Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 38: Counterattack storm

I am afraid that everyone present is not expecting that the situation will go to this point!

The Fernan camp, which seemed to be impregnable, turned out to be civil strife.

When Marvin was weakest, it was not someone else, but Eve stood up and pointed the holy sword to Marvin.

She said that he is a dying person.

Although Fernan's other strong players can't understand what it means, the Valkyrie and the Apocalypse warriors are fighting, but they can't be wrong.

Many of the gods of the Heavenly Kingdom are suddenly bright!

They have seen hope again.

The morning light **** is too strong. If Eve does not use the three holy swords to press him, he is probably the most powerful contender for the fate slate.

On the top floor of the Tongtian Tower, everyone looked at him alone against the Ibrahimovic and the Sea Elf Queen holding the Elf Nine Swords.

Looking at his leisurely look, I am afraid I have not done my best!

In other words, he only helped Eve to do one thing, and there is no need to fight hard.

Seeing here, the fire of hope in the hearts of the heavens is even more heated.

The morning light **** did not contribute, certainly to wait for an opportunity to act.

At the moment, Marvin has been abolished, and Professor Chi Tonglong is afraid that it will be difficult to support!

The battle between Jessica and Eve over there, although only just started, has already entered a fever!

The seven-colored apocalypse is transformed into the most real power and the sword of the Valkyrie.

Jessica himself is more crazy and entangled with Eve.

The strength of both sides has reached a very terrible level.

Eve wants to go further and be close to Marvin.

But Jessica does not allow it.

Their fight is very rude and simple, almost a melee!

But the people watching the battle were watching, but it was a chill!

Because whether it is the holy sword of the Valkyrie, or Jessica’s fist, I changed them to pick up, I am afraid that one can not get it!

This is the real person who is tired of the sky.

The only pity is that although Jessica has done his best, he still can't beat Eve.

In this case, the people who were eager to move finally took action.

Faced with only one guardian Marvin. They look at each other and have a tacit understanding!

Almost a moment, the professor faced more than forty legendary masters!

Endless magic falls from the sky, and the blade and sword shadow are hidden between the gaps. A surprise attack came.

The goal of these people is very clear, that is to kill Ma Wen!

The red copper dragon raised his wings angrily. Around his huge body, a red storm suddenly burst!

The storm swirled around him, and most of the magic and offensive moves were bounced back!

The lobby on the top floor of the Tongtian Tower. a mess.

From time to time there is a scream, it is someone who has been countered by his own spell!


A very powerful trick in dragon grammar.

But the consumption of physical strength and magic is also very terrifying.

The reddish brown storm lasted for a minute and finally stopped.

The professor who just spit out a lava breath seems to be a small circle.

His eyes became more godless.

What is even more chilling is that there is a scar on his wing root!

After all, the counterattack storm will not rebound all the damage, otherwise it will be too bad.

He gasped his head and protected the **** eggs under his stomach.

The huge dragon eye stared at everyone, like a thunderous roar:

"You want to kill Marvin today."

"I may not be able to kill you all, but whoever dares to go forward. I will never be merciful!"

The red bronze dragon is moving with real anger.

The character of the professor has always been very gentle. He likes humans very much and likes to communicate with them.

Among these human beings, he always believed that Marvin was trustworthy.

From the initial initiative to seek the cultivation of the mirror world, or the subsequent trip to the Five-Color Dragon Temple, this is proved.

This boy has a heroic heart.

This is beyond doubt.

The fate slate is in the hands of Marvin, and the professor is very reassured.

The plan of today is going very smoothly.

With outstanding personal strength, Marvin successfully won the slate of fate.

With the Fernan camp lineup so strong, it is not difficult to form an alliance.

In response to the invasion of the gods in the future, or other major changes. They are all very good rhythms.

However, Eve’s rebelliousness suddenly ruined all of this.

The professor is closely related to Eve and knows that she is not the kind of greedy person.

As the successor of the Valkyrie Will, Eve’s will is very firm. She is also a hero who guards Feinan.

The only thing that can make her change her mind is that she will only have the will of the Valkyrie.

Thinking of this, there is also a glimpse of doubt in the angry eyes of the Red Copper Dragon: the Valkyrie has long since left for many years, and the saying about the deceased has actually been circulating in these long-lived creatures, but it has not been fulfilled. Now Eve has determined that Marvin is the hunter, and it must be the will of the Valkyrie. But the Valkyrie is stronger. Can you see it all so many years ago?

You know, Marvin is the chosen person in the **** of Lance.

At this point, the professor was also informed after the exchange with the water element world monarch. After the butterfly was awakened, his strength was further advanced, and because of this, he was exposed to the world's biggest secret.

Fernan's will and Lance's game.

Does Lance really want to destroy this world?

And Ma Wen, is his chosen performer?

Only this kind of statement can tell the current behavior of Eve.

However, time has not allowed the Red Copper Dragon to think more.

The counterattack storm did not give him much time.

In the case of Marvin's weakness, the enemy decided to seize the opportunity.

They are once again embracing.

Their magic is not strong enough, but it is very dense.

At this time, the professor regretted letting Conn meet outside.

Otherwise, with the strength of the master of the knife, I am afraid that it will be enough to kill these servants into scum!

It’s just normal that the old friend is not willing to enter the holy place of the wizard.

After all, there is still that heart.

When I think of it, the professor’s eyes are more and more determined.

Regardless of whether Marvin is a dying person or not, the slate of fate cannot fall into the hands of these people.

Whether it is Fernan's other legendary powerhouses, it is also a representative of the gods of the heavenly kingdom, or other forces of the multiverse.

The slate of destiny falls in their hands and only creates a new round of hurricane.

The slate winner is very likely to become a new **** above all.

At that time, the fate of all people is really doomed.

The era of the gods will come irresistibly.

The professor didn't like this situation, so he decided to use taboo spells to stop it.

However, at this time, he suddenly swayed under his stomach.

He subconsciously used his wings to fan out the scattered magic.

Under the horror of the siege, the **** magic egg suddenly began to change.

First, the limbs, then the head, and finally a complete human form.

Ma Wen looked up, his hands pressed against his waist, and the blade of Sodom was murderous.

His mouth was slightly pulled:

"Do you want to kill me?" (~^~)

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