Night Ranger

Chapter 21: Abandoned altar

The trees in the forest moved backwards and the horses walked through the forest.

Many professions actually have hidden talents that are not clearly written. For example, the thief's hidden talent is to walk through the market, and can steal the poems with ease; the hidden talent of the wizard is easy to concentrate; and the ranger's hidden talent is mostly reflected in the wilderness.

Walking through the wilderness and the woods, they will have a feeling of being like a fish.

After getting the lich's finger in the magic box, Marvin left the Scarlet Monastery.

He has already got what he can get, and he must retreat decisively. After all, the Scarlet Monastery is full of crises everywhere, monsters like the demon executor are still too strong for the current Marvin. A senseless adventure is stupid.

He walked through the Hall Mountains, avoiding monsters that might be lurking, and heading northwest.

In an area that is not too far away, there is an abandoned altar. In Marvin's plan, he had to go to the altar.

Only with the help of the headless girl, the unexpected lich's broken finger really surprised him, because it meant that he could use this thing to get more good things from the altar!

Ma Wen walked while watching the various records:

[Knowledge - God (Witches)]: You got the Lich's finger. There is a trace of its faint divinity. This is a very powerful lich. He is close to the gods, but at the last minute he falls short. But he won't give up. He is still asleep, but he will eventually come back. He can perceive every part of the body. This broken finger hides the secret of his success. These divinities are invaluable resources in the hands of powerful theologians or wizards. But for others, this thing will only cause you trouble.

There is no doubt that Marvin belongs to "other people." He has no godhead, not a god, no way to absorb the divinity of the broken finger. Keeping this broken finger on your body for a long time will only cause you a scourge. So from the beginning, he did not intend to hold this baby for a long time.

He is going to sacrifice it, just on the altar.

A **** with a weak divinity should have a lot of gods or divines interested in it. This naturally includes the ancient gods of the elves.


The ancient **** of the elves is the second generation of ancient gods. The first generation of ancient gods has fallen apart from the **** of the wizard, Lance, who is not hidden. Marvin remembers that this ancient **** was an alternative among the gods. He was one of the few opponents when the gods of heaven decided to join forces to attack the magic pool.

This alone is what makes Marvin very fond of him. You must know that the destruction of the magic pool of the universe is an irresistible catastrophe for the mortal world.

Otherwise, the scholars in the Southern Pearl Tower will not be named "catastrophe" in this great change.

However, the unwilling gods in order to find the fourth fate slate, and finally launched an attack on the universe magic pool. The **** of the wizard, Lance, has left for too long, and they have forgotten his glory and strength. The original purpose of the universe magic pool is to help the ordinary people on the continent of Fernan, to make them easier to master witchcraft, to become a powerful wizard, in order to resist the endless monsters in the wild.

At the same time, the universe magic pool is also a peripheral barrier of the Fernando world, it protects Fernan, so that too strong guys can not enter Fernan.

This move protects the interests of all the creatures in Fernan, and because of this, its founder, the **** of the wizard, Lance, will be regarded as the supreme **** by all the races of Fernan, faintly superseding all the ancient gods. And the trend above the new god. For the strength of Lance, many of the gods are dissatisfied, but dare to speak out.

Now that the **** of the wizard has left Fernan for more than a thousand years, the gods are already ready to move.

The disaster has begun to brew, no one can be alone.

Ma Wen took a deep breath and accelerated his pace.


Two days later, the northwest of the Hall Mountains.

[You found the dead hills]

[Your knowledge - Geography +1]

[Knowledge-Geography (Dead Hill)]: The hills in front are chilling, and the terrain is quite complicated. In this environment, there are often terrorist creatures.

Marvin stood at the entrance to the dead hills and silently followed the route in his memory to see if there was any deviation.

He was lucky on the road, and he did not encounter any powerful monsters except for a few unspoken goblins.

This is related to the relative safety of the Hall Mountains itself.

But the dead hills are different. There are not only various wandering races, but also many criminals and monsters. Because the terrain here is quite suitable for hiding, some of the strongholds in this area have faintly gathered a large number of wanted criminals in nearby cities.

Whether it is a river beach city or a farther gem bay, all the villains are concentrated in this area.

There are also cannibal plants that eat people without blood, or things that are unknown to you but can kill you like snakes and insects in an instant.

However, most of these things are concentrated in the depths of the dead hills, and the surrounding areas are relatively safe.

Marvin did not intend to go deep into it. His goal was a small cave in the outer area.

He stood on a small hill and repeatedly confirmed it several times according to the direction of the sun and the route in his memory, and then he walked into the hills.


At dusk, he almost arrived near his destination.

Only at this time, Marvin encountered an unexpected person.

There was a roar of noise on the small open space in front. It was an angry brown bear.

And next to the brown bear, a long-skinned black robe man with a double knife is flying fast!

His attack technique is extremely cruel, and every knife attacks the abnormal pain of the brown bear, but it does not let the jungle overlord die immediately!

The brown bear groaned angrily, trying to catch this human being who constantly hurt him.

But it is too clumsy!

"Agile above 20!"

"Master level scimitar master!"

"The second-order ranger advanced career... From the point of view of the knife, it seems to be [black butcher]!"

Marvin was hiding under a tree and watching this scene silently. There was a slight uneasiness in his heart.

This guy is too powerful!

It is completely killing this brown bear!

This brown bear, I am afraid there is nothing he wants, he is completely in the fun of killing the brown bear to get the change!

Or, he is honing his skills. In short, this kind of person is very difficult to provoke.

Such a guy, his perception is certainly very good, although Marvin is also very confident in hiding himself, but if found, it is also a headache.

He hides in place, does not move, and even reduces his breathing frequency to a minimum.

He just watched the black man killing the brown bear. When the latter died, the blood of the whole body was drained. Its fur had been destroyed and could not be broken any more. It was almost completely cut off!

This kind of death is really cruel.

The black man stopped the attack and stood in the same place, suddenly his eyes cast.

"Oops, it was discovered."

Marvin knows that it is difficult to get rid of such a master.

But the black man did not immediately start, he seemed to hesitate for a while, suddenly revealed a smile:

"I’m in a good mood today, I’ve let you go.”

Say A shadow flew out of his hands.


The shadow was inserted in the soil three steps ahead of Ma Wen.

The black man turned and left, and a few jumps disappeared into the woods.

Marvin erased the sweat from his forehead and walked out of the shadows.

"Good luck. It seems that he has something else."

He pulled out the yellow card inserted in the dirt and painted a spider with a fangs!

Marvin’s face suddenly changed!

Shadow Spider will!

This guy is the killer of the Shadow Spider!

This yellow card means a warning, warning Ma Wen not to appear in his field of vision for the second time, otherwise he will kill Marvin mercilessly.

"The foundation of the Shadow Spider Society is not generally in the north?"

“How come members have come to the south?”

Marvin smelled an unusual meaning.

Anyway, this is a very troublesome signal. The only big city nearby is Heda City. He has a hunch that he is very likely to meet this killer again.

"It's hard..." Marvin shook his head. If the present is positive and he is right, it is almost completely suppressed.

You must improve your strength as soon as possible!

He stopped staying and continued to search for nearby caves.

Finally, before the sun set, he found the quiet cave.

The cave is very quiet, because there are ancient gods and gods, no monsters dare to approach.

Ma Wen went directly to the end of the cave and came to the abandoned altar. to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are available at ;

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