Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 124: Frosty world

Marvin instantly rushed back to the tent and said to Isabel: "Go to the first hall! Protect yourself!"

The latter nodded, but when Marvin turned and prepared to fight, her eyes flashed a strange look.

The huge sound has awakened everyone.

Medierli flew out directly on the magic carpet.


The low horns were blown, and the trained soldiers quickly completed the assembly!

What Meridier brought this time is the elite of the elite, resting and sleeping in the second hall. No soldier took off his armor and his arms were around.

However, in just three minutes, whether it was her personal guard or the patrols of the three brigades, they all completed the assembly.

The wizards of the chief wizarding group, they did not fall asleep at this point!

Because it is close to the early hours of the morning, it is when they want to exchange witchcraft in the universe.

They hurriedly exchanged witchcraft and came to Medirly.

On the other side, Collins's guardian knight has several theologians, and all of them are waiting.

When Ma Wen saw this scene, he felt a little calmer in his heart.

The regular army is different.

If you change the risk-taking adventurer, I am afraid this is simply unprepared.

"At least five minutes apart."

Ma Wen made a preliminary assessment in his heart.

And the private soldiers of the aristocrats who were invited were much slower. Wait until the main force of the river beach city gathers in front of the iron gate. Some nobles are still struggling to wear armor.

If everyone here is like this idiot, then you don't have to fight.

Because just a little more than three minutes, several logs that stood against the iron gate cracked directly!

To know. Whether it is a log or an iron gate, it is Meditilly fixed by magic.

If you want to collide, it is not something that normal people can do.

With a bang, the iron door fell!

The ticking of the hooves came from the passage.

The blue sword is shining in the darkness.

A group of heavy armored knights, under the bearing of the sacral war horse. Galloping from the darkness, as if the messenger of the world!

The knight who rushed to the front. It is the Avengers Feigen!


The whisper came from Fagan.

In the next second, the sacral war horse under his seat suddenly accelerated, slamming into the position of the river beach city!


"It's not the same as the previous life."

Looking at the heavy cavalry who are charging, Ma Wen is a bit confused.

When I was alive. Mediterra did not alarm Fagan, but took the initiative to attack.

But this time, I don’t know what happened, but it was not obvious to Fagan.

He actually launched a night attack!

This is what Marvin did not think of.

Only those who have experienced the battlefield know how terrible the heavy cavalry is completely charged.

Ranger, thieves, these leather armor occupations, basically can only be reduced to cannon fodder!

The horrific impact of the mount is hard to resist even the most powerful shield guards.

On the side of the river beach city, the shield guards standing in front gathered together nervously and quickly, and two or three people propped up a two-meter-tall tower shield!

They temporarily formed the first line of defense.

However, in the eyes of every shield defender. There are fears that cannot be said.

That is the demon performer!

They can easily tear any line of defense. These tower shields look strong, but they can't afford the charge of the demon performer!

This is a group of lifeless killing machines!

There is only one person who supports the Guardian camp without collapse.


The main city of the river beach is standing in the air. Looking at Fagan coldly, spit out the cold words: "Avenger, Fagan."

"Greed and evil creatures, you will be buried here today!"

With her cold words, the air in the second hall suddenly became cold.

The water element that is filled with air. It was turned into frost and snow, and it was scattered in the air.

Ma Wen’s eyes are bright!

Mediterra was originally prepared.

It is worthy of being a legendary wizard. When she shot, she completely changed the situation.

Four Rings Spell - [Frost World]!

The unique water vapor in the second hall has just become the perfect medium for Medier Lisch!

When the four-ring spell comes out, the effect is extraordinary.

The first is the earth, a thin layer of ice begins to condense!

The sacred warrior of the demon executor did not have anti-slip measures. When the high-speed Mercedes-Benz heavy cavalry suddenly ran to the ice, there was only one!

That is slipping!

Puff puff!

In addition to the Avengers Fagan's war horse is somewhat different, actually can ignore the smooth ice to continue to move forward, the demon executor behind him has a big mess!

The sacral war can't stop sliding, they lost control of the direction, they collided with each other and eventually fell to the ground.

Thirty demon executors, even a few breaths between them, the wolf smashed to the ground!

This is an extremely rare scene.


"I am afraid that Feigen did not think that Mediterra would actually prepare the "Frost World" witchcraft."

"It's a coincidence. The water vapor in the second hall is too full, which directly reduces the casting time of the Frost World by a third! Otherwise, Mediel has no time to stop these demon executors from breaking through the first line of defense."

Ma Wen’s heart secretly analyzed.

Well now, except for Fagan, all the demon executors went straight down... Losing the most powerful impact of the heavy cavalry!

This is equivalent to abolishing their powerful strength by two-thirds!

Now he has already circumvented the flank, and he has sneaked off. In this battle, he is not prepared to face hard, but to wait for an opportunity.

After all, professional restraint is there.

The demon executor who has fallen off the horse, he is also equal to the enhanced second-order shield. It’s too hard!

It's better to see where it's good, even if you make up the knife.


The world of frost continues to work, it is bottom-up. Frozen a piece of open space in front of the shield.

On the body of the thirty demon gods, a layer of thick ice armor is superimposed!

They struggled to get up from the ground and pick up their weapons, but the movements have become relatively slow.

This is so, this has proved their strength.

For other people, under the influence of the frost world, I am afraid that it has been frozen into a series of ice sculptures!

And the demon performers. I can still walk!

This in itself has changed very much. You know, this is a second-order monster!

"Oh shit!"

"How many high curses the lich had lost in this group of bastards!"

Mediterra sees this scene. It is also a hateful tooth itch.

The four-ring spell actually had only such a effect, which really surprised her.

But there is no way, unlike the painful monks and other creatures, the curse on the demon executors is the high curse they voluntarily accept!

This high-level curse. Even Marvin's Holy Grail can't be expelled - even weakening can't do it.

Only hard hit!

"Come to me!"

"That person, leave it to me!"

Mediler was decisively ordered.

At this time, Fagan, who had been silent for Mercedes, finally reached the first line of defense!

His sacral war horse suddenly made a force, and even crossed the shield guard's tower shield directly, and he also trampled on several people!

A garrison knight in the rear rushed up and tried to cut off the knees of the sacral warrior with a big sword.

However, the cold blue light is like the caress of death, directly erased his head!

Fagan single-handedly. In one breath, he broke into the battlefield of the River Beach City garrison!

The horses under his command were madly galloping, and he himself was extremely calm, and the blue giant sword in his hand kept waving. Harvest one life after another!

In just a few breaths, he actually killed the elite of the six garrisons!

The strength of the fourth-order quasi-legend is really not false. No wonder he dares to sleep the sorcerer's godhead!


"You let go and deal with the demon performers."

"Give this monster to me!"

Mediterra's face is blue. Every soldier here is loyal to her!

Every soldier died in Fagan’s hands, and she was very sad for her!

She said as she said. Lose a fixed body in the past!

The three-ring set-up technique can last for at least five seconds.


Fagan only took two seconds. Freed from the body surgery!

"Stupid Master." Fagan sneered and said: "Do you think you can kill me?"

"My allies have given me the power to resist witchcraft!"

Mediel frowned, not right!

How can Fagan's witchcraft resistance be so high?

However, at this time, a figure that was not tall was standing firmly in front of Fagan.

White robe Collins.

"The power of Di Gao Geng. The power of the evil spirit lord."

Collins said faintly: "I can't evict you, but I can evict that power."

"you dare!"

Fagan shouted. Behind him, there is a huge face looming!

That is the shadow of the evil spirit lord Di Gaogen.

"Crap, of course I dare."

Collins suddenly opened his arms and began to sing loudly.

Fagan pulled the reins, and the sacral war horse madly rushed to Collins, who was singing.

Mediel hurried forward, several consecutive spells, trying to stop Fagan from moving forward.

However, Fagan actually hit her spell and slammed into the white robe Collins!


On the other side of the hall, more intensive fighting broke out.

The members of the River Beach City garrison formed a small team of three or five, and began to divide the demon executors with the help of the chief sorcerer group and then annihilated.

This is the tactics that Mediel had previously developed.

The cavalry of the horse, the cavalry that has been divided, the power will plummet!

This is the case, the armor of the demon executor and the super high witchcraft resistance also make everyone suffer.

A **** man who wants to show off the limelight tries to attack a demon executor from behind, and the result is caught by the opponent's backhand. He is forced to fall to the ground with great strength!

Then fill up a sword!

The vampire heads Everyone has no time to rescue!

"With a long gun, stupid!"

In the midst of chaos, I don’t know who shouted.

Some soldiers just woke up, and some people began to retreat and went to the camp to take long guns.

At this time, the sneak Marvin was aiming at the demon executor who had just been obsessed.

He stepped back in the past.

Just the attack of the blood family seems to make the defense of this demon executor a flaw.

And Ma Wen, the best at grasping is the flaw.

... (to be continued)

Ps: The second is sent! Today, the coconut continues to fight, will try to see if it can be five more! Seeking a monthly ticket!

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