his lips to hers. Unknowingly, strength entered the hand holding her, and her heart was pounding hard.

In the secluded and beautiful forest, only the sticky and sweet sound of two man and woman coveting each other resounded.

Barely opening the gap, she slowly parted her lips.

There was a slight sound as her tight lips fell. At least, she seemed to have lost her neat appearance in the mess, so she smoothed her hair or patted her lips for nothing though her ears were already dyed with an indescribably red color.

“…It’s pretty here.”

She turned her back for nothing. Then, she bent down on her knees and picked up a flower that had just fallen. It looked like it had been broken by the hand or wind of a passerby.

Rosalind, who placed a delicate flower on her palm, stared at it silently.

It was a flower she picked up accidentally, but the cute shape was really pretty. Flowers blooming in a golden color resembling the sun. As she brought the flower closer, a strong scent tickled the tip of her nose.

Picking up a few more flowers that had fallen on the floor, she then untied a ribbon that was adorning her hair and began to tie the flowers together. She went to another place, approached a tree, picked a few leaves, and arranged it. It looked quite plausible like the bouquet she saw at the florist.

“…It’s pretty. It’s really pretty.”

Rosalind sniffed the finished bunch and muttered a little.

“You brought me here to show me such a pretty place. I will have to come back more often in the future.”

“I didn’t come here for that.”

“No? Really?”

She gazed at Kyle, puzzled by his calm voice.

“…I’m here to propose.”

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