聽到特別課的名頭,一眾學生們都興奮起來。8964 copyright protection181PENANA4m3MUhSVKP 維尼

It was an exciting piece of news for all the students; even Chui Yim, as one of the seven disciples of Cloud Palace would be here to personally conduct the special lesson. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAALYFPIZXcd 維尼

對此特別課,徐焰也是得知到底是怎麼一回事。8964 copyright protection181PENANA7zzLG9UybO 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANArfXa94XvZZ 維尼

特別課,是雲府七徒中,任意一人到來講課。8964 copyright protection181PENANA0LYF4dRwqM 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANALqtoHCUYzi 維尼

沒有人知道他們採取的是甚麼方式來決定講課的人選,也沒有人知道他們講的是甚麼課。縱是如此,也足夠令他們興奮。雲府向來隱世,哪怕出現在世人眼前,往往都只是曇花一現,更像最華麗絢目的煙火。8964 copyright protection181PENANAP1PA9y8b4z 維尼

Nobody knew who would be their teacher for the day, nor were they aware of the selection method or the lesson content. However, it was enough to excite them. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAi9o6cyghxK 維尼

8964 copyright protection181PENANAty0ZTpqozI 維尼

The Cloud Palace could be described as a queen of the night, a type of flower which rarely and only bloomed at night and wilt upon dawn. After leaving a great impact on the world, this big tree always disappeared. This was how prestigious and impactful the Cloud Palace had become over the past thousands of years. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAsL635pb0Ll 維尼

狠狠的令人內心震撼過後,卻在瞬間消散於人前,看不見、摸不着。8964 copyright protection181PENANAfrva7qrFYO 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAbbs1jf28ex 維尼

但正所謂人的名,樹的影。8964 copyright protection181PENANA6zCTDW9iMP 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAWcbnbyyyh3 維尼

雲府在這千年間,名頭太大。8964 copyright protection181PENANAcJABQR4fCs 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAVbb6OEhSx8 維尼

能夠得到雲府七徒的講課,對於身前的這些正值青春時代、銳氣極盛的少年而言,是不可多得的良機。8964 copyright protection181PENANAIm4rPHPnjS 維尼

How great would it be for these teenagers in the prime of their youths to receive a lesson from one of their seven disciples?  8964 copyright protection181PENANAV3d0YUjZ5y 維尼

8964 copyright protection181PENANACRIIOdvJhY 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANA965JPNGGyk 維尼

當中,也是有着少數人對此沒有太大的興趣。8964 copyright protection181PENANABxiBM7dExU 維尼

However, not everyone was interested in the special lesson. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAbeZEFHANXo 維尼

徐焰也是其中之一。8964 copyright protection181PENANABzq1gtwOKK 維尼

For example, Chui Yim.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAGjMx8YRpVh 維尼

縱使認為不可能,但在他腦海中,卻不斷的一次又一次浮現出前世的畫面。8964 copyright protection181PENANAQeU3kOjLKO 維尼

No matter how impossible it seemed, the scene from his previous life kept haunting him.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAMiTgypGgHW 維尼

在上一世,有着一名神秘至極的雕像師,人稱「金匠」。8964 copyright protection181PENANA7PAYhzUa9L 維尼

Back in the Sallow Continent, there was an amazing and mysterious sculptor known as Craftsman Kam. He kept his identity a mystery while producing great works that shocked the world. He only knew that Craftsman Kam passed away after meeting his sworn younger sister, a girl who didn’t speak much and was even planning to kill Flame secretly. 8964 copyright protection181PENANA6wJuP2TeVF 維尼

他神出鬼沒,但往往作品現世,都是震驚天下的巨作。直至後來,自己遇上了金匠的結拜妹妹,那是一個不愛說話,甚至想要暗殺自己的小女孩,才得知金匠的身死。8964 copyright protection181PENANArZzdygfZ7N 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAVvAubvbtAZ 維尼

而那個小女孩面上總是帶着一具木雕而成的鬼怪面具。8964 copyright protection181PENANA8oLnPw7RlD 維尼

The girl always wore a wooden monster mask, which she said was “a symbol of a guardian” back in her brother’s hometown. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAj7EuzGjuWQ 維尼

「這面具,據說在哥哥的故鄉中,代表着守護。」8964 copyright protection181PENANAruzgLNgbVT 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAwraqV2jUis 維尼

徐焰腦海中,不斷浮現着這句話,及那面具的外貌。8964 copyright protection181PENANAqSmncWYCVr 維尼

The words kept replaying in Chui Yim’s mind. Sculpting was a form of three-dimensional visual art that Chui Yim wasn’t familiar with. However, being a blacksmith, he knew some sculpting techniques to carve gliph formations and shape the weapons he was making. The mask imprinted in his mind had similarities to the Preying Ferocious Tiger that Kam Chin Kee made.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAZsQMIxuoNS 維尼

雕刻是一門特殊的學問,徐焰雖然不擅此道,但在鍛造兵器時,他也是需要刻劃紋陣以及打造外形。所以對於雕刻之術,他也是有所涉獵。而在他腦海中,那面具的外形,與金千機打造的【猛虎撲食】,在一些細微位置中,有着相似之處。8964 copyright protection181PENANAZK2qigSAvb 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANA3lt2ETMvCq 維尼

是偶然嗎?8964 copyright protection181PENANAvtZas8gYh7 維尼

Was this a coincidence? Even the nickname?  8964 copyright protection181PENANANLJkP1vgBC 維尼

但若這個是偶然,難道連代號都是偶然嗎?8964 copyright protection181PENANA0KYwLoMhAu 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAoRD2cKyHi8 維尼

金匠……8964 copyright protection181PENANAJ1RFLpZOxc 維尼

Craftsman Kam… 8964 copyright protection181PENANAHxjcIihxuX 維尼

「喂,在發甚麼呆?」8964 copyright protection181PENANAieQB8CNXCS 維尼

“Hey, why are you stoning? The lesson has already ended.” Kam Chin Kee nudged Chui Yim.   8964 copyright protection181PENANAaciEBj12lD 維尼

金千機推了推徐焰:「下課了。」8964 copyright protection181PENANA3btoiG2pj2 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANASRNxvdGuUW 維尼

「哦……」徐焰站了起來,便準備回去,卻發現金千機笑瞇瞇的跟着自己:「喂,你跟着我幹嘛?」金千機嘿嘿一笑:「租你的地方住。你質疑我沒有足夠的銀兩,現在我都施展給你看了。現在我的玉佩中可是有着幾百萬的銀票喔。」8964 copyright protection181PENANAWIorWDsfAF 維尼

“Oh…” Chui Yim stood up, ready to leave, before realising that Kam Chin Kee was following behind him with a smile. “Why are you following me?” 8964 copyright protection181PENANAMWp0OurpCo 維尼

8964 copyright protection181PENANAVKPDDokZMN 維尼

“To rent a place at your residence.” Kam Chin Kee giggled. “You questioned my financial status, and I’ve proven it to you. Look, I am worth millions of taels!” 8964 copyright protection181PENANAcfbNFvWkjv 維尼

徐焰的額角跳動了幾下:「那又如何!有錢了不起啊?」8964 copyright protection181PENANAj02I05G00N 維尼

Chui Yim’s eyebrows twitched. “So what? What’s so great about being rich?”  8964 copyright protection181PENANAag126e6sKD 維尼

金千機仍然笑瞇瞇,不為所動:「確實是挺了不起。」8964 copyright protection181PENANAOMouEfguXB 維尼

“It’s indeed a great thing, though?’ Kam Chin Kee answered as his smile grew wider.  8964 copyright protection181PENANACZdzaTJ4mE 維尼

二人逕自離開了雲府外門,向着湖畔小屋走去。8964 copyright protection181PENANAZs5jrc6MMl 維尼

With that, the duo left the Cloud Palace outer sect and left for Chui Yim’s residence.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAgRV75Gwfkg 維尼

在身後,藍吒與任隨影望着那兩道背影。藍吒眉頭輕皺,而任隨影則是冷聲問道:「殿下,是否讓徐焰知道,誰才是太子?」藍吒想起了那天金千機跟他說的話……8964 copyright protection181PENANAx4veHXxEoM 維尼

Lam Zaa and Yam Chui Ying watched the duo leave, Lam Zaa frowning. “Your Highness, do we need to remind Chui Yim who’s the crown prince here?” Yam Cho Ying’s cold voice rang out, making Lam Zaa remember what Kam Chin Kee had told him. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAsXi67zEqyX 維尼

「他這樣的人,不會受任何人指揮、命令。就像我一樣。」8964 copyright protection181PENANA1M7IofLNf4 維尼

“Me and Chui Yim, we are the same. You should be the one to stay away from him; he will refuse to be anyone’s puppet, just like me.” 8964 copyright protection181PENANAzciU4F8Izw 維尼

良久,藍吒才緩緩搖頭:「先隨他吧,年輕一輩誰沒有點傲氣?又有誰會甘心屈於人下?」8964 copyright protection181PENANApNgxUHUlnW 維尼

“Let him be. Everyone’s arrogant when young; who would be willing to live under others as a teenager?” Lam Zaa shook his head after a long pause, “Maybe only after failing to get into the Cloud Palace and experiencing the cruel world would he see who’s the one that will have his back.” 8964 copyright protection181PENANAWeJl9ROWkG 維尼

「或許待他雲府落榜,見識到世界殘酷過後,才知道誰是真正的靠山。」8964 copyright protection181PENANAzUeD2cC9Ne 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANApwW31SXRnU 維尼

藍吒轉身離去。8964 copyright protection181PENANAzBnNSQ2Cso 維尼

Lam Zaa left.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAIt89cTwk8d 維尼

他在意徐焰,一來是賞識其能力與才能,二來也是因為徐焰是他第一名派發太子令的人。但也僅此而已,他還不值得藍吒花太多心機。畢竟藍吒可是當今太子,想要投入旗下的人無數。而最重要的,還是雲府的事。8964 copyright protection181PENANAwqf86FxEGO 維尼

He cared about Chui Yim because he admired his talent and capability, as well as him being the first person to receive the crown prince’s badge from him. But that was all. Chui Yim was still not worth Lam Zaa’s total focus; he was the current crown prince that many would like to work for, after all. And what mattered most was the Cloud Palace.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAEj4k5G7tKd 維尼

成為雲府七徒,才是真正的大事。8964 copyright protection181PENANAXSKhzKHees 維尼

To become the seventh disciple of the Cloud Palace.  8964 copyright protection181PENANALAjcSFT5oB 維尼

8964 copyright protection181PENANAzkavnBoFeK 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAINUdeI7wFa 維尼

金千機任憑徐焰一直趕他走,他還是笑瞇瞇的毫不在意,尾隨着徐焰來到了湖畔小屋。8964 copyright protection181PENANAYCbQT6h9TO 維尼

Kam Chin Kee followed Chui Yim back to his residence with a happy expression, no matter how many times Chui Yim tried to chase him away. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAPojGwJ1xk2 維尼

8964 copyright protection181PENANAW59utSy7tG 維尼

“Oh, Siu Yim came home with a friend?” Seeing Kam Chin Kee trailing behind Chui Yim, Yeung Chun greeted him with a smile. “Hello, I’m Yeung Chun, the housekeeper here!” 8964 copyright protection181PENANALt8E9XtqbN 維尼

8964 copyright protection181PENANA5U0pRZ93bM 維尼

楊春在裏面,看着徐焰帶着金千機回來,一邊笑着道:「噢,小焰帶了朋友回來啊?」楊春看着金千機笑道:「你好,我叫楊春,在這裏當管家。」8964 copyright protection181PENANA4UNAe32ybR 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANA3wXNkpXkJk 維尼

金千機眼眉一挑,看向徐焰:「你這小子還有找管家,有本事啊。」8964 copyright protection181PENANAV4ePhtq84E 維尼

“Wow, you’re something else, huh? You even hired a housekeeper!” Kam Chin Kee turned to Chui Yim and raised an eyebrow; Chui Yim rolled his eyes in response.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAupSHBhhkJq 維尼

徐焰白了他一眼,沒好氣的道:「關你甚麼事!」8964 copyright protection181PENANAMsMbH6SK01 維尼

“What does it have to do with you?”  8964 copyright protection181PENANASo2qyu3Foj 維尼

徐焰逕自的走進工作室。8964 copyright protection181PENANA0hmKy90AbC 維尼

With that, he entered his workshop.  Yeung Chun flashed Kam Chin Kee a smile before returning to his work.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAUeRW4wAoMH 維尼

楊春也向金千機投了個笑容,便離開繼續幹活。8964 copyright protection181PENANAoquKHlqQ9U 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAylQzX1553A 維尼

金千機跟着走到工作室裏,只見徐焰已經走到丹爐前煉着丹。未幾,噗的一聲,一團黑煙自丹爐中噴出。徐焰面色難看,又看到金千機在一旁看得嘖嘖稱奇,心情更差,也沒有了那心機去繼續煉丹了。8964 copyright protection181PENANAveJm4y9sg0 維尼

Kam Chin Kee entered the workshop to see Chui Yim standing in front of his cauldron refining elixirs. In no time, a black gas appeared in the cauldron with a pop. He turned as black as charcoal, but seeing Kam Chin Kee clicking his tongue at the side, his annoyance increase.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAWTX94D8Jlx 維尼

他悶聲不響的走到窗旁,手掌一拍腰間便出現了個酒壺,自斟自酌起來。8964 copyright protection181PENANAAQD1ZBj4MR 維尼

Losing his mood, Chui Yim walked towards the window and patted the jade at his waist for a jug of wine which he proceed to down it. 8964 copyright protection181PENANATwFCJNYj0D 維尼

金千機也走了過來,鼻子嗅了嗅,然後搖頭道:「我這壺更不錯。」8964 copyright protection181PENANArqAf3OEAJ6 維尼

Kam Chin Kee walked towards him and took a sniff. “My wine is better.”  8964 copyright protection181PENANAwKGtwjx6J1 維尼

說着,他便從腰間玉佩拿出一壺酒出來。8964 copyright protection181PENANAiFHI4WlzP4 維尼

With that, he took a jug out of his jade. The jug was shiny gold in colour as if it was coated with gold. The contents was similarly gold in color, and looked more like a heavenly liquid than a wine. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAt20PcI63zK 維尼

酒壺通體燦金,看起來由黃金所鑄。而他倒在杯子的酒液,同樣看起來金黃色,根本不像酒,而是某種仙漿。8964 copyright protection181PENANA4QXacQgld0 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAXkTUQHmCAR 維尼

徐焰也不客氣,拿起杯子倒頭就喝。8964 copyright protection181PENANAJVfek5t2gp 維尼

Putting all courtesy aside, Chui Yim downed the cup. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAxvawTIlf5N 維尼

他的眼睛馬上便亮起來:「這是甚麼酒?」8964 copyright protection181PENANABeUO5s8Dff 維尼

“What wine is this?” His eyes lit up immediately. As soon as he drank it, he felt a cooling sensation, the wine rushing into his wind chamber as if it could think. As his wind chamber was already filled and he had reached the bottleneck of the Nine Levels Of Heaven’s Flame, the wine was swallowed by the heaven’s flame after some time. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAvoV3Nx67w5 維尼

在酒液入體的瞬間,化成一陣清涼,滲透至五臟六腑。而且,徐焰還清晰的感覺到,酒液化成的清涼像是有生命般,湧向自己的氣宮。只是自己氣宮已滿,踏入九重天火功的瓶頸。在幾次曲折之後,才被胸口的天火一口吞沒消失不見。8964 copyright protection181PENANAhSyrzxlSJq 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAlO1aT2G1XL 維尼

金千機仍然一副笑瞇瞇,人畜無害的樣子,但那眼神卻是令徐焰看得很生氣,彷彿吃定了他般:「金仙玉露。以【黃金花】為主,配搭上數十種藥材及紋植釀製,再過十年而成。除了味道清香之外,更有提升紋力之效。」8964 copyright protection181PENANATvY9FWSSDt 維尼

Kam Chin Kee wore an innocent smile which Chui Yim hated; it made Chui Yim felt like Kam Chin Kee had control over him. “Golden jade fairy dew. Made with gold blossom as the main ingredient, paired with about twenty herbs and gliphic plants and stored for ten years. Besides its refreshing taste, it helps improve one’s energliph. 8964 copyright protection181PENANARGqjqg0gvM 維尼

「沒辦法,有時候銀兩太多。囤積在身上感覺不舒服,就是要花掉才會感覺良好。」8964 copyright protection181PENANAaq2lauxKEm 維尼

“Haish, when you have too much money, you’ll feel burdened to keep it on you. Spending it makes you feel better. Look, after I move here, I’ll buy you lots of good food.”  8964 copyright protection181PENANAhg2QCpZrhe 維尼

「若是我搬來住後,日後這些好吃好喝的,多多也有。」8964 copyright protection181PENANAXmkOr5YY0G 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANACgLDcVea3X 維尼

徐焰面上掙扎良久,才哼了一聲:「才不稀罕!」8964 copyright protection181PENANAtCtYsEYr8K 維尼

After a long consideration, Chui Yim huffed. “So what!”  8964 copyright protection181PENANA8nOunu11Dn 維尼

「喔……」金千機也不以為然,意味深長的叫了一聲:「那好吧,今天我還訂了來自河洛特產【銀龍魚】,那只好自己品嚐了。」金千機站了起來,不經意的留下那瓶【金仙玉露】,才施施然的走着。一邊走,還長籲短歎:「有錢真痛苦……」8964 copyright protection181PENANAZJAQtPZK5o 維尼

 “Oh…” Kam Chin Kee shrugged and continued meaningfully. “Alright, then I’ll have the silver arowana, a Holok speciality I ordered today for myself.” Kam Chin Kee stood up and casually left the wine behind, sighing as he walked off. “Haish, it’s a burden to be rich…” 8964 copyright protection181PENANAPEvsbGCO3T 維尼

徐焰徹底的受刺激的紅了眼,拿起那瓶金仙玉露吼着:「有錢了不起啊!」8964 copyright protection181PENANAc3OwAweWJv 維尼

“Do you think you’re everything because you’re rich?” Chui Yim yelled angrily. He took the jug of golden jade fairy wine, ready to smash it on the ground. Only stopping in his tracks as he was reminded of something. He poured the wine into his mouth angrily.  8964 copyright protection181PENANAaHa6xQwPTR 維尼

但真要摔在地上的瞬間,彷彿想起了甚麼,才心不甘情不願的放下,一邊又倒在嘴裏。只是他的雙眼都發紅了!8964 copyright protection181PENANAu95jtn6QcD 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANADcZ3Ar3dW0 維尼

他徐焰……8964 copyright protection181PENANAWJoNTZYnNP 維尼

I am Chui Yim…I was the Great Master Flame of Sallow Continent, who earned millions with every weapon. When have I ever felt so poor?! 8964 copyright protection181PENANADkItlpy4BC 維尼

他火焰大師,前世叱吒蒼黃大陸,單是賣一件兵器便是鉅款!8964 copyright protection181PENANAEwMyEQVwEf 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANA69RuDXJdYf 維尼

甚麼時候被人以銀兩來刺激過!?8964 copyright protection181PENANAmTPLi0GX24 維尼

 8964 copyright protection181PENANAq7bvT1KWDI 維尼

想到這裏,他便風風火火的從湖畔小屋沖出,跑向左家。8964 copyright protection181PENANAWFGx2izE2S 維尼

The thought made him dash out of his residence angrily towards the Chor Clan. 8964 copyright protection181PENANAWFHx1CWH9r 維尼

8964 copyright protection181PENANAwZ0DwM1mq0 維尼

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