Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 60: The strength of the plane guard (middle)

Before arriving at the collapsed land, Marvin did not think that the three gods who followed the two main gods to come here were actually gods who had hatred and hatred themselves.

Obviously, they are coming for revenge this time.

As a **** deity, they have reason to have this confidence.

Here is the earth element plane, although the earth element rule limits the function of some magic, but it still does not impose too many restrictions on their strength.

The vengeance of the servants and voters who died in the hands of Marvin can finally be reported.

What's more, there is a fate slate.

So when the two main gods selected the people, they used all means to enter the team, and eventually they also got what they wanted and Marvin met outside the broken land.

God of dreams!

Since the rejection of the olive branch by Ambera to Marvin, she has been hostile to Marvin! Especially after his first servant who was proud of his death, this layer of hatred was deeper. Among the three gods, the **** of dreams is the most terrifying!

He has a powerful power, even in the Kingdom of Heaven, is also the top of the group, second only to the **** of great power.

The remaining two gods with medium power are no strangers to Marvin.

Dark Dragon God, Spider Queen.

The former and Ma Wen have almost formed an endless **** revenge!

First, the Dark Dragon God led the army in the south of Fernan to attack the rocky mountain. The incident was defeated by Ma Wendong; then the only remaining black dragon in Fernan was actually slaughtered by Ma Wen. You must know that the Dark Dragon God itself is a black dragon with excellent luck in the Third Age. He does not believe in the Dragon God Lohat, or the evil dragon Tidomus, but he is self-reliant. Over the years, he has been working hard to gather the power of Fernan Black Dragon. But before he could screw this force into a rope, he was shot by Marvin and took a big hole.

In the Battle of the Bottom River, he even sent a precious martyr. Marvin is also to be killed. Who knows but instead is attracted by Marvin to ruin the crypt, destroying his Black Dragon Plain!

From then on, the Dark Dragon God was so badly hurt that he almost did not fall to a weak power!

He is among the three people present. And Ma Wen has the deepest complaints.

As for the last spider queen, Marvin rarely dealt with her in the past. She only knew that the **** was very insidious. It was she and her twin goddess who planned a plot against the three sisters of the Rock Hill. The performance of Ma Wen in Yongchun Spring has undoubtedly damaged the interests of the Spider Queen.

Now the three gods are coming together. Even if the two main gods are entangled in the eternal time dragon, they are confident to win Marvin!

A mortal, what is a virtual god, the **** of truth and the lord of the moon God said so - in their view, as long as there is no god, Marvin can not be their opponent!

Obviously, although the battle of the universe magic pool has just passed, they have forgotten the pain.

They forgot, how powerful is the guardian of the plane from Fernan!

They did not realize it either. Ma Wen dares to appear alone in front of them, which means a lot of things.

They even have some sneak peeks!

The two main gods are not there, just the fruits of their harvest!

After killing Marvin, they can find a way to directly extract the fourth piece of destiny slate, and then join hands to find the book of Naru, and enjoy the power of the fourth fate slate before being discovered by other gods in the heavenly kingdom.

After all, they attacked the universe of magic pool, and all the hard work was concentrated on Ma Wen.

So they looked at Marvin's eyes and were full of greed.

It’s like three hungry beasts. Looking at a piece of fresh meat.

At that moment, they all lost the majesty as a god. They are revealed in Marvin's perception, only infinite greed and animal nature.

"The Heavenly Kingdom of God... Has it really decayed?"

Ma Wen thought so, but his movements did not relax.

break out!

In an instant. His body directly penetrates the body of the Dark Dragon God!

The Dark Dragon God hasn't reacted yet, and the cold blade of Sodom's blade has already smashed him through!

The other two gods were shocked.

Because of the speed of Marvin... it’s too fast!

This is no longer the scope of Super God's agility - they have also seen the shadow of the prince's full blow when the thunder is so fast, but Marvin shot this time, but they feel a suffocating pressure!

Their gods rule is ineffective against Marvin!

In front of Marvin, they seem to suddenly become a naked mortal.

Under the knife of Sodom's Blade, they are no different from those of God's servants!

The body of the Dark Dragon God quickly began to reorganize. At the same time, the spider queen and the **** of dreams also began to perform magic!

However, the next second, they found out that they could not lock Marvin!

"How is this possible? His position is actually blurred!"

"Why my magic can't lock him!"

The two of them suddenly panicked, which was impossible in the past!

They hurriedly put themselves on one after another of the power shield, and the more dreamy **** of the family took out a gold-colored armor and put it on the body!

Obviously, this gold-colored armor is also an artifact, and it should be able to counteract some of the damage of Sodom's This is also a no-brainer. Although the three gods have several resurrection abilities, But every resurrection is a great drain on the origin of God.

The threat of the Sodom's blade to the gods is too great - whether it is from the reputation or the actual effect, it is the same.

Not to mention that when Marvin took Tiramisu to rob him in the Kingdom of Heaven, he did not patronize the three - even the key care.

Among them, the Dark Dragon God is the most miserable. After losing the second plane, he lacks a stable source of faith, and the origin of God is already stretched.

When Marvin took his knife, he naturally saved his heart!

The words of Tiramisu made him realize how powerful he is now!

Even more than the night master of the past games!

You know, in the history of Fernan, no one has ever succeeded in virtualizing God!

So many elements of the human body extracted from the origin of the gods have created the physical qualities of the Ma Wenxing beast!

He wants to let the heavenly kingdom look at the power from the guardian of Fernan!

"You are not going to kill me?"

"I am sorry, I can't let you go."

"Because this is my home."

Ma Wen turned a knife, lightning, and cut into the body of the Dark Dragon God is reorganizing, and actually turned him into pieces!

A mourning came.

However, it is not the miserable encounter of the Dark Dragon God that makes the other two gods chill, but they suddenly discover that

it's dark!


Fourth more! To be continued.

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