Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 159: This one is counted as my

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Three legendary dissociation!

Safe and sound.

Marvin couldn't help but look at the man in front of him.

His body is not particularly burly, but his body is perfect. He wore a simple black dress without any legendary or magical atmosphere.

His eyes are brown and look a little bit awkward.

This is exactly the feeling of a big boy next door.

However, it is such a man who resists three legendary dissociation techniques, and even his clothes are not destroyed.

This is incredible.

It seems that I saw the doubts in Ma Wen’s eyes. The man smiled slightly: "Hello Marvin."

"My name is O'Brien. Don't worry, witchcraft doesn't work for me."


Marvin certainly heard of this name!

The leader of this generation of night walkers, one of the most mysterious and low-key of the night walkers, is rumored that he has resisted evil forces in the north all year round. Has it come today?

Is it because I wake up the Dark Warrior?

Ma Wen secretly guessed.

On the other side, along with the appearance of O'Brien, Constantine sighed a long sigh.

Marvin noticed that when Constantine faced the Ogre Wizard alone, it was actually a little erratic.

He does not necessarily beat each other.

The legendary Ogre Wizard is a very powerful presence, and the biggest feature of Constantine, who relies on the night pedestrians and the FireWire Gunners to advance the legend, is comprehensive but not specialized. Unless there is help from the inexhaustible ocean, it is difficult for him to fight against a powerful caster - which is why he needed the help of the Great Druid when he was chasing the Red Red Patriarch.

And this ogre sorcerer. I am afraid that in the explosive power of the spell, it is stronger than the red head.

But when O'Brien's figure appeared. Constantine suddenly became a lot easier.

He glanced at O'Brien: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time." O'Brien didn't look back. Instead, take a stride to the mountain where the ogre is!

"We have not fought side by side for many years."

"Help me a little, I suddenly want to raise a legendary ogre wizard as a pet."

Marvin was shocked.

The nightwalker leader is too fierce. Do you dare to say such words?

With the power of the legendary Ogre Wizard, you can clearly hear every word he said.

Sure enough, the ogre wizards on the mountain were furious.

In an instant, the spell is like a downpour.

Every spell, the goal is O'Brien.

The latter did not change color and walked forward step by step.

"Legend spell immunity?"

Marvin struggled to spit out such a word.

The speed of the cast of the Ogre Wizard is not fast, and every spell hits Marvin. It’s all properly hanged.

But O'Brien has resisted so many spells, but there is nothing at all!

This is too exaggerated.

That is the legendary mage!

"Hey, don't be so surprised, kid."

"This guy has a simple mind. If the limbs are not developed any more, how can we be our head?"

Constantine was jokingly relaxed and joking.

Marvin is silent.

O'Brien, who is still moving forward, said that I can hear what you said? "Do not jump words.

"But forget it, don't care about you, I am not so embarrassed."

Constantine said in a serious way: "He is, I am praising you."

Looking back, he said to Marvin:

"Look. This is one of his few advantages - Ken admits his shortcomings."

"So I was puzzled by the fact that I chose him as the leader. I still didn't take Zi Yao to punch his head."

Ma Wen coughed and refused to comment.

Constantine finally got serious:

"Let your people back two miles."

Ma Wen nodded.

At the moment he ordered all but two of himself to retreat two miles.

No one questioned Marvin’s order. Because of everything that happened today. They have subverted their knowledge of the world.

In the ogre tribe, there is a legend? And more than one? A legendary wizard of a armor? This also makes it difficult for people to develop.

Elf Wusheng is a friend of Marvin's adult? And the angel-like girl who just appeared, who is it.

The two guys who are standing next to Marvin are horrifying. It’s legendary to think about it with your toes.

Shouldn't this be a normal wild pioneering campaign? How suddenly became a legendary war?

Everyone has quietly retired, even those uninvited adventurers who have been on both wings. Also began to shrink back.

No one is a fool, look at the actions of these strong men. It seems that I am ready to do a big job.

They are cheap, not by the fish.


"What do you want?" Marvin asked quietly.

"Help you to flatten the mountain." Konstantin flashed a murderous eye.

Just the three dissociation techniques, I was shocked to him. If it wasn't for O'Brien, maybe he could only resist it with his beloved Zi Yao!

This made him very angry.

Zi Yao was adjusted to the angle when he pressed it on the ground, aiming at the top of the mountain!

"Thank you." Marvin patted his chest: "This hair, count me."

After all, after the six trebuchets were broken, the ogres could be driven from the mountains, and only Constantine’s long-range firepower.

Since I joined the night walker, I have been a little embarrassed.

This dragon tooth cannon is naturally counted in its own account.

Who knows that Constantine is eccentric: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Marvin looked at O'Brien's fierce and incomparable anti-magic wizard's spells one by one, and wondered what kind of profession and expertise this guy is, or what magical ability. . In order to do this, the mouth is naturally free.

Constantine smiled and said: "I am a Mavin. I am rich and rich. I was prepared to pay for myself."

"After all, the morning light is more expensive than the dragon tooth."

and many more!


Ma Wen instantly returned to God, and suddenly stared at Constantine? Are you using dragon teeth? ”

"Of course." Constantine said with a serious statement: "Dragon teeth are very destructive. But they are linear and have a limited range of damage."

"I just said that I want to flatten the hill."

“[Dawn” is the best choice.”

Ma Wen swallowed a spit, and there was a bad premonition in his heart. How much did it cost? ”

"It’s a bit more expensive than Dragon’s.”

Constantine didn't know that he had pulled out a white cannonball from there and stuffed it into the glory of Zi Yao.

The next second, he pulled the wrench and pointed at the top of the mountain.

"How much is it!" Ma Wen asked aloud.


Constantine did not hesitate to launch [Zi Yao].

Next second. The huge bang sound drowned Marvin's voice directly, and frantically tore Marvin's eardrum - a white meteor blasted directly from the cannon.

Unlike the straight teeth of Longya, [Dawn] is parabolic and flies to the top of the mountain.

It's not fast!


"what is that!"

"The sound of horror."

"Is it the secret weapon of Marvin's adult?"

Two miles away, everyone looked at this scene with sorrow - I am afraid that they will not see more shocking scenes than they are today.

[Dawn 曦] hurriedly climbed, and then split into countless small fragments of bullets to the top of the mountain.

On the mountainside, the ogre wizard perceives something wrong. He lifts his staff and tries to intercept these bullets carrying terrorist forces.

unfortunately. It's all too late.

O'Brien screamed, and the sorcerer's spells were interrupted!

Casting failed!

Marvin stood next to Constantine, first to be almost tinnitus by the spur of Zi Yao, and then by O'Brien's nephew to stare at Venus.

"What kind of occupation is this guy? Lions? Can you interrupt the enemy by so far?"

Marvin looked at O'Brien's gaze. Full of awe.

This guy, probably the one he has encountered in the strong, is enough to compete with Nicholas.

Compared with him. In Hem is likely to be one level!


The Ogre Wizard did not stop the morning, the next second. The bullets that fell on the hill suddenly burst into bright light!


Every bullet goes deep into the cracks of the top of the mountain. Then it exploded in an instant.

The entire hill was completely blown up, and countless gravels rolled down, and the whole mountain was shaking!

The dust flew up, Ma Wenqi looked at it, and his eyes penetrated the sand. He saw the top of the mountain, and he was cut off by a third!

Such terrible destructive power!

A large number of stones rolled down, and the savage ogres jumped straight.

Finally, under the roar of an ogre, they rushed down!

They have no retreat, and then hide in the mountains, as long as Constantine will come again, they will be buried alive!

Marvin’s purpose was reached. He took a deep breath and nodded and said, “This is my hair.”


O'Brien turned back: "Let's go to Constantine. I can't catch him."

Constantine quickly took Zi Yao and pulled out a shotgun to hang himself. The left and right hands held a pistol and quickly followed.

The two disappeared into the sand.

Ma Wen was slightly determined.

With these two legends to get the Ogre Wizard, the next ogre should be able to cope.

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

When Ma Wenze returned, everyone naturally saw it all. Although the sand was big, the huge body of the ogre could not be covered up.

Everyone was ready to fight and was divided into echelons according to Marvin’s previous combat plan.

"Adults, they launched a charge!"

The head of the Silver Knight is still familiar with Guderian. This guy is already a third-order.

He solemnly said to Marvin: "If we don't initiate a I'm afraid I can't resist it! Our defense will be shredded."

"Nothing, you are behind us, the rest, the two wings are wrapped. Don't let go of a fish that slips through the net"

Ma Wen said with ease.

The next second, he rolled over and rushed over to the ogre army!


With the tall figure of the Anzuola bear appearing in the dust, the 16 dark warriors also silently held the big sword, followed by Ma Wen, and killed the ogre!

The most intense hand-to-hand combat has finally begun.

... (to be continued...)

The one hundred and fifty-nine chapter of this hair, count my [subscription! 】

The one hundred and fifty-nine chapter of this hair, count my [subscription! 】 is played by [] members, more chapters please go to the website:

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