Night Ranger

Chapter 11: alone

At noon the next day, Marvin was awakened by hunger in the womb.

He quietly got out of bed, and the half-elf girl was still asleep on the small bed. Her posture is very beautiful, her eyelashes are slightly trembling, quiet and beautiful.

He did not alarm Anna, but quickly combed and went out.

He has a lot to do.

Marvin left the Black-horned Eagle Hotel and went to the business district. He still found the blacksmith and bought two identical whiteboard scimitars from him before leaving.

Although the dagger is used, it does not play the characteristics of the double-knife flow. As for the third knife, it is reserved.

Experienced fighters will prepare extra weapons for themselves in order to deal with different situations.

Then he went to the slums in the northeast corner of the city, where there were many tramps who were willing to pay for some small money. There are also a lot of well-informed guys.

Marvin’s actions need their help.

Returning from the slum, he lost thirty silver coins in his pocket.

After that he bought some food and went to the nearby grocery store to buy some necessities and then quietly returned to the hotel.

When Marvin walked back to the room, Anna woke up. She stared at her sleepy eyes, and looked at Marvin's hand with a lot of surprises: "Master Marvin, do we really want to help the Akron gang?"

"After all, we only have two people, and we are weak."

Anna is not afraid, just afraid that Marvin has something to lose.

Marvin handed over a piece of freshly baked buttered bread and said softly: "We will not be weak."

"This city is darker than we think. Maybe we came here with the purpose of asking for help. It is a mistake. No one will help us."

"To win back the territory, we must rely on our own strength."

"First eat. After eating this, I want you to go to the countryside."

Anna was surprised when she was drinking clear water: "Country?"

"Green Village, there is the fog village. Andrei they must have been unable to hold it." Marvin stood by the window, watching the streets flow, said faintly.

"How do you know..." Anna was even more surprised.

"I saw it. Andre sneaked into the city that day to find you. He meant to prepare to regain the territory on his own."

Ma Wen shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, at that time you thought that the town hall would shoot, so he calmed him, right?"

There was a glimmer of color in Anna’s eyes: "Master Marvin, I may understand what you mean. If the defensive team's boys can come, the Akron gang is certainly not their opponent, but... the beach city is not allowed. They brought in weapons."

"Let them dress up and mix in the city of the river. As for weapons, I will find a way."

Marvin grabbed a piece of bread and cleaned it: "I will give you ten days."

"After ten days, I want to see all the 20 members of the White River Valley garrison standing in front of me."

Anna is slightly excited.

Ma Wen’s discouragement at this time is really different. He dared to call the private guard in Hebin City. Although he is a nobleman, he is also provoking the political city hall of the river beach!

But only such a young Master Ma Wen can let Anna see hope!

Only in this way can they end the humiliation they had received in River Beach.

Master Ma Wen is a nobleman - but in this river beach city, officials of the city hall fooled them, the casino people deceived them, and some businessmen secretly hired gangs to try to kill them!

This humiliation, Anna has long been remembered in my heart. The only reason she did not break out was only the young Master Ma Wen.

The current Marvin is different, and he has completed an amazing transformation.

Anna even couldn’t see the boy who had learned how to manage the territory from behind his ass.

"But, I left this time..." Anna looked at Marvin with some hesitation.

She is worried about the safety of Marvin.

"I will hide in this hotel. And you have to believe in my current skills, no one can secretly stare at me."

Marvin showed a confident smile: "Go, I am waiting for your good news."


In the afternoon, Anna, who was dressed as a rural woman, went out of Hetao City alone and headed south.

Carrying the mission of Master Ma Wen, her steps are many times faster than usual!

And Ma Wen silently watched her leave, suddenly showing a smile.

That smile, with a strong murderous.

There are at least two intentions to support Anna. First, he really needs the power of the energetic garrison. Second, tonight, he wants to kill, and the half-elf female housekeeper is around, but he can't play it all. For example, in the process of dealing with the thieves, Anna almost broke his plan.

Sometimes killing is a very simple matter. Especially for a night ruler.

Marvin is not a courageous man. He knows when to shoot alone and when to maximize his power, so he will let Anna go to the country to be mobilized before he is dispatched to protect the ordinary villagers.

After the fall of the Baihe Valley, a large number of civilians fled to the mountains to take refuge, Green Village, Miwu Village and Panshui Lake, which are the territory under Ma Wenzhi. They are more likely to avoid the chasing of the gnolls in the mountains. Because of the regulations of the river beach city, Marvin can only bring the female butler into the city for help, and the guard team is left in the country by him.

The boys couldn’t help but kill it, just waiting for Ma Wen’s order.

They are very loyal guys, young and powerful.

But this is not enough.

Marvin knows that there are still many shadows behind the invasion of the Jackals. The 20-man garrison can't fight a well-trained Gnoll army, and he must mobilize more power.

Before that, he had to figure out who was behind the ghosts.

Perhaps the uncle, Uncle Miller, maybe someone else.

In short, after tonight, everything will be clear.


At night, when the river beach city has not been curfewed, this is the most boiling moment of the evil power of the whole city.

The accounting of the major gangs began to count the benefits of today, and several novice thieves would be beaten by the supervisor because they did not complete the mission indicators.

Soon, they will learn how to use their dexterous hands in pain. At that time, they will be spared from the flesh and blood, but the money they are allocated is still only enough to support their families.

This is the rule of survival in the gray zone.

妓*The women are standing in the alleys of the street, their faces are thick with powder, and sometimes the thick inferior makeup is not a mediocre look, but some more horrible acne. The two things that are most afraid of this line are pregnancy and illness. Both mean they will lose their jobs.

Pyroxene Tavern, backyard basement.

The bright candlelight swayed the dancers. The two men sat on the tiger leather sofa and smirked.

"Fr. Fallar, today I am going to find a girl for you. I have to enjoy it for a while."

One of the tall men said to a pretty dancer.

His eyebrows are thick, and his eyebrows are still awkward.

The other guy was short, his face was wretched, his eye bags were heavy, and he was typically hollowed out by the wine.

He stared intently at the dancer and nodded again and again: "Good! Mr. Diapheus, as long as you succeed in killing the waste, I will talk to my father and let him increase his investment!"

Diafis said quietly: "Thank you Master Master Farmar. The little ghost named Marvin can't escape our palms. We have sent a small team to hunt him. It won't take long, his The head will float on the Songzi River."

"At the time, the White River Valley is my father!" Farmar said sullenly: "Jean and his son have occupied my father's territory for so long, it is time to return our things to us!"

"That is natural." Diafis haha ​​laughed: "The group of scorpions are not expensive, and they can send them away if they can get food. When Marvin dies, everything is fine."

The two laughed. Suddenly, a black man hurried over and bent over to whisper around Diapheus.

After Diafis finished listening, the face did not change color: "Let the 2 teams go to a trip, this little thing needs me to be the master?"

The black man quickly left.

When Diafis just wanted to say something, then Farmar suddenly rushed up, and the dancers were surprised to leave, leaving only the more abundant girl to be overwhelmed.

Farmar hugged her and pulled over to the side of the house.

The dancer struggled and said in horror: "Diafeis, when you came to me, you said that you just danced?!"

Diafis said faintly: "Sorry, the plan has changed."


The cabin door was closed. Inside, there was a scream of the dancer, and Farmar’s slutty laughter.


Diaphus blinked and his look suddenly became cold.

"The 1 team has been out for so long, and there is no news at all. What is going on?"

At this time, the black man immediately turned around and looked around, whispering: "Two bad news."

"One team of people found all the bodies, in the grove of the pineapple river beach. The enemy used a machete, the killing technique is very sharp."

Diaphus's pupils shrank.

"And, in addition to what we said before, we were fired in the warehouse in the dock area, and there was a fight in the casino in the east. The people watching the scene couldn't press it."

Diaphus glared at him: "Someone is looking for something in the dark?"

"Maybe a green snake, or a white peacock." The black man said with anxiety: "Our recent rapid expansion is enough to cause their hostility."

"No matter who they are, the rise of Akron is inevitable."

Diaphes suddenly stood up from the sofa and ordered: "Let the 3 teams go, the troubles, all kill innocent."

"But in this way, there are only two teams in the Pyrotechnic pub, and there are some ordinary members." The black man said.

"Afraid of what, there is me!" Diaphus strode to the side of the wall, taking a huge axe.

At this time, a small cockroach suddenly rushed down from above and shouted:

"Not good! Adult! Someone is making troubles on it, killing many of us!"

"They have a few people!?" The black man asked aloud.

The little sputum swallowed a little, showing a hint of horror:


(Modify the update time, after the zero point, there is a chapter, 12 points update chapter)

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