Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 129: God and man

Everyone was shocked.

When Ma Wen said, others did not understand it. After all, only a few people knew the secret of the Lich.

But his words are obviously questionable and offensive.

Will this guy who looks strong will run away?

Everyone clenched their weapons and prepared for the battle. They don't blame Marvin. After all, they come here and fight.


However, the man’s eyes are still very gentle.

He was silent for a while and looked at Marvin and said, "Looks like you have heard a lot of stories."

"However, no matter what they say, I feel that I have not done anything wrong."

"I can't watch him as a subsidiary **** of the **** of killing, so the world will become more chaotic."

"So I stopped him."

"But he is my favorite brother after all."

"So I want to guard him."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

He looked at Ma Wen quietly: "Do you have a younger brother?"

To his surprise, Marvin actually nodded: "There is one. I am nine years old this year."

The man nodded. "Then you should be able to understand my approach."

"I don't want to know what you guys want to do. Maybe it's to get rid of the evil creatures in front of you? Then your purpose has been reached. You can leave."

"If you want to go further, this is impossible."

"I owe him a time, so I will make up for him forever."

Everyone is silent.

This guy in front of me. Although the tone is calm and the expression is light, but said it. But with a strong paranoia.

It’s a madman!

"What prevents the Lich from sealing the gods? Is it his brother?"

"The relationship between the Starry Juggernaut and the Semi-God Lich is actually a brother."

The knights all showed a shock, and privately talked about it.

Even Mediterra and Collins showed an unexpected look.

Obviously, only Ma Wen has known all of this.


This is a story of a pair of brothers who turned against each other.

In the Third Age, the Starry Juggernaut was quite famous. And his younger brother is a wizard who lives in the shadow of his brother.

Later, because of some unknown conflicts. There was a serious disagreement between the two sides, and the younger brother went south and left the north where he lived for generations.

His character became evil, under the guidance of a force. He turned himself into a lich and established power in the northern part of the city.

Of course, at that time, the city of Hetan was not established yet.

The Scarlet Monastery is the most central part of these forces, and the Lich converted an innocent monastery.

At that time, the universe magic pool had not been established, and the second fate slate was torn apart and was obtained by many people. Many legends have chosen to seal the gods.

By chance, the Lich also got a small piece of fate slate. Only the priesthood on this slate of destiny is a subfield under the auspices of the **** of killing. Once the **** is successful, you will be blessed by the **** of killing and become a weak god.

that time. Weak gods can still travel between heaven and earth. Therefore, many gods with powerful powers are very keen to expand their own gods.

This way their influence in Fernan is easier to build.

In this way, the Lich and other people have embarked on the road to the gods. He is ready for everything, with the help of the destiny slate, condenses the godhead and gains divinity and divine power!

The only thing missing is the integration into the gods of the **** of killing and the official priesthood.

The **** of killing gave him a task. As long as he completes the task, prove himself. Can become his spokesperson in the world.

The task is to kill a city. At that time, every city had at least one powerful legend or a guy who was about to seal the gods. The massacre was not an easy task.

Anxious to prove that his lich began to prepare for action.

Only when he was still preparing for the plan of the massacre, the Star Juggernaut had already heard the news.

He understood the mind of his brother - he just wanted to prove that he was not worse than his brother.

He wants to prove this by sealing the gods.

However, Star Sky Juggernaut does not agree with his approach. He loves life, loves peace, and killing is the thing he hates most.

So he gave all the two fate slabs he had received to his brother.

"Do you want to be a god? Yes."

"Please change your priesthood."

He said so at the time.

It is a pity that the younger brother did not appreciate it. At that time, he threw the two pieces of destiny slabs into the astral world.

If Ma Wen remembers correctly, one of the sacred records on the slate of fate is [lucky]!

So when he saw Kate's lucky elf, he recalled this historical record.

If the lich did not lose the piece of destiny slate, the lucky elf will not be born.

All this is such a coincidence.

In the end, the two sides fought hard.

After all, the younger brother of the gods is still not the opponent of his brother who has been famous for many years.

In Fernan, God is just another form of life. They may be generally more powerful, but human beings are the most promising race!

There is no upper limit to the power of mankind. Legend is not the end.

Legend has it that many of the old legends of the Tertiary, they did not choose to seal the road, but chose another way to continue to practice and strengthen themselves. They may not be active in Fernan, but they still exist. Their strength is not weaker than those gods!

Like Inheim, it is not counted. The legend that Marvin is currently exposed to, only the Great Elf King Nicholas can count as one.

He is a man who can face a powerful god.

Therefore, it is not a very unexpected thing to defeat the gods and brothers in the Starry Juggernaut.

In the end, he inserted his legendary sword [Starry Sky] into his chest.

God does not die. Will only sleep.

Before closing his eyes, the lich saw his future. He says:

"You can't kill me, my brother."

"When the real disaster has come, I will meet again."

The man just nodded and said: "Well, I am waiting for you."

So he was in this cold hall and waited for more than a thousand years.

Over the past thousand years, with the establishment of the universe magic pool, the entire order of Fernan has stabilized.

No one cares. There is a man who is strong enough to blaspheme, so he sits quietly in a monastery.

Only in some pubs in the mainland. Occasionally, when a bard sings the glory of the Third Age, he will occasionally mention the man whose sword has broken the starry sky.

And most people will only swear.

Everything is just a rumor that has been exaggerated. Who can really smash the starry sky?


"No matter what, since we are here, we always try."

Mediterrane stood up.

Starry Juggernaut nodded. In the next second, countless or blue or green spots float from his body.

These light spots eventually condensed into a sword with a handle.

A total of twelve swords, so quietly suspended on his side, slowly rotating.

This scene shows that everyone is staying.

Even Marvin, although not the first time to see the starry Juggernaut, but seeing these twelve swords is also very shocking.

Seen in the game and in reality. After all, it is different!

This guy is indeed playing the sword to the extreme. Those light spots are the heart of his collection of abandoned stars. A legendary item built.

In other words, each sword is a legendary weapon!

In the past life, the hand of Starry Juggernaut has been spit out by players for countless times.

"Where is this special world of swords and magic, is it really a flying sword?"


"Three chances."

He simply said: "I am sitting here, if you can break my defense. I can let you go to the basement and take away one thing."

His sword. Not for killing, but for guarding.

Marvin shook his head.

Impossible to break.

Medier did not believe in evil, she and Collins joined forces. For a time, a lot of arcane energy and magical atmosphere filled the fourth hall!


The quasi-legendary and super-saga battles were doomed at the beginning.

Twenty minutes later. Medier Li Tieqing's face, she almost used up all the spells, and did not hurt the starry sky swordsman a hair!

White robe Collins is also a bitter smile.

Don't try to fight this guy unless he uses God's Fall.

The knights in the river beach city have no idea what to say.

The same is true of the blood family and others.

Is Mediel not strong?

Is Collins not strong?

They are very strong!

Under the legend, the two are basically the top level.

However, the man in front of him is actually sitting there, letting you use the magical techniques of the magical techniques, and you can not wear the barrier formed by his sword!


His eyes are still warm and jade.

"No one of you is my opponent."

His tone is very calm, but his words are very proud, but no one dares to deny him!

This is indeed the case.

Mediler clenched his lips.

She did not know that there was such an old monster guard in the fourth hall.

But before she saw it, she was not reconciled.

After all, it is a legend... The book of Naru is almost in sight.

As long as she passes this level, she can get a life of near eternal life!

The life of the legend is at least a thousand years. It is rare to hear which legend will die on its own.

This is the law of the plane of the plane for the continuous efforts to improve the people who have cultivated themselves.


Is this really a bad thing?

Among the people in the river beach city, a frustrated atmosphere filled the atmosphere.

Mediel sighed and turned back silently.

She is ready to order the retreat.

However, at this time, a small and thin person walked past her.

"Does this give up?"

He said: "Let me try it."

Mediel was surprised to see Marvin.

The latter quickly walked to the front of the Starry Juggernaut and looked at him seriously: "Starry Sky, I know you are I have heard a lot of rumors about you."

"The most of them is your swordsmanship."

Starry Juggernaut smiled and said: "Young man, what do you want to say?"

Ma Wen dialed a double knife and easily turned around:

"It's nothing."

"I want to compare with you the purest technology."

"I don't know if you dare to accept my challenge?"

... (to be continued)

Ps: First of all, thank you for your monthly pass. Now we are finally the first book of the new book. Then, today's update is late and I am sorry to everyone. The coconut is indeed unsuccessful. After the explosion, the overdraft is too strong. In the morning, it is groggy. It can't be written at all, but the update will be even more. This is the coconut character guarantee! I hope that everyone can continue to support "Night Ranger", the current location is not very safe, only a few days from the end of the month, I hope to withstand! In addition, in a few days, it will break out. Finally, thank you for the 1w point of the [deep dive animal].

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