Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 189: The world is falling!

The **** of plague!

The legendary six-person group slowly contracted the defense line, taking the small world tree as the fulcrum, carefully watching the hysterical Di Gaogen and the sudden emergence of the plague god.

This guy, with his divine power, cut off the tunnel of colorful stones.

This is the powerful ability of the ancient gods.

Di Gaogeng stared coldly at the **** of plague. As a lord of evil spirits, he obviously did not like God.

However, compared to this legendary team, he would rather cooperate with the **** of plague!

"We have the same purpose, aren't we?" The plague **** smiled and looked at Hathaway among the six: "Kill them, before we will not be enemies."

Di Gaogen was silent, and at this time, his third avatar finally arrived.

Three avatars, take the deity, and completely surround the world tree.

And the **** of plague is also watching with cold eyes, he is staring at Hathaway, the target is obvious!

He wants to kill this **** in this land!

This will greatly enhance his position in the Order of the Gods.

"How to do?"

Everyone in the heart flashed such a question mark.

Colorful stones can open the plane channel at any time, but there is a **** of plague, no one can go!

Although the small world tree can give them support, but this support is limited.

It can last for a long time.

What's more, now Di Gaogen's deity has already left the throne, six legends. There is no chance of winning at all.

retreat? They have no way out.

Today, their only hope is Marvin!

"I didn't expect this to happen."

Lorante shook his head with a wry smile: "The **** of the plague. Why do you want to be with evil spirits?"

The plague **** smiled slightly: "Lorante, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have no hostility to you, but the witch wizard, I have a little personal grievance with her. If you give her to me, I promise not to intervene." thing."

"You can have a good time with Di Gaogen."

Hathaway looks pale.

She already knew that she was stared at by the shadow prince. But I did not expect that it was not only the shadow prince. Even the ancient gods of the plague have been eyeing themselves.

These gods can't wait to get her off.

However, she is not afraid, Marvin has vaguely hinted at her. She still insists on coming.

Since it is here, we must face it.

Besides, since that guy said that he has a way, then there must be a way!

Hathaway's eyes are full of firm colors.


"We will not give up anyone."

Inheim looked at the plague **** coldly: "Even today, only I can escape. The power of your mortal world will be hit by an unprecedented blow!"

"What about the guy who hides his head?"

In the next second, Hathaway suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

Behind Heim, suddenly a shadow appeared!

The expression of Glenos is very incomparable.

"Do you still want to escape? Just rely on a pair of empty boots?"

"Do you think Feinan is here? There, I can only play less than one-third of my strength!"

"Here is the lower plane, enjoy it, Inheim!"

When the sound of Glenos was sounded, the rest of the legends wanted assistance, and it was too late.

His twilight pierced the back of the monk directly from behind!

Inheim showed a hint of incredible color!

The Shadow Prince sneaked behind him. I didn't even notice it!

"I am sorry, accidentally blinded your perception."

The plague **** still keeps his signature smile, unconsciously. Because of Heim’s foot, there was a brown shadow.

This is the magic of the plague god, which can greatly reduce the perception of the monk!

Everything he has just done is actually a cover for the sneak attack of the shadow prince.


"Get out!" Ibrahim was furious and rushed over.

Glanes hit a hand, just a sneer. Disappeared in place.

Because the heart of Inheim was pierced by [Twilight], he was dying!

Even if he has already left the mortal category. The body is no longer important, but being attacked by the shadow prince is also at stake!

"Ibrahimovic, come back soon!"

The endless ocean is calling loudly.

Ibrahimovic hugged Inheim and quickly returned to the world tree.

"Relying on the world tree, he can't launch a sneak attack from us inside the world tree!"

The endless ocean reminds me.

Everyone has a dignified face. Although there are only three people in the other party, they are all strong in the level of divine power!

What's more, there is also the deity of Di Gaogeng.

The shadow prince lurks in the shadow plane waiting for the opportunity, and the **** of plague, this **** who has been smiling, is the most terrible!

He can silently give people some curses, so that attacks that could be avoided can not be avoided.

"Miss Hathaway, your presence is a mistake."

The **** of plague slowly extended his right hand and pointed to Hathaway, whispering:

"You should die."

The mighty power of God has completed the cohesion in an instant.

Hathaway looked at this power with some fear. There is no doubt that the **** of the plague is exerting some terrible ancient magic!

What should I do?

Among the six, the strongest Inheim has been dying, and a lot of curses on the dagger [twilight] are wrapped around him. He can live to the present, it is already a miracle!

Although Lorante and the Endless Ocean have been trying to expel the curse on him, the effect is minimal.

Di Gao Geng came from all directions and stepped into the embrace of the world tree aura.

He is ready to launch a full-scale offense!

"Go." The plague **** smiled lightly.

A gloomy gleam ejected from his fingertips, completely locking Hathaway!

"Fit it!" Hathaway bit his teeth. I just wanted to use a legendary witchcraft that has not been studied to fight.

Who knows that at this time, the entire decaying plateau suddenly appeared a serious shake!


Di Gaogen involuntarily sighed. He looked very painful, and the deity included his avatars on the ground!

In the next second, countless cracks appeared in the entire decaying plateau.

The gloomy radiance of the plague **** was directly swallowed by a nearby crack.

"this is……"

"That kid!"

"How could it be so fast!"

The plague **** is suddenly a spilt--so he can find the decaying plateau in the branches of the scorpion so soon? !

This is something that the gods can't do!

However, no matter how unimaginable he is, the entire decaying plateau has indeed shown signs of collapse!

In the sky, a ray of vision began to appear.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

Di Gao Geng screamed at the sky. However, it is too late.


Through the vortex, Marvin saw a tree that crossed the entire multiverse.

This is the real tree of the world. Here is the field of natural ancient gods. No one but him can enter.

The world tree is rooted in Fernan, and the roots must extend downwards. There are branches and leaves in the Fernan continent, the gods and the lower planes.

Each leaf and leaf. Represents a plane.

Natural ancient gods have a set of treasures, and this set of treasures is gold scissors.

Gold scissors are naturally formed, and legends existed before the birth of the tree of the world. A total of twelve.

Before the sleep, the ancient ancient gods have used ten.

This is the eleventh.

Yes, every time a leaf is cut, it is equivalent to cutting a plane; and each gold scissors can only be used once.

Marvin stood in front of the huge world tree and felt the tranquility around him.

This is the true tree of the world - in a broad sense.

Those druids in the migratory bird council. All thought that the tree of the world is a small part of Fernan's growth. In fact, Fernan is just one of the most important material worlds that the branches of the world have crossed.

Around Fernan, there are many branches and leaves. Each leaf represents a secondary plane.

They draw nutrients from the world tree and grow.

As for the natural leaves of the ranger learning spells, it is only grown on a special branch of the world tree.

That is a narrow world tree.

The infiniteness of Ma Wen’s eyes is the world tree that supports the entire universe.

It is said that even the powerful natural gods themselves have not fully grasped all the mysteries of this world tree.

He once ridiculed himself that he was only a worker who pruned branches for the world tree.


Ma Wen followed the roots of the roots and pieces. Soon, he found the leaf he wanted to find!

Although it is so small. But the unique gray-black color makes him stand out among the many roots.

This is the rotted plateau of Di Gaogeng.

This guy, daring to the sky, actually grafted his face to the world tree.

Unfortunately, the consequence of this is that once someone holds a gold clip, they can cut this rotten leaf!

Ma Wen took a deep breath and bent down.

Gold scissors shine in the void and the darkness.

The next second, he looked at the leaf and cut it!


The leaves broke by a third.

"Good tough..." Marvin clenched the gold scissors and slammed it!


"The world is going to fall, we must leave now!"

Feel the wonderful changes of the entire plane, the endless ocean shouted loudly.

"Leave? You still want to leave?"

The painful Di Gao Geng stared at the six people with a scarlet look: "I want all of you to be buried with me!"

The colorful tunnel was opened again, and Lorante looked blue and ready for the final stroke.

However, the tunnel was instantly annihilated by the **** of plague!

"I am sorry, you can't go."

The plague **** sneered and said: "I think you really should die with this guy."

Next The figure of him and Glenos disappeared into the world of evil spirits!

They didn't leave, they were nearby, but they never let the six return to Fernan!

"Let these ignorant mortals destroy with the decaying plateau!"

The **** of plague is in the void, smiling slightly.

However, at this time, a steady voice sounded in their hearts:

"Glynors, Amalia."

"long time no see."

The shadow prince and the **** of plague looked at each other, and the body began to tremble involuntarily because of fear!

The next second, a huge shadow quickly descended.

In front of him, the two gods are as small as the ants.

... (to be continued)

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