Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 144: That 1 gun style

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After dark, Ibrahimovic and Ma Wen split up. On this small island, Ibrahimovic's induction of the red dragon is even stronger.

He quickly pointed out the valley where the red dragons lived.

Ma Wen also carefully observed the terrain before, if the red dragon relies on flying to escape, then the direction is only the east.

The advantage of the night pedestrians was maximized at night.

Soon, he climbed up a mountain in the eastern part of the island.

On this mountain, he can overlook the entire island and even see the valley where the red dragon disguise himself.

Although with Marvin's current perception, he still can't see the specific position of the Red Dragon, but in this position, he can cover the eastern sky of the island!

"It's time to take out the big guy."

Marvin carefully found a hidden place and then pulled out a box.

He put the box on the ground and took out a piece of parchment that was sent to Constantine along with the box.

This is not a contract, but an inaugural book.

As long as you sign your name on this parchment, Marvin will get a second part-time job!

He did not hesitate to use a quill and signed the name.

In an instant, the parchment burned automatically, eventually turning into a black mark that blended into Marvin's eyebrows.

On the data panel, a large series of records crossed the front of Marvin.


[You got the second part-time - FireWire Gunner (Sha ethnic)]

[You are punished by experience, deducting the killing experience 2000 points]

[Your Sha ethnicity recognition +1]

[You get control of hot weapons (entry)]

[You have mastered the knowledge - basic firearms use and maintenance]

[You got the sunset rumors]


Hot weapons control!

What Ma Wen wants is this!

About my second part-time job. He has considered it for a long time. Because of his versatility, his first part-time job was exempt from experience punishment. This is a very cost-effective place.

The second part-time job is different, it will suffer a very serious experience punishment. Doubled at first, then tripled or even five times!

Marvin must take up a second part-time job that can play a very strong effect even if it is level 1!

After considering the whole profession of Fernan, plus the environment in which he lives, Ma Wen resolutely chose [FireWire Gunner]!

The FireWire Gunner is a special occupation of the Sha ethnic group. Only the best of the Sha ethnic group is qualified to take up the job.

Undoubtedly, Constantine, who is very skilled in firearms, is a member of the night walker, but also proud of the Sha people.

The inauguration book he personally wrote will naturally have no problem.

Marvin succeeded in gaining control of the hot weapon (entry).

But the entry level is not enough!

He took out two more bracelets. Bring it to yourself.

These two bracelets were also borrowed from Constantine. Anyway, for this dragon slaughter, he has already prepaid the gold mines in the future and the treasures after the dragons.

[You are equipped with a flame bracelet, your hot weapon master level +1]

[You are equipped with a frost bracelet, your hot weapon master level +1]

Under the hard pile of two bracelets, Marvin's thermal weapon control level came directly to the [master] level.


not enough!

The big guy in the box needs at least master-level hot weapons to control. Can be used.

He took out a pair of gloves again. The pair of gloves was a bit special. The fingers were made of steel and the flipping was not very flexible. But it can protect the palm of your hand.

Take off the [terrible gloves] that have been worn all the time, and Marvin put on the magic items called [Kursu's Wrath]!

Finally, his hot weapon control level reached the [master] level!

Hard to rely on a borrowed equipment. Marvin successfully armed himself into a fireman with a master-level hot weapon!

The next second, he decisively opened the box.

In the dark night. The thick gun barrel looks so **** in Marvin's eyes.

"Men, you should play this rough thing!"

"If you didn't enter the game early in the past life. The fireman was open very late, maybe he wouldn't play a thief."

"You don't have to be close to you, you can shoot at a distance, and you will be excited when you think about it!"

He began to quickly assemble this set of legendary items called [Zi Yao]!

There are so many parts of Zi Yao and the structure is very complicated.

For Konstantin, assembly and disassembly may take only a moment, but Marvin takes at least an hour.

This is still assembled for the instructions.

After all, Ma Wen is still a newbie.


An hour later, Zi Yao was finally commissioned.

Marvin is hidden by a huge rock, basically grasping the use of Zi Yao and the timing of shooting.

When he was alive, he did not play anything like a trebuchet in the siege war. He asked himself that the control of long-range weapons should still be possible.

Constantine only sent Ma Wen a "Dragon tooth" shell.

In other words, he only has a chance to make a shot.

If this gun is smashed, the red dragon may escape.

Then it is a big loss.

After all, at least 500 wizard gold coins for each shot!

Constantine himself had five dragon teeth. In order to kill the bamboo, one was used. Now there are only four.

The production process of each dragon tooth is very troublesome, which is why the hot weapon has never been popularized in Fernan.


It’s money.

Ma Wen knows this.

Why are the Sha people not strong? Because they have fewer people and lack resources, they don’t have business ideas.

FireWire gunners need to be piled up with money.

For example, now Marvin, a level 1 fireman, dares to kill the dragon after possessing a horrible weapon and weapon.

Behind this is a huge amount of money!

Of course, there are also friendships between night walkers.


It is getting closer and closer to the agreed time. Marvin is getting more and more excited!

His blood is ignited and his heartbeat is getting faster and faster!

After all, this is the Dragon Slayer!

Although it is just a red dragon.

But for the current Marvin. It is also very dangerous to exist!

If you are not careful, you have to put yourself in.

If you do not have absolute confidence in Ibrahimovic's strength and ability to respond. He didn't dare to come at all.

"Come on, I am ready."

Ma Wen constantly tuned the direction of the barrel, and he muttered in his heart.


After fifteen minutes, Ibrahimovic finally shot!

As soon as he shot, he continued to attack without mercy!

He suddenly appeared, and the red dragon disguised as a mountain wall was a mammoth!


The horrible dragon humming came, and a huge wave of turmoil rolled, and the whole island shook.

Fortunately, Ma Wenxuan’s position was good and he did not receive the influence of Long Yao.

The two sides are about a little five miles away!

This distance. It is still very safe for Marvin.

Under the blessing of the King of the Night, he can clearly see the battles that took place in the valley.

The huge red dragon seemed so weak under Ibrahim's fierce attack.

The figure of both sides is in stark contrast!

Under such a contrast, each of Ibrahimovic’s fists seems so powerful and powerful!

Unlike the monk's smashing of everything, Ibrahimovic's boxing has a stronger force.

It is at all costs, even if it is jade, you must also convince you!


"It's a man I saw!"

not far away. In the eyes of the Queen of the Sea Elf, there is a glimmer of light.

If it is not for the sake of strategy, she can't wait to throw it up now and take it off, then force it up.

It is too fierce!

The red dragon was screamed. It is the only one that can make a dragon like a dog. There is no semicolon.

"His Royal Highness, he seems to have a companion." The sea elf on the side reminded.

"Do you say that guy with a hidden head?"

The Queen of the Sea Elf dismissed: "It's too weak, and stealing a telescope. I have no interest in him."

"But the telescope seems to have some strange energy. It looks like a good thing," said the entourage around her.

"Is there still a lot of good things in our palace?"

The Queen was completely uninterested in Ma Wen, her eyes fixed on Ibrahimovic. The mouth said: "The red dragon will definitely escape."

"Wu Sheng will not fly, this is the biggest regret. But I can help him stop."

"At the time. I don't believe he is still not impressed!"


Sure enough, as the Queen of the Seas said.

The red dragon knows that the melee is not the opponent of Ibrahimovic. He quickly used a trick and then forced himself out with dragon grammar!

His wings are wide open and his huge body rises rapidly!

Although Ibrahimovic’s bounce was amazing, after being delayed by the Dragon Witchcraft for a little while, I still couldn’t catch up!

"Get started!" said the Sea Elf Queen with a smile.

The body of the red dragon climbed rapidly, heading east, and soon came to a mountain peak.

However, at this time, a huge rock fell directly from the mountain on the east side!


Ma Wen’s foot opened the rock that had long been loose, completely exposing himself!

Above the mountain, the huge barrel can be adjusted at will, no longer any obstacles.

"finally come."

Marvin clung to Zi Yao, and locked the dragon that flew in the air!

His heartbeat suddenly turned several times, silently estimating the distance between the two sides, as well as the location of the attack.

"What does he want?" The Queen of the Sea Elf noticed this and she did not.

The red dragon also saw the small figure on the mountain.

He didn't care at all, the strength of the other party was too weak, and he could not pose any threat to him!

However, the next second, Ma Wen took a deep breath.

He pulled his hands with his hands and yanked the wrench. A strong recoil came, and the whole person could not help but fall back and almost fell off the mountain!


In an instant, a stout purple light directly smashed out of the barrel!

This is a shot through the world!


Flame and electro-optical forcibly penetrated the dragon's head and directly smashed its head into a smash!

Blood hydration has become rain, and they have sprung up!

The body of the red dragon, falling down in desperation!

The Queen of the Sea Elf and her entourage almost look dumbfounded!


Marvin had a terrible pain in his chest and coughed blood.

However, looking at the dense data flashing on the data panel, he laughed loudly.

This cannon.

This is his mother's cool!

... (to be continued..)

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