Night Ranger

Chapter 16: Nether conch

After only killing the Akron gang, Ma Wen became rich overnight.

He has never been a man who spends money, especially when it is necessary. Anyway, those silver coins are not spent now. The collapse of the monetary system caused by the Cataclysm six months later will also turn them into a pile of scrap iron. It is better to change something useful.

Especially those witch gold coins. They are even more valuable. If you don't have to go out before the collapse of the southern city state currency system, it is a waste.

Ma Wen knows this well, so before he left the city, he disguised himself as a Ranger.

The Ranger Union is actually a very simple organization, releasing some tasks, neutral nature, and occasionally doing business.

Marvin looked at the task bar of the Ranger's Union, and did not have the task of paying for the Scarlet Monastery after half a year—meaning that the group of scarlet waiters are still relatively safe, and their strength is still within the controllable range. As for the sleeping half-god lich, Marvin had already put his idea on him.

It is said that he failed to seal the gods and fell asleep. In fact, he only failed at the last minute. He succeeded in condensing the godhead.

And that godhead, now quietly lying in the underground labyrinth of the Scarlet Monastery.

This Shenma Marvin is determined to win, but not now, now his strength is too weak, even a sleeping half **** is enough to drop him.


The Ranger Union owns the counter of the Alchemist's House of the Wizarding Alliance, where he spends a lot of money to purchase necessities. The most important of these is a virtual conch.

[Void Conch]

Quality: low light

Accommodate: four-foot cube space

Requirements: Intelligence 10

Obviously, this is a storage item. The Nether Conch is the most common of all storage items, because its raw material, the blue conch itself, contains several dimensions of space, which can be turned into a qualified alchemy product with a little processing.

Of course, this stuff is worth a lot of money, and spent 3 Ma Wen gold coins!

The same is a low-light item, storage equipment is always more expensive.

Another thing worth mentioning is the [Ruyi Rope]. The same is a low-light product, the price is 1600 silver coins, a lot cheaper than the empty conch.

This is a multi-purpose rope that is said to come from the hand of the high elves. According to various spells, the ropes can play multiple roles and are one of the most demanding equipment for adventurers.

Unfortunately, ordinary adventurers can't afford to buy low-light items.

More than a thousand silver coins, they may not have earned so much money in their lifetime.

Marvin is naturally different. He didn't think too much time to buy the ropes, because this equipment is the most important factor for him to enter the Scarlet Monastery.

Without it, he couldn't pass the prisoner's door to the painful monk.


The rest of the Hall Mountains, an unnamed mountain.

Marvin had a double knife and a hollow conch on his neck, carefully walking on the rugged mountain road.

The wilderness of Fernando is a very dangerous place. But now, after the Cataclysm, the wilderness of the mortal world is full of monsters infected with chaotic magic. These creatures are called magic objects, which are more powerful and more bloodthirsty than the original.

Even many cities have been destroyed by the impact of these monsters.

River Beach City, in the memory of Marvin, is one of the few southern city-states that has not been captured by monsters. The reason is also very simple, like the gem bay in the north, it is the birthplace of large players. The power from the player helped to resist a large number of monsters, and the river beach city was saved.

But in this world, there is a hunch in Ma Wen’s heart. Those who are hailed as “the son of gold” by the Aboriginal people may not appear again.

In this way, it is still a problem to rely solely on the strength of the river beach city.

However, before the Cataclysm, it was safe near the city of Heda. Especially on this mountain, because of the faint suppression of the gods, a little animal instinctive creatures will not be close.

This has caused Ma Wen to ease a lot of burden.

Marvin walked along the path, and soon, there was a valley surrounded by mist.

There, it is the main entrance to the Scarlet Monastery.

Two painful monks with more than two meters in size were armed with iron bars. Looking from the distance, it looks like a statue.

In fact, they are not living things, but once outsiders are close, they will be activated by the lich's magic.

At that time, Ma Wen needs to face the third-order professional with two occupational grades: [Wuyi 5 / Ascetic 5 / Painful Monk 2]!

The melee ability of the painful monks is in the third-order occupation, one of the best, not to mention the curses that the demon lich is throwing on them - every curse is super BUFF, want to kill these two guys at the front, at least the legend Level character shots.

Or a second-order professional who dispatched a legion.

In some cases, sea tactics are still very useful.


Ma Wen is not ready to go in from the main entrance. He copied the backyard path.

The Scarlet Monastery is built in a valley, on both sides of the valley, with cliffs and cliffs, without any suitable climbing.

But there are exceptions to everything.

Ma Wen knows that there is a goblin cave. After destroying a few goblin inside the Panyu, you can find a prominent small platform.

Then, using the wishful rope, he can airborne the Scarlet Monastery.

It's just a little risky.

In addition to the scarlet waiters in the Scarlet Monastery, there is a monster of the demon executor. Scarlet waiters have a fixed range of activities, and the demon performers - these guys like to cross the border, often scurrying around, adding a lot of unrest factors to Marvin's sneak plan.

But what does not need to take risks?

Ma Wen bypassed the valley and found a small intestine on the mountain.

Half an hour later, he found a hidden entrance behind a haystack.

Goblin cave. There are often six to eight, a number of goblins. They may hold weapons in their hands, but most of them are crude weapons, mainly sticks.

The average level of the goblins is about 2, and only those large-scale goblin tribes may appear more than a first-order goblin occupation.

Before Marvin had not taken office, he might not even beat a goblin. But now, after the battle of the Pyroxene Tavern, he has already upgraded his ranger level to level 4. Diaphus and his men joined forces to contribute a lot of killing experience, so that Marvin quickly became a four-level ranger.

And just a few days ago, he was still a nobility with no hands. This rocket-like upgrade speed, if you let others know, will be shocked.

Today's Marvin has 90 points of health. He bought a suitable leather armor at the Ranger's Union, which is able to resist some attacks and ensure that the flexible skills are not affected. This upgrade also received 24 points of skill points, so that his skill points accumulated to 42 points.

Marvin assigned 20 of them to the new skill [Climbing].

In fact, if you want to use a rope to enter the Scarlet Monastery, you need at least 30 points of climbing skills. However, the wish rope has a hidden attribute that reduces the requirement of 10 climbing skills, so Marvin only allocated 20 points. The remaining 22 points are for later use.


He set aside the grass and bent over and walked in.

With the meteorite igniting the simple torch that was also purchased at the Ranger's Union, there was a glimmer of fire in the cave.

A strange scream came from the depths of the cave.

Ma Wen left hand torch, right hand scimitar, and ruthlessly killed it.

Half a minute later, in the depths of the goblin cave, several green corpses were lying horizontally.

These goblins are barbaric species, wisdom has never been developed, and there is no way for them to reason. Their strength was low and they quickly became a corpse under Marvin's scimitar.

The gnome cave has the rancid smell of this creature.

Most people will leave directly. But Marvin still carefully searched nearby, whether there is a treasure chest or a spoiler.

He knows that goblins are usually poor, but they do not rule out accidents.

Extra care sometimes does have unexpected gains.

Marvin found a complete box in the corner of the goblin cave.

The box is locked, and the copper lock seems to have been used by people to try to destroy it with brute force - without guessing, it must be the masterpiece of the group of goblins.

"There is mud on the boxes, they are probably dug out of the swamps nearby."

"There is an enchantment on the copper lock. It is a magic lock. But the magic is very light and the level is not very high."

"What is hidden inside?"

Marvin hesitated, taking a small scroll from the void conch.

This kind of reel is worth a lot of money, called [low-level unlocking scroll], used to replace the thief's unlocking skills.

There are two kinds of unlocking reels one is used to open ordinary locks, one is used to open magic locks, the latter is especially expensive. Marvin bought ten reels of ordinary locks. As for the scroll used to open the magic lock, he only bought five.

In the Scarlet Monastery, there are many places with treasure chests. Marvin’s goal is these hidden treasure chests.

He is not sure if the treasure chest of this goblin is worthy of his low-level scroll with a magic lock.

"In any case, in the memory of the second hall, it seems that only three treasure chests are magic locks, and the rest are ordinary locks."

"In the second hall, there is a scent-sensitive [law-seeker] wandering. I am so levely now, I am sure I dare not pass."

"It's better to give it a try."

Marvin made up his mind and tore off a low-level unlocking reel that opened the magic lock.

A light white key flew out of the paper and inserted into the copper lock.

Slamming. The lock is open.

Ma Wen listened to the ear, there should be no organs inside, but in order to be cautious, he stood in the distance and picked up the treasure chest with a branch.

There is really no vicious trap in the box.

Ma Wen sighed and leaned over.

I saw a three-foot-sized treasure chest, a few yellow-colored parchment, and a blue gem.


(Thanks to the book friend [Wang Yijun] 1888**point* coins!)

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