Night Ranger

Chapter 24: Double snake

There is some uneasiness in the garrison.

These young lads are fearless. They don’t care if they let the people hit the gates of the city.

They are the guards of the White River Valley, and they have always obeyed the orders of the Lord.

But now, they have to accept a killer leader?

This makes them somewhat unacceptable. Although they have just arrived in the city of Hetao, the rumors about the double-knife mask have been heard.

It is said that this guy has killed all members of a gangster alone? Is this too horrible?

"Anna adult..."

Andre looked at the half-elf female housekeeper with some difficulty.

Who knows that Anna is cold and said: "This is the command of the Lord!"

Andrea snorted and nodded and said, "I know."

Ma Wensha said with a dumb voice: "Isn't it finished? It's hard to open the patrol. We have to make a quick decision tonight. Come with me!"

After all, the shadow of the double-knife mask disappeared into the alley.

Twenty guards immediately followed.

Anna is staying in place.

She has more important things to do.


Marvin skillfully shuttled through the alley, and he knew it about the power of the city.

The most powerful one is the big wizard of the legendary edge, which is the city owner of the river beach city. The strongest force of the city's lord is the chief sorcerer of the city.

After that, it was the patrol. Every soldier in the patrol is a second-order warrior, powerful.

They are the guarantee of the security of the river beach city.

As long as the patrol team can be opened, Marvin has nothing to fear.

Although Miller is very rich, but the guardian stationed in his house is also a small group of five or six mercenaries, plus two second-order professionals.

In Marvin's calculations, Miller is already a dead man!

"I can cruelly poison my own brother!"

"This kind of person, I will never tolerate him to continue to live in this world!"

He secretly vowed in his heart.

Turning around a corner, I came to a relatively remote place.

An old goblin wearing a pincer is waiting there with a smile. His name is Bain, who runs a **** shop on the surface, but secretly has a relationship with many local gangs.

These guys can sell you anything as long as they have enough money.

After Marvin returned to Hetao City, the first thing was to redeem his necklace. Then, as a double-knife mask, he negotiated a business with the old Goblin Bain.

"Double knife mask adult, please here."

Bain smiled and led everyone to go to a villa in the rich area.

The guards’ boys are watching all this nervously.

A group of people took the night around the villa and came to the back door. The old goblin took out a key and opened the door.

This is a small warehouse with boxes.

"A total of twenty leather armor, the military training weapons you want, are all inside."

Old Goblin smiled and said: "As long as you give enough money, we can get you something from the Black Claw Chamber of Commerce."

"Of course, don't take these things to attack the city's capital... I am not worried about your troubles, but worry that you will not come back."

Bain made a joke at an inappropriate time.

No one will take the weapons that have been eliminated from these troops to attack the city government.

Now is the era of wizards, a wizard's [powerful ice ring] can make half of the guards lose their combat power. It is a joke in this era.

The Cataclysm is still brewing, the universe magic pool is still intact, and the gods in heaven have not yet reached an agreement.

But Marvin knows that it's not far from it.

"Go in," Marvin ordered. "When you wear leather, I know that you have received the most basic militia training, but you are faced with several mercenary players."

"I promised your lord that I won't let any of you fall down tonight."

"So, the rookie, I buckled the buckle on the leather armor!"

Marvin’s pointing action is very old, which makes Andre, who has been somewhat dissatisfied, unable to attack.

In fact, when playing games in the past, Marvin also participated in the battle of the underground human city coalition forces to attack the dark elves - as a super scout. He also experienced a considerable degree of military training, at least better than the militia in front of him.

The human beings on the ground are stronger than the humans on the surface. Not to mention the dark elves. It is not easy to pick a small problem with Marvin’s vision.

The battle has not yet begun, he directly gave these hairy boys a down.

Let them be completely convinced. In this way, they will obey their orders in battle.

The boys are still well trained, and they will wear leather for a long time.

The protective gear is very important in the battle. The human body is very fragile. Before the advanced third-order occupation stimulates [Apocalypse], all the professionals can't completely immune the damage without the protective gear. Of course, wizards are always an exception when doing similar discussions. The witchcraft's witchcraft completely crushes the ability of the rest of the profession, which is why the wizard can rule the world.

So people always say that even the greatest **** is also preferred. The first ancient god, Lance, created Fernan, Enze all races, but only loved the wizard.

But soon, this situation will be subverted.


“I heard that the patrols were all called to the dock area?”

The old goblin on the side looked at the guards and the armed men were armed, and they could not help but look at them tentatively.

Marvin coldly said: "Businessmen should not ask too much."

Bainhaha smiled and said: "Of course, of course."

"But the patrol may not be your biggest trouble."

The old man sneaked and smiled: "Mr. Double Knife Mask, I know your goal. On the 31st of the Rich Zone, the fat man named Miller."

"I have a very valuable news to sell to you."

Marvin frowned.

Actually at this juncture, only after talking about the news, the meaning of the old goblin is very obvious.

He just wants to take the opportunity to raise the price.

Andre and others were ready to go, and they saw two people discussing, some strange. They are just soldiers, and their brains are not so fast.

Ma Wen whispered: "How much?"

"Five gold coins."


A cold light flashed, the scimitar has already been placed on the neck of the old goblin!

“Can you be cheaper?” said Marvin.

The old goblin does not change color: "This is news that can save your life. Can your life be cheaper?"


Ma Wen took back the scimitar and took out five gold coins from the empty conch and lost it!

The faint gold flashed through the candlelight in the warehouse, and almost did not brighten the eyes of Andre and others!

They are all poor children from the Baihe Valley, where have seen so much money!

"Boss, is it a killer, so make money?"

A team member whispered, "That is five thousand silver coins!"

Andre screamed and couldn't figure it out.

Even if they are the lords, are they not so rich? Where did he come to such a great god?

Andre’s temper is very straight, and he can’t think of anything that doesn’t work.

Anyway, the order of the lord of the Lord is just what it is.


The old Goblin who received the gold coins suddenly became very serious: "I know that you have collected the money and want to eliminate the Miller family."

"But the power behind this old guy is even stronger than you think!"

"Of course you can kill them tonight, but I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble!"

Marvin said coldly: "I am killing people, never afraid of trouble."

Bain snorted: "Double snake teach, have you heard of it?"

Marvin’s pupils suddenly shrink!

Double snake teach!

Of course he has heard of this name!

It’s more than that I heard that in the past life, he and these disgusting evil believers have been fighting for more than ten times!

He still remembers that his first death in the game was when he was fighting with the double serpent, he was killed by the avid guy!

That was a humiliation for Marvin's gaming career!

Why can't he remember?

"Miller is a double snake teacher?"

Ma Wen has also become solemn. It is no wonder that this guy has been ignorant for so many years, but recently suddenly became rich, and then returned to Hetao City.

If he is a double-snake person, everything will make sense!

"and many more!"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Marvin’s mind!

The people who have been taught by the double snake have been secretly working underground.

Because the legendary wizard Anthony of the St. Light Tower on Fernando Coast monitors them daily with the Eye of the Sun. The daughter of this legendary wizard died in the conspiracy of the double snake, so as long as he is in a day, the double snake teaches not to act!

But now, the people of the double snakes have even reached out to the city of the river!

If Marvin guessed it right, it means that the legendary wizard Anthony is close to being degraded!

The fall of Anthony is not a natural death.

It is a **** called [The Dark Prince].

This is the first step for the gods to reach the magic pool of the universe.

"It must be faster!"

Ma Wen’s heart glimpsed: “The Cataclysm is faster than I expected!”


(Thanks to the book friends [Rainy Night Color] and [Wind City] respectively, 1888**** coins are rewarded!)

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