Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 199: The power of the sage

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Pooh looked at Marvin in disbelief, rushed over excitedly and hugged Marvin.

Marvin showed a smile.

Daniela, Anna, Federer, Alchemist...

Everyone looked at Ma Wen with surprise and joy.

He is back!

As if everything has the backbone.

Marvin patted Vinnie's back gently: "Let me solve the crazy woman above and talk about it, okay?"

Pooh is very handy to let go.

The next second, in the eyes of everyone's excitement, Ma Wen suddenly opened his arms and sang something.

The rim of the egg-shaped defensive hood was directly opened, and in a flash, the tens of miles went straight into the night!

The stars are smashing, and the night wind is cool.

The dark cloud above the heads of the people was also destroyed by this majestic power, leaving no traces!

This is the power of the king of the night!

This is the power of the sage.


At the moment when the burning of the city was about to take place, Marvin was ready to start.

He currently has only four orders, so his original plan was to assassinate Mediterra.

However, at this time, something unexpected was born!

The eyebrows of his eyebrows seemed to be activated by what power.

Some kind of power from the kingdom of Yongye was directly injected into it.

Marvin could feel that a strong consciousness slowly recovered in the imprint of the night.

It is the determination of these civilians in the Baihe Valley to swear to defend the territory, or what other factors. It seems to touch something in the imprint of the night.

The spirit of the king of the night woke up.

Just like the advanced ceremony for Marvin, part of its consciousness was completed in the seal of the night.

Although there was not much communication between the two parties, Marvin instantly understood the meaning of the king of the night.

He is his heir.

His strength. That is the power of Marvin.

Then under the guidance of the King of the Night, he thoroughly stimulated the residual power in the imprint of the night.

Today's Marvin has briefly become a strongman with more legendary power!

Looking at the power in my data panel jumped from 15 to 15 and the physique jumped from 13 to 28. Marvin felt that she had no reason to assassinate Mediel!

He can completely kill her in front.

The six attributes are all reborn, and the field of the gods that are close to the point!

At the same time, the nightwalker skills gain the level of horror, as well as the unique ability of several new kings of the night. Enough to make Ma Wenli turn the tide.

Just as the king of the night was led by Fernanson in ancient times.

He opened his hand to open the night. Under the night, he is the king!


"Ma Wen! You are not dead!"

Mediterra licked his lips with excitement.

She turned around without any embarrassment.

"Exactly, the humiliation I had received before. I want you to pay off now!"

There was a sigh of suffocation in the eyes of Mediel!

Not waiting for Ma Wen to open, a legendary dissociation technique has already come out!

Marvin was hung in the air, and he stood there, letting dissociation hit him!


The black light flashed and the dissociation was forcibly exempted.

Jokes, after the power of the King of the Night is poured into the body of Marvin, all the dead spells are directly exempted!

His body is free to fly or walk under the night, no one can stop him.

"Medilly! You have been controlled by Naru's book!"

He said loudly: "If you don't wake up again, only destroy one end!"

"You are controlled!"

Mediel smiled insanely: "What do you know? You know what I saw? I saw the future!"

"Ma Wen, Marvin, it’s fun, let me see. It turns out that you are not the world..."

Ma Wen’s heart!

What power did this woman get from Naru's book?

However, no matter what, he has not patiently listened to her!

The next second, his figure suddenly disappeared in place!

[The night of the arc].

Under the guise of night, the entire space is curved for Marvin, and he can directly cross the constraints of space.

The cold machete tore the air. He slashed to the head of Mediel!

Her words were forcibly interrupted.

The power of the gods directly smashed the defense field of Mediel!

Scared she quickly pulled open an arbitrary door and went in.

However the next second. Marvin’s figure appeared again behind her!

The icy scimitar was in the shadow and was placed directly on her neck.

Shadow 遁!

Under the night, Ma Wen, who has some strength in the night king, is basically invincible.

Lehman in the peak state is not necessarily the opponent of Marvin now, not to mention a newly promoted legendary Mediel.

An icy left hand was pressed against her neck.

In the next second, she only felt that her magic was disappearing quickly!

"Oh no!"

Mediel screamed in agony: "You can't do this!"

[Chaotic Magic banned]!

The exclusive skills of the King of the Night.

This is the era of chaos, the king of the night used to seal the power of the magical creatures that were born out of chaotic magic.

However, it is appropriate to deal with wizards, especially legendary wizards.

Within a few breaths, the magic of Medier's body was completely banned!

At this time, she has completely turned into a mortal.

This feeling of losing power undoubtedly made her crazy.

She even ignored Marvin's scimitar and frantically grabbed her head!

"Please, return the power to me!"

"I beg you, don't kill me!"

She is constantly mourning.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This situation is too big to transform? !

Ma Wen’s adult appeared. Even put the newly promoted legendary Mediel Li to ease uniform?

On the side of the river beach, all the knights are dumbfounded!

And Collins, the moment that appeared in Marvin. Turn around and run. The guardian knights of the Silver Church also followed him all the way.

On the side of the White River Valley, everyone cheered!


In the sky, Marvin successfully banned the magic of Mediel.

In the face of the latter's constant begging for mercy, Marvin hesitated.

However, he finally made a decision.

Those who attempt to invade the White River Valley cannot stay.

What's more, Mediterra has been controlled by Naru's book, she is not the original city of the river.

She must die.

So the scimitar is ruthlessly erased!

Next second. Everyone was silently watching Medier's head fall from the clouds.

The knights in the river beach city didn't even know what to do.


The black shadow landed from the sky. Marvin appeared in front of the Cavaliers.

"Mediri has lost her mind. As you can see, she tried to violate the rules of the Union and use force to invade my Baihe Valley. I just defended my territory and the people."

"If you have complaints, feel free to come to me, but gentlemen, I advise you to return to Hetao City first, waiting for the arrangement of the alliance is better."

The knights face each other, somehow, Ma Wen’s body has a majesty that makes them difficult to defy!

His words made people obey the general.

The army of Hetao City quietly retreated.

Mediterra's corpse was in the wilderness and nobody ignored it.

next moment. The night suddenly disappeared!

Everything returns to normal, and the sky is the evening.

Everyone looked at Marvin slowly coming to his side from the front of the riverbank city army, everything that was born today. If you are dreamy.


In the Baihe Valley, the villagers who had just been evacuated learned the news of the return of the lord.

Then the temporary evacuation notice became a celebration notice!

People rushed to each other and reported that Ma Wen’s returning safely and powerfully repelled the news of the invasion of Hetan City.

And inside the castle. Although Marvin has already explained it, the people are still asking for some details.

Some details. Ma Wen naturally can only be edited as before.

It is a pity that he edited these contents and deceived Pooh and Anna and so on, but they could not favor Daniela.

The latter looked at Marvin in a hurry.

"You have already come back, why can't you hide?"

"Your fiancee is vomiting blood by the nasty semi-succubus, you don't even stand up, are you a man, Marvin!"

Marvin smiled and scratched his head.

When Daniela and Mediel were fighting, Marvin had just arrived; when the city was burning, he just wanted to shoot, and the Everlasting Seal was activated.

In the process, he did not stop at all.

In the face of Daniela's blame, Ma Wen can only play a haha, sincerely apologize.

In any case, Daniela is really dedicated to the White River Valley. If it weren't for her, I am afraid that during the days when he was not there, the White River Valley had already collapsed.


On the balcony of the castle, Anna finally couldn't help but cry.

During the time when Ma Wen disappeared, she was really scared all day. She repeatedly told herself that Marvin would not have something, but the cold evidence made her feel at a loss.

Now that Marvin is back, she can't control her emotions.

"Promise me, don't you do this again in the future?"

In the face of Anna’s request, Marvin silently said nothing.

He knew that he had taken great risks and that many people who care about himself were scared.

But can you really do it without risk in the future?

This is very difficult.

"Anna, I can only assure you, try not to take risks..."

"I still have a lot of things to do..."

His voice did not fall, and a meteor suddenly flashed in the sky!

Marvin’s eyelids jumped!

The meteor actually flew to his side.

"Be careful……"

He pushed Anna away.

In the next second, the meteor directly smashed the railing of the balcony and hit a horse!

Marvin had a terrible chest and the whole person was hit directly from the balcony.

Seeing his body was about to fall on the ground, a powerful force suddenly caught him, and forcibly dragged it up!

In an instant, Marvin only felt a whirlwind and stared at Venus.

A familiar face appeared in front of Ma Hathaway.


Marvin slammed his foot and prepared to say hello.


An unrelenting slap in the face.

Marvin was paralyzed directly.

The next second, a warm feeling came from the lips.

... (to be continued)

Ps: After the last chapter, the book review area was buzzing and the coconut was dumbfounded. To be honest, since the dark night cloth, no one has said water, every chapter, I have written very carefully. Maybe I haven't really written this story, but please don't question my attitude? I really didn't know how sad it was when I said that I had scammed the monthly pass. You can blame me for not writing well, but there is really no reason to deny my attitude. Not much nonsense, I continue to write.

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