Chapter 64

“It was a joke. I’m sorry.”

He smiled softly and spoke to her tenderly. As he pulled his finger out of her mouth, a transparent thread slid slightly.

“How could you make such a joke…!”

“I had wanted to do this.”

At that, Kyle grabbed her waist, lifted it up, and pressed it back. At this point, she had a sense of what he wanted to do, and Rosalind opened her eyes.

“The ‘want to do’…”

It was quite different from the ‘want to do’ Rosalind was talking about.

Still, he didn’t care and ran through the hem of her layered dress and put his hand deep inside. Kyle spread her legs apart with his big, firm hands and fixed her posture by inserting his knees in between to prevent her from squeezing her legs. Then, he took his p*nis into her entrance.


As soon as he put it in, her voice seemed to come out again. It was a huge p*nis that she would never get used to though trying to get it in an unfamiliar place like this made it even more difficult.

The force of the man pushing her inside was strong and rough, but she couldn’t make any sound, and it seemed like she was going crazy. All she could do was lower her voice as much as possible and breathed out little by little.

Even on the way back, the carriage rattled more than usual. The more the carriage ran down the bumpy road, the more the p*nis got stuck in, and each time it did, the flesh on the manhood twitched in response to the stimulus.

Huhkh, ha…

She gasped and barely exhaled her breath. She couldn’t run anywhere, and she was forced to swallow him.

“Du, huht—Duke… pl, please! I think I’m going crazy. Ha-uht…

“Me, too.”

The moment Rosalind thought she was going to collapse like this, she could feel the thick liquid flowing into her body along with a low moan. Kyle then poured semen inside her, savoring it, and then slowly pushed it back out.

As the thick p*nis fell out, her walls twitched and spat out the s*men.

The hazy trail of semen ran down her thighs.

Affectionately wiping it the way he savagely dug in her, he meticulously wiped between her legs with a cloth. Rosalind opened her mouth, blushing her face in embarrassment.

“…It’s impossible to organize my belongings in this state. I am so tired. It’s all because of the Duke.”

“Should you leave your belongings to someone else to take a break?”

In bed?

His smirk made her face puzzled.

“I have to go pick up Leo too. I can’t live, really.”

Rosalind, whose eyes grew wild, finally burst out laughing as if she couldn’t stop him. A smile appeared on Kyle’s face as she looked at her.



“When are we going home today?”

Leo, lying on the bed, blinked his eyes and asked Rosalind. After she had finished sorting her belongings, she brought Leo to Kyle’s castle. Usually, when he came here, Leo would play with Kyle, take a short nap, and then go back home. So, probably he guessed that was the case today.

“We’re not going home from now.”

“Why don’t we go?”

“This is home.”

The reason she didn’t tell Leo about this right away was because she wanted to tell him when everything was correct, and she was sure without the slightest apprehension.

Of course, she planned to reunite with Kyle though she wanted to give it to him as a surprise after everything was perfectly equipped. Because Leo liked Kyle so much that he would follow his father all around.

“From now on, Leo will be living here with Mom and Dad. Together.”


“Um, so…”

“Because Dad and Mom love each other so much.”

As Rosalind pondered the answer to the question, his voice came more quickly. Kyle, who came in with the door open, approached him and talked to him kindly. He reached out to the child lying on the bed and gently stroked his golden hair.

“The three of us love each other and live together here.”

“…Mom and Dad love each other?”

Leo, who had been rubbing his eyes while being sleepy, raised his voice at this unexpected news.

“Well, of course. Dad loves Mom a lot, too.”

He moved his gaze away from Leo and gazed into Rosalind’s eyes. As she looked at the tenacious gaze, it felt like her heart was pounding again for nothing. Whenever he looked at her like this, her heart kept fluttering.

“Mom, too. Right?”

When he asked Rosalind, she slowly nodded her head.

“Wow…! So can I see Dad every day? That’s exciting!”

“Right. It’s great, isn’t it? Mom likes it, too.”

Rosalind saw Leo happy, and she smiled as well. However, on the other hand, she also felt a little numb. He liked his father so much, and if she had known this, she would have gotten together sooner.

Leo, who had been blinking his sleepy eyes until just now, kept chattering in a good mood.

“Leo, sleep now, shall we have fun again later?”

“Read me a storybook.”

“What would be good?”

She began to pick a fairy tale that Leo would like in her mind. The child mostly liked stories with the protagonist as a hero or dragon on an adventure.

“The one with the dragon!”

Rosalind, who knew at once what Leo was saying, nodded her head. She pulled out one of the books and began to look inside. She thought it was somewhere here…

“Why are you reading that?”

Then, Kyle suddenly interrupted and took the book from her hand. She had told this story before, in front of him and Leo. He didn’t seem to like the ending where the Princess eventually stabbed the dragon and ran away.

“Leo wants to hear it.”

“I don’t want to hear it.”

Rosalind smiled bitterly because it was quite a childish grudge.

“Just listen.”

“…What’s the fun of being left alone in regret for the rest of your life?”

Shaking his head dissatisfied, he was forced to hand over the book to Rosalind. She took the book and began to read what was inside.

“The princess with the lamp was worried as she looked at the dragon. She could either stab the dragon or leave the dragon… The dagger gleamed as if calling for blood, and the princess stood still in front of it for a very long time. And, finally, she made up her mind.”


“The princess was so soft-hearted she could not hurt the dragon. Instead, she carefully shoved the sleeping herb into the dragon’s mouth.”

Quite different from what he had heard before, Kyle glanced at her. Rosalind’s voice as she told the story was calm, and Leo was rubbing his eyes, concentrating on her voice.

“She started to leave the tower, leaving behind the dragon that slept deeply. No matter how effective the herb was, it didn’t last long because it was used on dragons. She knew the dragon was going to wake up soon, so she decided to run away. The princess ran quickly and arrived near the tower, where the prince was waiting. And, the moment she saw the prince waiting for her…”


“She decided to go back to the dragon again.”


“The prince brought many servants and gold and silver treasures for the princess.”

Leo tilted his head at the utterly unexpected development. At this point, Kyle also stared at Rosalind with curiosity.

“Why…? Aren’t gold and silver good treasures? Does the princess hate jewelry?”

“No. Of course, she likes it. But… The prince, in the princess’ eyes, must have so much. He would have so much that he doesn’t need her to be around…”

Leo stuck out his mouth as though he didn’t understand. As if interested in the strange story, the child began to blink slowly again.


Yawning Leo listened to Rosalind’s voice and closed his eyes. The child closed his eyes, and the interval between the openings was getting longer.

“Though the dragon had been trapped in that tower for a long time, doing nothing. The princess needed someone who needed her because she was also a princess who grew up lonely in the castle.”

A calm voice echoed through the room.

“…So, what happened to the two of them?”

“When she got back, the dragon was already awake. The dragon was wandering around in search of the princess. She said she had been out for a little walk, and she was sorry before lightly kissing the corner of the dragon’s eyes that were teary. After that, as if nothing had happened, she went to bed and fell asleep.”

When the story ended, Rosalind had a faint smile on her face. Kyle couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Why did you make up your own story back then?”

“There is no answer to the story? It’s a storyteller’s heart.”

“Either way, the ending is strange.”

She smiled bitterly.

Although it was strange, she didn’t think it was terrible either. It was a completely different expression from when he had heard the ending that the dragon had regretted being left alone.

“If there is one thing I like the most about the story… Like the princess kissing the dragon?”

As he said that, he tapped his cheek with his finger.

“Why don’t you kiss me.”

Rosalind rolled her eyes playfully and glanced across the sleeping Leo.

“Leo is sleeping.”

“Is kissing bad?”

Were you thinking of something different?

Kyle deliberately lowered his voice and grabbed Rosalind by the waist. Her slender waist slipped into his arms, and the tips of her ears were stained red.

“Are you going to give me a kiss?”

As she checked Leo one more time, she then kissed him on the cheek. Rosalind, who smiled shyly, was cute and pretty, so Kyle stared at her for a moment and then whispered in her ear.

“…Now that we’ve finished kissing, shall we go do something more lewd?”


Thank you so much for always supporting the novels I work on, even if you don’t buy me a coffee, I really do appreciate it a lot.

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