Night Ranger

: Postscript - I am still working hard to improve

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The night is over.

Let's talk about the book first.

One is not the ending that I am very satisfied with.

But fortunately, all the yīqiē have finished the outline. At least the pits of the main line are clearly explained, and some deep pendulums and clues are all pointed out.

Open endings have always been my favorite because there are endless possibilities. Otherwise, when I finished this book, I would think that the protagonist and those cute characters are leaving me; but in this ending, I feel that they are still there, sometimes I can think of them, and I am very pleased. .

In terms of the main story, there should be no problem. The world view is upholding the headshot, and by the way, the new book "Xinghe Empire" is a bigger world. In fact, there are small eggs about the new book, but it is buried very deep. I think the normal people can't see it, haha.


Then I apologize to everyone.

I said that I was actually dissatisfied with the end of the dark night. Although the main line is completed, there are still some pits in the branch line.

Here I review the zìjǐ again - as a big man, it is too glassy.

The Night Ranger should have been a book that I proved zìjǐ, but it was ruined because of some things I encountered in the middle.

In the middle of the period, the continuous break, half because I am jìjǐ, half because of those sprays - I am the glass heart, really easy to break.

When the mentality is blown up, there is no state in what state, and it is not good to write. I am very grateful to the friends who have been able to catch up with this postscript. Really, thank you very much.

I feel sorry for my friends who have been chasing me.

But things are always done. I spent half a year adjusting my mindset. When I decided that I could face the book review area and the sprays of various forums, I started to write again.

Keyboard man, reasonable party, no brain black, moral emperor, follow the wind black... These things, I am sure that zìjǐ already has immunity, I dare to write a book again.

So the Night Ranger eventually did not have eunuchs, so the pen name of Deep Blue Coconut Juice is still writing, so there is a more ambitious "Xinghe Empire."

I know that many people have already questioned my character. I can only convince everyone with the quality and performance of the new book.

The rest are not much to say, more to say no benefit.

The only thing I need to explain to you is that I have been working hard to improve, from the mentality to the writing technique, as well as the design of gùshì.

I have been making progress. Really.


Have a chat about what happened after the end of the night. Because some pits were not filled, I decided to write some light and happy.

The specific content of the extra content depends on everyone's preferences.

Please pay attention to the "dark blue coconut juice" micro-信公-众号. Talk about what part of Zìj wants to see it - about the night, I will serialize it on the public after I adopt the opinions. I hope this can make up part of it.


Then there is the new book.

The words of the new book are reasonable, not blowing, and people who have seen it say good. Nothing else.

The theme of [Witchcraft vs. Mech] is that the starting point is unique, and there is no semicolon.

The new book protagonist Ronan is also a very fun person, at least a very interesting guy.

From the gùshì level, although the rhythm is not as fast as the night, the readability and expansion space are really good.

It's not just to pull people's popularity, but I really feel that people who like net text don't look at "Xinghe Empire" and are a little lost.

So please recommend a wave of collection!

Thank you very much!


In any case, the dark night was uploaded on March 11, 2015, and ended on May 28, 2016.

This is a book that didn't rely on any operation, relying on me to try to kill the top four of the monthly This is a book that I don't know how much effort I have.

This is also a book that makes me heartbreak, regret, and finally relieved.

I have experienced too many things during the year of writing the night.

However, in any case, life and gùshì are continuing.

Since I am still there, since I am still writing, then the wonderful must be continued all the way.

Remember, I don't dare to say anything else, but one thing I can emphasize repeatedly.

I have been working hard to improve.



PS: The new book group - Yilin Manor [4, 9, 0, 9, 9, 1, 7, 4, 0], welcomes every young girl who has looked up to the stars, has overheated blood dreams and ignorant love. (To be continued.)

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