Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 180: Marvin's counterattack

In the face of Marvin’s doubts, the fraudster sighed:

"Sure enough, let him succeed. ≧Vertical novel,"

"This colorful stone is definitely his."

Ma Wen frowned: "What are you talking about? If you don't give colorful stones to Di Gaogen, his conspiracy will not succeed."

The fraudster shook his head: "It's not that simple."

"But there is no time to explain so much to you now."

"Let's make a deal. Tell me all the information you know about my brother. I will give you this colorful stone."

Mediel sneered aloud: "Do you think you can escape my vision?"

The fraudster glanced at Medierly coldly: "Witcher? This big word is not convincing until you are promoted to the legend."

"I want to go and leave, no one can stop me."

Medier Li was so angry that he was going to start, but he was pulled by Marvin.

"In fact, even if you don't exchange colorful stones, I will tell you."

Marvin said sincerely: "I just don't want you to be used by Di Gaogen again."

The fraudster asked suspiciously: "Who are you? I know that you have the same blood as me, but you don't seem to be like the prophet."

"I am not a prophet, but I happen to know a lot of things."

Marvin said quickly: "You and your brother lived in the west of Pangbo's sea when they were young. Am I not wrong?"

The fraudster flashed a stunned color and nodded.

Marvin continued: "Because of an accident, you were chased by those indigenous people, and the result was in the process of fleeing. You fell into the crack of time and space, and when you woke up, you found yourself in a rotten plateau. So you thought, your brother and You fell into the hands of Di Gaogeng together. Isn't it?"

The fraudster sucked a sigh of relief.

Because Marvin said, and her personal experience, one point is not bad!

"Go ahead!" She looked forward to it.

"In fact, he did not fall into the rotten plateau with you. He is still west of the sea of ​​Pombo, he is still alive."

Marvin looked at her deeply: "If you want to find him, if you believe in me, you should take the boat to that place now."

"Although it is called "dead domain" there, but you and I know that there are still many descendants of ancient races living there. Isn't it?"

The fraudster took a long breath.

She hesitated for a while and eventually threw the colorful stones to Marvin.

Ma Wen steadily caught and sighed.

"I believe you."

"When I look at the descendants of the Numan people, I remind you that Di Gaogen will never give up."

"You'd better find a place to hide, because your enemies don't necessarily shoot in person."

After all, she once again looked at Marvin and seemed to remember his face deeply. It disappeared into the depths of the cave.

There was a hint of color in the eyes of Medir.

Although the fraudster is also a fourth-order warlock, but the spell she used, Mediel is simply unheard of.

As she said, she wants to escape. Mediterra and Marvin had no way to stop it.

“Is this stone real or fake?”

Mediterra looked at the colorful stones in Marvin's hands: "Her nickname is a fraudster, don't be deceived by her."

"She won't deceive me." Marvin said confidently.

"Let's get out of here."

His voice has not fallen, and a white light gallops in the distance!

The breath of the other party is quite scary. At that moment, Marvin and Mediterra even had a hint of suffocation!


Marvin’s mind immediately recalled that the fraudster had just said, “Your enemies will not necessarily be shot in person.”

Because of the people coming. It is a holy white deer!


The white deer is smart and sturdy. In the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Ma Wen.

The brilliance of his body continued to fall, slowly becoming the image of a middle-aged man.

"Give me back my treasure." The Holy Spirit White Deer said in a majestic manner.

Mediel took a deep breath and flashed a horror in his eyes. She is a semi-succubus, and the other is a legendary creature in heaven, and there is natural disgust between the two sides.

If the Holy Spirit White Deer sees that he is not pleasing to the eye, he may have shot her out.

And now, he seems to be in a bad mood.

When Marvin fixed his mind, he tightened the colorful stones in his hands and said: "Lohat, the original owner has no opinion on us."

"But I have to ask, what happened?"

The Holy Spirit White Deer sneered: "What happened? Do you still need to ask me?"

"Don't ask me to break into my cave and steal my treasure. If it's not for the children you tried to guard me, I've got those things back!"

His gaze fell on the rifle wrapped in tarpaulin behind Marvin.

Ma Wenfu does not change color: "I want to know what happened after I left."

Lockhart said impatiently: "Give me the colorful stones, don't force me to do it."

"Don't think that I don't know what you are trying to do. You are like the evil spirits."

Ma Wenzheng said: "We are different from evil spirits. At least we don't want the door to disaster to appear in any corner of Fernan."

"So I have to ask, what happened after we left the cave!?"

The middle-aged man of the Holy Spirit White Deer bit his teeth.

In the next second, his eyes suddenly reflected a bright light curtain.

On the light curtain, there was a shadow in the white deer cave.

He has a panoramic view of everything that happened before.

Marvin looked carefully:

After Di Gaogen manipulated the fraudsters and snatched the colorful stones, Marvin and Mediterra were quickly chased up.

The cave afterwards is calm.

However, it didn't take long for a crack to appear in front of the deer and the saints!

Ma Wen’s body trembled: “The plane coordinates?”

The White Deer Cave was originally a great place to hide, if no fraudsters entered it before. If you leave the plane coordinates, Di Gaogen will have to work harder. There is no way to find this place.

Sure enough, the crack is getting bigger and bigger. Eventually a rotten knight appeared from the crack.

He rushed to the poor little white deer.

His horrible breath made everyone lose their ability to move. All the creatures in the White Deer Cave, including the Virgin Muse, were caught in the crack.


"Scorpio..." Marvin bit his lip: "They were caught in the decaying plateau."

and many more!

Suddenly a flash of electric light flashed through his mind, and some looked at the Holy Spirit White Deer in amazement: "Die Gaogen contacted you?"

Lockhart nodded gloomyly.

"So you have an agreement?" Marvin stared at him: "You handed the colorful stones to him, and then he let your children?"

"It's almost like this. I have no choice." The face of the Holy Spirit White Deer is full of helplessness.

"I need this stone to save my children."

"No!" Ma Wenxi nailed the railroad: "You are crazy."

In the eyes of Lockhart, there was a murderous murder: "If you try to stop me, I will be welcome!"


Rotten plateau, the supreme throne.

The Cavaliers Douglas slowly came from the distant sea.

"Adult, everything is arranged."

"They are placed in the safest place. No one in the entire multiverse knows the secret prison you built."

"No one can find it, even the fraudster."

Douglas said so.

Di Gao Geng’s face showed a satisfied smile.

"Very good. I just wanted to open a door to disaster. I didn't expect another harvest."

"Lohat is extra value to his children. It seems that heaven creatures will become vulgar when they stay in the world for a long time."

"But it doesn't matter, I just have a mount here."

"When he comes to the rotten plateau, I will be hospitality, hahahaha..."


Dead hills. Inside the white deer cave.

The atmosphere of the swordsmanship gradually disappeared.

Obviously, Ma Wen’s advice has played a role. Lockhart is not a fool, he just agreed to deal with Di Gaogen.

In fact. Even he himself knows that it is fierce to go to the rotten plateau.

Di Gao Geng's strength is quite strong, almost equivalent to the **** of weak power. In addition to the decaying plateau is his world, there. The strength of others will be weakened, and he himself. You can use your expertise indefinitely.

As Marvin said, even if Lockhart gave the colorful stones to Di Gaogeng, the latter would not let him and his children.

Because evil spirits are always insatiable.

"There are three days from the day you trade with Di Gaogen."

"The three days are enough for us to plan."

"Please be sure to believe in my plan. You are not alone."

Deep in the cave, Ma Wencheng said to Lockhart incomparably.

Mediterra has already returned to Hetao City one step ahead. As a celestial creature, Howard’s look at the succubus is not pleasing to the eye.

As for Marvin, for some special reasons, he didn't care much about the blood of the devil on his body.

Lohart looked at the empty cave and sighed and said: "My friends are not many, but there are still one or two."

"But I am hesitant and it is good to drag them into this matter."

Tianjie deer has his own unique pride, and he rarely asks for help from friends. Marvin saw this.

"Now our sole purpose is to save your children, and Miss Muse, isn't it?"

He handed the colorful stone to Lockhart: "If you think it is a better way to compromise with Di You can do this at any time."

Lockhart measured the colorful stones in his hand and silenced for a while before asking:

"No compromise, what should we do?"

Marvin’s face showed a smile: “We fight back.”

"Don't you think that Di Gaogen has been jumping too late?"

"I have a lot of friends, they are probably very happy to help eliminate a few evil spirits."

Lohart nodded thoughtfully, and there was a glimpse in his eyes:

"That's good, we fight back!"

... (to be continued..)

Ps: First, today is a bit late, everyone knows about the aftermath of the outbreak~ Anyway, the principle of coconut is that it may be delayed, but it will never break even more! Keep two chapters every day and never owe!

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