Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 71: Redemption (re-in)

The night rises from the bank of the blood river, and instantly envelopes the entire demon army!

The country of the night, open!

All the demons are instantly forced!

How is this going?

It is reasonable to say that even if they suddenly enter the night, their own night vision ability can easily see the situation around them.

However, at this moment, when the night rose, they lost all their vision!

Even the demons of the legendary fields are trapped in the kingdom of the night!

In the depths of the bottomless abyss, there is a vague rumor of a great demon lord.

However, although the roar sounded through the door of the devil, he himself could not come because of the blood-flowing ritual of the bottomless abyss.

Only he realized it in the first place, who is the person who came!

He is very surprised and very angry!

In his calculations, this level of Fernan strong should be entangled with the heavenly kingdom, has no time to care, how could come to rescue the high jungle.

However, he missed a person who had disappeared for half a month.

At the same time, he did not know that the man who was regarded by the gods as a big heart had already possessed the power of the plane!


"This is... Marvin?"

The shadow thief looked at the night rising in the distance, showing a horrified look: "I heard that the country of the night never falls in his hands."

"Is Marvin back?"

Lorante was also somewhat surprised: "Is he ready to fight against the 100,000 demon army by himself?"

"Is he still helping us delay the time?"

The ordinary druids are in a state of sorrow, but fortunately, several big druids reacted quickly, and promptly issued a command to withdraw!

No one knows what Marvin wants to do!

But they know that the appearance of Marvin is definitely good news.

What's more, he just opened the country of Yongye directly, with their understanding of Marvin. If you are not very sure, he will never be able to shoot so easily!

“Hands!” the old tree man shouted decisively.

"Hmm?" The wrath of the sky is a bit strange.

The next second, a bright glory in the sky!

Star burst!

The old tree man opened his hands. Singing wildly.

The legendary spell star burst into his hands, as if he didn't want money to start madly spilling.

However, the targets of these starburst attacks. It is not the endless night.


Under a comet, directly turn a god's eye into pieces!

There are countless stars falling, and the goal is to take the eyes of the gods who have been watching the battle.

Everyone suddenly wakes up!

The goal of the old tree man is this group of people who are secretly watching!

With the hatred of Marvin and the Kingdom of Heaven, you must not let any **** of the heavenly kingdom see Marvin appear here.

There is no meaning of rebellion, everyone is on hand!

The group of migratory bird parliaments, including the deer and the shadow thief, have long been dissatisfied with the eyes of these gods.

On the surface they did not attack the high jungle, but they were always ready to take possession of their hometown!

Here is the colony of the ancient ancient gods!

These brazen new gods dare not reach out directly. Actually borrowing from the devil's evil spirits, he also brazenly placed his eyes on the **** river.

This is simply the scum of the gods!

Many eyeliners of the Heavenly Kingdom of God did not think that the war that was about to be hit was suddenly surrounded by a group of nights.

All the legends of the High Jungle are dispatched, and the eyeliner or servant of the Heavenly Kingdom is madly removed!

The old tree man’s star bursts without mercy, and the second is the ear of the vast majority of the heavenly kingdom!

In an instant, the **** river was a mess. Under the cover of the Great Druids, the shadow thief smashed like a ghost, and the ghosts of the servants who were beaten were not harvested!

He was originally a assassination player, although the legendary career of the shadow thief is relatively low in the rogue. But these servants or eyeliners have been stunned by the sudden bombardment of the old tree people, and some are at a loss. At this time, it is the best time to officially fish in troubled waters!

The sudden move of the migratory bird council. Let the gods of the entire heavenly kingdom be instantly paralyzed.

They began to swear in their hearts. How did this group of druids suddenly dare to offend their majesty?

Is it the last madness before death?

However, most of the gods are still focusing on their own places of origin and actively developing believers; only a few gods have detected that something is wrong, trying to open the remote sense of the gods, but the supreme jungle is a refuge that ignites the order of fire, and there is nature. The blessings of the power of the ancient gods, they also look very vague.


After the eyes of the gods were exhausted in one breath, the druids stopped their actions.

The door of the devil. There was an angry cry, but the night of the night. It is always silent.

It took another three minutes to get a lazy voice: "How can you call again? Can't come up, isn't it?"

Sure enough, it is the voice of Marvin!

Everyone is shocked.

The next second, the night disappeared.

The look that just emerged to their faces turned into a horror!

The blood river no longer flows backwards, but instead begins to retreat.

On the bank of the Blood River, the 100,000 demon army has become a corpse!

Ma Wen stood alone between the sea of ​​blood and the sword, pointing to the door of the devil, calmly said:

"Fernan, there is always a guardian."

The voice did not fall, he stood up, the blade of Sodoma tore the space, and even directly cut the door of the sturdy devil into two halves!

The Abyss Blood River was completely dry, and the roar of the demon lord from the bottomless abyss was dissipated in the sky of Fernan.

The 100,000 demon corpse was in the high jungle, and the blood was soaring.

Not to mention the ordinary druids, even the big druids, all show a chilly color.

They did not expect that after half a month of disappearing, Ma Wen, who appeared again on the stage of Fernan, would have lost 100,000 demons in such a strong posture!

A war crisis that was enough to destroy the supreme jungle was so easily solved by the horse culture.

How can this be shocking?


When everyone meets, it is naturally a sigh of relief.

Ma Wen cares about the current situation of the Baihe Valley, and the thief will quickly describe it briefly.

Half a month ago, after Marvin and Tiramisu made a big fuss, they quickly lost news.

Time Dragon is said to have been shut down by Grant with an artifact. The specific place is not known to everyone.

Then there is the coming of the gods, and they began to build their own forces in this ruined land.

As for the Baihe Valley, the gods have sent people to test, but the ancient refuge established by Marvin is still very powerful.

A god, even if it can break it, will be badly hurt.

In this era of contending for faith, even within the Kingdom of Heaven, it is also a state of mutual distrust.

They were tentatively attacked several times, and the estimated purpose was to force Marvin to appear.

Unfortunately, the counterattack attitude of Constantine and others is very determined. Coupled with the delay of Ma Wen, the gods did not directly work on the Baihe Valley.

Ma Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the Baihe Valley was still safe.

In the past two months, he is most worried about the wrath of the gods in the Baihe Valley. However, it seems that the gods are more concerned about the development of Feinan's forces on the premise that they cannot find the slate of fate!

It is said that these days, there has even been a small-scale friction between the gods fighting for the site!

It can be seen that the interior of the Kingdom of Heaven is also different.


Ma Wen did not stay in the jungle for too long. He knew that once he appeared in Feinan, I am afraid that it will soon be calculated by the prophecy of the gods.

Now for him, time is life!

He must find the rest of Naru's book as soon as possible!

It is only a pity that he learned from the old tree that the Green Sea Wonderland that leads to the land of the stars has not heard from the news. There seems to be a force that separates the connection between them.

When Ma Wen left, Lao Shuren said that once he resumed contact with Green Sea Wonderland, he would inform Ma Wen as soon as possible.

After all, this time Marvin was alone in a manpower to smash to save the entire high jungle, both in terms of strength and humanity, the migratory bird council has fully recognized this step by step rapid growth of human youth.

After leaving the high jungle, Marvin did not return directly to the White River Valley.

He went to the rocky mountain.

Because the intelligence of the migratory bird parliament shows that the twin goddess is encouraging the forces on the west coast to attack the city of hope.

The days of the three sisters of destiny seem to be not good.

What worried Marvin even more was that his apocalypse mark became gray.

There must be another hidden feeling in this.


The main line is nearing the end, and the book about Naru and the annihilator will soon reveal the mystery. There will be a big chapter tomorrow. Then, before the weekend, the night will be completed. I hope that everyone will pay attention to the new book "Xinghe Empire". Although the early rhythm is not as fast as the dark night, after the launch, it is definitely a very good one. Thank you. (To be continued.)

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