Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 157: armor

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The next day. The temporary camp was officially completed.

All the forces were settled in accordance with Marvin’s arrangements.

And more adventurers are squatting outside the camp, ready to pick up the sweetness after the battle begins.

At noon.

Outside the camp, all the soldiers who are about to participate in the war are assembled.

Yes, no matter what your previous identity is, once you participate in the glorious battle of pioneering, your identity is a soldier.

You must obey the command of the lord.

No matter what you think in your heart, at least the surface is still to be done.

Everyone, gathered outside the camp, according to the forces of their respective affiliation.

Marvin rode his horse and slowly came from the far north.

He had a sword at his waist, and this sword was left behind by his grandfather when he pioneered the wild.

Now, he is back in his hands.

[3w. This kind of pre-war mobilization, in fact, is mostly to encourage morale. But the problem is that the army under Marvin’s army is completely in abundance.

With the exception of a few people, they have no loyalty to Marvin.

No matter what Ma Wen said, it is estimated that it is difficult to motivate them to fight for themselves.

So he simply pulled out the sword and symbolically collided with the weapons raised by the soldiers in the front row, then turned the horse's head and returned to their front.

In the next second, he held up the sword and shouted loudly:



"open up!"

His voice was loud and loud, and it was like a thunder in the ears of everyone!

that is because. He used a witchcraft scroll.

Except for the wizards, everyone is shocked. Their eyes finally condensed on Marvin, and finally condensed on the tip of the sword.

Marvin looked at it with satisfaction. His eyes swept away from everyone:

"The warriors."

"Our ancestors have explored the wildness countless times, and opened up another piece of pure land among Fernans with monsters."

"Now, we will follow their glory and go to the wild."

"I, Baron Ma Wen, will lead you again and open up the wilderness based on the wild pioneering order issued by the Southern Wizarding League."

"Today's battle is just the beginning. We can get more wealth and resources than you think."

"We can't stop it."

"All the monsters will be cleaned up by us. After five or ten years, this place will be extremely prosperous. And we will be rewarded for helping the Alliance to develop a new territory."

"Knights, fiefdom, money, beauty... everything is at your fingertips."

"Now, please join me and pull out your weapons!"

In the last sentence, Marvin almost screamed.


The messy but loud gold and iron symphony sounded immediately!

Everyone pulled out the weapon.

They watched Marvin silently, regardless of what they had been holding for the purpose of participating in the war.

But since they are on the battlefield, they have only one purpose. That is to hit the enemy!

After all, their enemies, but the horrible ogre!

A small team of human soldiers is not necessarily an opponent of an ogre.

At this time, I still want to play with my heart and mind, it is tantamount to looking for death.

Marvin held the sword. To the mountain, slammed down!


There was a broken sound in the air.

"set off!"

The army slowly started.


On the ogres, the huge but flexible silhouettes are madly busy.

They are building fortifications.

The ogre is not simply a wild monster. Some ogres have considerable intelligence and they can speak lingua franca.

About the wild pioneering order. They have also heard about it.

Coupled with the warning of the old man in black, they have already prepared.

The entire ogre tribe. There are forty-five ogres, each of which is a good old man.

They migrated from the screaming mountains in order to survive; and the reason why they did not attack the Baihe Valley was because the monsters in the screaming mountains were bound by the power of order.

This was the imprisonment set by the **** Lance in the past.

The power of this order will be lifted only when outsiders actively violate it.

All the ogres are very excited!

They have long wanted to go down the mountain and taste the taste of humanity. Just have been suffering from no chance.

After all, the meat of the Gnolls is too sour, there is no way to enter.

Nowadays, Marvin’s wild pioneering order has launched an offensive against them, which means that the **** tied to them is no longer there.

They can rush into the human domain and occupy their own territory.

This is what every ogres have dreamed of.

In fact, most of the ogres have long rushed down if they were not strictly guarded by their lords, and they took up arms to turn these weak humans into patties.

They have long been unable to suppress the desire for bloodthirsty inside.

They don't understand why it is not better for the leader to insist on sticking to the mountain and killing it directly.

These humans can't be powerful opponents of the ogre!

You know, every ogres are born with a racial feat - a natural power!

This means that their initial strength will not be lower than 20 points!

This is a very scary number.

Coupled with their super resilience and the same powerful physique - except for agility, the ogre is almost the perfect fighter.

And humans?

Human beings are just a kind of food in the eyes of the ogre, and the taste is not bad.

However, in this ogre tribe, the command of the leader is above all else. They know his powerful power, so they will not easily offend him.

Since the leader said that he would stick to the mountain, stick it.

Anyway, the leader has promised, one day sooner or later. They will lead them down the mountain and rush into the human domain. Greatly prey on your favorite prey.


West of the Ogre Mountain, two miles away.

Under the instructions of Marvin. The army stopped moving forward.

At this distance, the two sides have been able to see each other.

And with the sprint speed of the adult ogre, it can rush into the human camp in three minutes, so it is necessary to maintain a certain distance.

I saw a tight fortification on the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside.

This does not match the style of the ogre.

Marvin frowned slightly.

If you force a mountain attack, I am afraid that the situation will be very fierce. The ogres occupied the highlands, and they were surrounded by stones. With their horrible arm, they can at least take these stones out for a quarter of a mile!

If you force mountaineering, I am afraid that I have not yet killed the ogre. Will be killed by life!

"It’s not good to go on like this."

Marvin saw the fearful eyes behind him. They are all flesh-born, and once they are smashed by the stone, they will die.

"You must find a way to get these monsters off the hill."

When Ma Wen waved his sword, he immediately issued the first order.

Soon, under the protection of a patrol in River City, six trebuchets slowly began moving forward.

The rest of the troops were also dispersed, keeping the distance and buffering the mountains.

Since the ogres refused to come down. Before that, they don't have to worry about the charge of the ogre.

Marvin’s strategy is simple, that is, no matter what, you have to get the ogre from the hill!

Force them to fight against their own on the ground. This is the only way to win.

The six trebuchets that Medier sent were turned into his winning key.

Ordinary trebuchets, the normal throwing distance is about one-sixth to one-fifth of a mile.

But the six trebuchets provided by Mediterra. It is not a common item.

They are all solidified and the range is more than doubled.

Each trebuchet has four soldiers in charge. The other person is the commander.

The logistics team was responsible for transporting a car and stone, and the stone was coated with turpentine and hot oil.

Even a tentative attack. Marvin also tried to test the Ogre tribe's cards as much as possible.

Finally, under the cover of the crowd, the army came to the Ogre Mountain for about half a mile.

The six trebuchets kept a certain distance, and the soldiers nervously adjusted their angles and began to aim.

The ogre on the mountain is obviously somewhat uneasy.

Some ogres violently throw stones at the mountains.

Their strength is great, but there is still a gap between them and the human side.

Under Marvin’s orders, everyone is ready. Once the ogre is provoked and rushes down the mountain, it is necessary to fight according to the operational guidelines laid down by Marvin.

Only in this way can they win the mountain at the least cost.

"Ma Wen, the trebuchet is ready!"

The commander shouted.

Marvin’s sabre points to the “fortress” that the ogre built on the mountainside, and ordered: “Give me!”

In the next second, the sound of the cymbal sounded, and a dozen pieces of gravel suddenly left the human position. Under the blessing of magic, every stone flew high!

Not only that, because the stone is smeared with turpentine and hot oil, under the high-speed friction, every stone becomes a stone burning with flames!


The stone was scattered into the ogre fortress, and there was a slight disorder on the mountainside.

"carry on!"

Ma Wenxi said.

Soon, the next round of projection is ready.

Everyone looked at it with great tension.

After three rounds, the mountainside has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the ogres are very angry.

Although these flames could not cause harm to them, they angered them.

They screamed and screamed at the foot of the mountain, and wanted to kill it immediately!

However, what made Marvin feel wrong is that he was so provocative, and the ogres were still not killed!

"Who is their leader?"

Marvin worked hard to search for clues. The ogres were all about the same, and he didn't see who was giving orders.

"Adult? Do you want to continue?" asked the commander of the trebuchet.

Marvin hasn't had time to answer Suddenly, among the ogre in the middle of the mountain, he rushed out of a guy with a light black skin!

He screamed and jumped directly from the mountainside!


After a huge sound, a trebuchet was smashed by his huge body!

And he himself is safe and sound.

Everyone is scared.

Ma Wen mouth slightly twitching - [iron armor]?

Legendary Ogre! ?

... (to be continued...)

The one hundred and fifty-seventh chapter iron armor [third more! 】

The one hundred and fifty-seventh chapter iron armor [third more! 】 is played by [] members, more chapters please go to the website:

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