Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 2: God chain

Pooh's strange state made Marvin very worried. ┅`-`-1``-`---```--

But he knows that now is definitely not the time to stay.

Judging from the arc energy that just exploded, the other party is absolutely not holding hands.

I don't know when it started. In Marvin's perception, Pooh's body has a strange soul mark.

This imprint was not seen when he was in the White River Valley.

However, according to Isabel's description, Pooh has been normal in the White River Valley until it reached the area of ​​the Tongtian Tower.

During this journey, she did not see who was going to Pooh.

Then the only possibility is that this person is not Winnie at all!

"Is it being stolen by someone? Is it impossible?"

"Still, a sorcerer like possession?"

In Marvin's thinking, the possibility of the latter is relatively large.

After all, there are too many strong people arriving at the Tongtian Tower this time, and the evil spirits in the lower world will definitely be very much.

How could Titomas's minions miss such a good opportunity?

The rest of the evil spirits lord is also expected to send a capable cadre to try to capture the opportunity of the powerful consciousness that can be brewed into the sea of ​​evil spirits.

Among the evil spirits, there are many possession sorcerers that can temporarily control one's soul.

The only thing that puzzled Marvin was that since Pooh inherited the inheritance of the wizarding god, his will and wisdom are very powerful. How could it be possessed without Isabel's ignorance?

Even if it is really possessed, why is the soul so familiar with Pooh's body, so skilled in using magic, and self-proclaimed **** of magic?


Between the electric and the flint, Ma Wen did not have time to think too much.

The only thing he can do now is to win Pooh first.

He believes that no matter what the reason, with the help of the wisdom of the volume, he can help Winnie out of the woods.

Under the agility of God, Marvin made the first advance.

He even tore the space until he was in front of Pooh!

Ma Wen's face is abrupt.

Got to this place. He can't even get in again!

A powerful force field blocked his way forward.

Even he can feel that the force field is pulling his body, just like a huge whirlpool, constantly tearing Marvin's skin!

"Bielig's rotating force field. It's still a very useful spell."

Pooh showed a cold smile.

Four cones of arcane energy are inserted from the angle of the four boring drills.

This ability to stick to the force is strong, and if Marvin forcibly gets rid of it, he will lose the opportunity.

Standing in front of him is his brother!

He can't move the knife!

Marvin was caught in a dilemma.

But in the blink of an eye, he can only make a concession.

This is after he came to this world. For the first time, I made a concession in the true sense.


Marvin's figure disappeared in place, four cones of arcanes collided together, and the void was melted into a large piece.

However, at this time, through the emptiness of the melting, Marvin suddenly saw a face!

That is the face of a woman.

Full of sneer of evil and evil.

Marvin was shocked.


He had no time to think, and the void disappeared.

That face disappeared instantly.

Ma Wen took a breath.

How can this be?

Ming Feng Ming Ming is dead!

How could she be attached to Pooh?

This is completely out of Marvin's cognition!

"No matter what, let him take it first."


Marvin bit his teeth.

If it is really a phoenix, then she must not be allowed to stay in Pooh's body for a long time.

Things are too sudden, and Marvin can't make better decisions.

He can only pull the knife.

Even if he hurts Pooh, he must also drive out the phoenix!

A faint cold light flashed through the entire jungle.

Sodom's blade whispers low. The air is suddenly filled with anxious factors.

Marvin could feel that the moment the Sodom's blade appeared, the mysterious mark in the body of Vigny trembled!

She knows this weapon!

She is scared!


On the other side of the woodland, Pooh calmly began to retreat.

"I wanted to personally clean up you."

"But if someone is willing to do it, I will leave for a while."

"After all, I haven’t worked with people for a long time, and many spells have forgotten."

His voice began to distort.

From a young male voice, it became a little demon.

This time, Ma Wen can almost certainly determine that the mysterious imprint in the body of Vini, ninety-nine and the phoenix have a relationship!

Otherwise how could he inexplicably mention the **** of magic?

"I still want to go?"

Ma Wen's face is ugly.

His heart is full of anger. Nowhere to vent.

Wisdom talent began to deduct itself, how to solve this problem.

The fate of the slate is just around the corner, just the legendary Pooh actually encountered this kind of trouble, which makes Marvin not a headache?

Who knows at this time. He suddenly felt the air became extremely sticky!

It’s like a person, suddenly into a honey jar.

"Why can't you go?"

Vigny smiled lightly, and the whole person suddenly floated up. Under the angry eyes of Marvin, he directly turned into a blue ray and fled the place.

"They are all coming to you."


In the jungle, 66 people continue to come out.

They wore robes of different colors. Some people are quietly meditating, some are smiling and praying.

Powerful divine power surges across the jungle, almost blocking the entire space.

This is why Marvin can't move!

[Tenjin Chain]!

Over 50 therapists join hands to move the strong magic!

It was used in Marvin's body.

"In order to deal with me, you are really hard at heart."

Now, Ma Wen has calmed down.

He looked coldly at the three men who came out of the jungle.

One of the golden-headed men looked the most dazzling. He held the book and walked in front of him. There were a total of twenty theologians behind him!

“The facts tell us that these measures are necessary.”

"Di Gao Geng, Ming Feng, Ambella, Martyr... Mr. Ma Wen, have to say that you have created too many surprises for this Big 6, but for Heaven Kingdom, we do not need such surprises. ”

"You are not dead today, I can't explain it."

The golden man said confidently: "By the way, the gentleman Winston, the **** of my dreams."

The other two men’s collars also stood up: "My Lord Dark Dragon God."

"My main spider queen!"

The three gods of the gods and the people joined hands an action against Marvin, finally before the birth of the fate slate, kicked off.

Focusing on the three voters, over 60 the divine masters bowed their heads and blessed the power of them, and solidified the space, forming a chain of gods!

From this moment on, the entire jungle has entered a closed state, they do not kill Ma Wen, this space can not be unlocked.

Marvin has no way to escape from here.

The only way is...

"No more nonsense."

"under the weather."

"So I decided - kill you!"

The blade of Sodoma screamed, and Ma Wen’s figure was like a ghost, and he took the lead to attack!

... (to be continued.)

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