Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 133: 3rd order!

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fiancée! ?

Upon hearing the noun, Marvin almost fell off the chair.

what's the situation?

When did you have a fiancee?

"Anna, in this case, you should not report directly to me?"

Marvin is a bit strange: "You know the situation of our family, from my grandfather to my father, to me and to Pooh."

“There is no good relationship between the White River Valley and the aristocrats outside... How can I have a fiancee?”

Anna nodded. "It is true that this is true."

"But this woman seems to be a little different."

"And, what she said made me unable to drive her out of the door."

Marvin couldn't help but frown: "What do you mean?"

Anna took a deep breath and looked at Marvin carefully: "She said that this marriage is not arranged by your father or grandfather, but by your great-grandfather."

"She said that your grandfather is the second son of the Duke of the Principality of the North Lavis. When he left home, he came to the South to establish the White River Valley."

"But in the genealogy of the Clinde family, his name still exists."

"They have been searching for his whereabouts until recently when they found the White River Valley."

"Then the fiancee who was arranged for you early, take the first step and can't wait to see you in the White River Valley."

Marvin was stunned.

Is this amount of information a bit too big?

Great grandfather?

The Principality of Lavis in the North?

The Cleland family?

Wait... Ma Wen licked his temple.

"Master Marvin? Are you okay?" Anna asked cautiously.

Ma Wen took a deep breath: "It's okay. I just wondered how these things suddenly popped up? Why didn't the wind sound before?"

"Maybe, this has something to do with your performance in the Holy Grail battle." Anna said cautiously.

"The first time I heard the lady say this thing. It was also very surprising, but she said it was very different, and even described your grandfather's appearance."

"In the past, the Baihe Valley was still too remote. It is far from the Northland Principality. The road is too far away."

"They can't find your grandfather, it's normal."

Ma Wen nodded. The brain slowly recalled some information about the Principality of the North.


In the north, the city-state is lined up. It is not like the South, which has a huge alliance of wizards to lead everything.

Between the city-states of the North, there are often battles.

Large and small countries, almost all over the vast land north of the Millennium Mountains.

Whether it is the name of the Principality of Lavis or the Cleveland family, Marvin has heard it.

This is an ancient country. The territory is not particularly large. But perhaps because of its superior geographical position, it has always stood still.

The family of Clyland is also very mysterious. Some people say that they are a group of people who trade with the devil.

They control the power of mystery. It seems that it is not witchcraft, but there are many wizards who are willing to work for them.

All in all, in the North, this is also considered to be a pivotal force.


"The lady also brought a message. She said that your great-grandfather would like to see you. If you are willing to go back to the North with her, you will regain the inheritance of the Principality of Lavis."

"If you calculate according to the current situation, you should be able to obtain the top six inheritance rights."

Anna said it was very prudent. Because she also knows. It all sounds ridiculous.

Marvin is a nobleman, but compared to the behemoths like the Principality of Lavis, the small places like the White River Valley are completely real.

This information looks suspicious.

However, according to Marvin, his grandfather seems to have really been born in the North Gate.

Unfortunately, the shadow thief is no longer in the territory, otherwise you can find him to verify the specific situation.

It’s no use now. It seems that tomorrow I really have to see the so-called "fiancée".

"Right, did she say. What is her name?"

Ma Wen asked.

Anna nodded. "She has a name, but she didn't tell me the last name."

"Her name is very strange, called [Bamboo]."


A strange name.

"Miss Zhu is it?"

Somehow, Ma Wen couldn’t help but feel a guilty heart.

Intuition tells him that everything doesn't seem so simple.


Castle at night, inside a house.

"This Baihe Valley is really poor."

The girl in a blue dress turned around in the mirror, watching the skirt fly, and suddenly smirked out:

"What do you think the Baron Marvin will see me tomorrow?"

Behind her, a black man squatted on one knee.

"Bamboo adults, with your beauty, can definitely fascinate that country."

He said so.

"Just I don't understand why you are doing this. If the legendary wizard leaves, it is not the best way to kill him now?"


The girl chilled and said: "Do you think that our goal is only this Marvin?"

"Everyone who killed the red-red adult can't escape the relationship. The legendary wizard Hathaway can easily find her in the three-ring tower, but the rest of the people are different. I don't know how this countryman is. The four legends are linked together, and I need to investigate all the truth about the matter."

"Everyone who kills the red man will die."

The black man bowed his head and hesitated. He asked, "But, even though the Azure adults have given you great power, you still haven't come to legend."

Bamboo smiled cheerfully: "Who said that you must go to the legend to kill the legend?"

"Moreover. The order given by Azure adults is just for me to take all of these people's whereabouts."

"When necessary, she will give me more power. Even the twins will kill the projection."

"I see this place in the White River Valley is quite good..."

The girl turned around in the mirror. The eyes smashed into a line: "suitable for slaughter and sacrifice."


In the early morning of the next day, Ma Wen handled official duties in the study.

Vigny wakes up earlier than him. This is a very rare thing. Since becoming an agent lord, the little guy is obviously more serious than before.

After the two briefly discussed the territorial affairs, Anna came over.

"Adult, the lady. I will ask you again," Anna said.

Ma Wen nodded.

He suddenly asked: "Yes, I had a thing forgot to ask you yesterday. This lady who claims to be my fiancée. When did I come to the White River Valley?"

Anna thought for a moment: "It’s almost after Hathaway’s departure."


Ma Wen’s heart flashed a thought.

After the legendary wizard left, it was a coincidence that a fiancee suddenly emerged.

Is the person in the country really a pig?

Vinilla pulled Lamarvin's sleeve and whispered to Marvin: "Brother. I don't like that woman."

"I have seen her. Although she is very good to me, she smiles very well, but I always feel uncomfortable."

Ma Wen’s heart is even more alert.

The identity of Winnie Wyatt is currently known only to him. Wake up not only can foresee the future, but talent is also excellent, and their innate perception can sometimes be very accurate.

It seems that this fiancée is not good.

"Let her wait for fifteen minutes in the reception room."

"I will go see her soon," Marvin said.


Fifteen minutes. Marvin is enough to make some preparations.

After Hathaway left, the current territory has no high-end combat power, if it is really a terrible enemy. I am afraid it can't resist it.

He first went to find an old blacksmith Sheehan.

As a result, the old guy drunk.

He finally woke up the old blacksmith and explained his intentions. The result was a big noise:

"Do you think that the demon hunter is yours, can you call it and you will be there?"

"He is a legendary legend. The last time I helped you kill Red Red has been very good."

Ma Wen calmly said: "I just hope that you can contact him. Recently, Hathaway left, and the territory seems to be somewhat unsafe."

"If he is fine, you can come here to sit. It is not bad to have an endless ocean. The Baihe Valley is beautiful. It is suitable for honeymoon..."

Sheen was silent and had a new understanding of Marvin's skin thickness.

"I try to be. But don't expect too much."

Ma Wen nodded.


The next step is to upgrade your strength.

In the battle of the Scarlet Monastery, Marvin harvested a lot of experience. Originally his upgrade progress, because of the continuous improvement of the level, has slowed down.

But the two-headed snake turned into a restraint of the demon performer, and at the same time can get double experience, which made Ma Wen a brush.

He opened the data panel, and his own killing experience has already reached 55,755 points!

This can completely upgrade your strength to the third order!

He thought a little and started a quick distribution of experience.

Because before the advanced legendary professional night, Ma Wen is unlikely to advance to other third-order occupations, so before his level, the night pedestrians and rangers will become his main occupation.

The first step, of course, is to upgrade the level of the night walker.

After consuming some experience, Marvin’s night walker level came to level 4. 36 points of skill points, the enhancement of point health. 1 point free attribute point.

The second step is to upgrade the Ranger level. Consumed experience, became a seven-level ranger, and gained 24 points of skill points, 48 ​​points of health.

The third step is to upgrade the level of the magic warlock, consume the experience, and upgrade the two levels of the magic warlock, so that this part-time job has reached level 4.

The magic warlock's career improvement gave a total of 72 points of life. At the same time, I finally got a spell again - [disguise].

[Camouflage]: Once a day. You can pretend to be any human creature (including a series of small humanoids such as goblins, dwarves, etc.) within twenty minutes.

The specific effect is that the camouflage priority is above the point. This is a very powerful camouflage effect, knowing that the camouflage mask's camouflage priority is not too much.

However, no matter what, in this way, Ma Wen finally promoted to the third order.

His total rank has reached level 13! (Ranger 7+ Night Pedestrian 4+ Magic Warlock 4/2=13)

After quickly assigning the outer skill points and attribute points, Marvin sorted out the equipment and walked to the reception room.

It is time to meet your fiancée.

... (to be continued)

Ps: The third is more complete! Ask for a monthly ticket wow... oh...

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