Night Ranger

: 6 more broke out, say something

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Today is another six more explosions.

In June, eighteen days, six explosions, an average of three explosions every three days.

This kind of explosion frequency, the coconut itself feels very changed.

Those who still feel that the book is slow to update, you can look for it, the starting point of five thousand are set above, the degree of renewal and the number of books like coconut.

Regarding the update, I have been working very hard, even if my wrists are faint, even if my fingers start to hurt.

But the explosion of the Night Ranger has not stopped since the shelves.

After that, there will be no less.


Talk about the plot. Today's book review area is very lively. After the third one, a bunch of people yelled at me.

This coconut is really sad.

You can question my level of my skills, but please don't question my attitude. Not watering has always been one of my principles.

I personally feel that there is not enough floor covering, the story can't be up, or it will always be fatigued.

Maybe I didn't handle it well, but that's a question of penpower, not an attitude.

If everyone really feels that the quality has dropped, I will reduce the update.

I have always put the interestingness of the story first.

As for rationality, it is natural to take care of it.

However, this book sees now, everyone knows the style of coconut. I don't like to write a book, I always like to surprise.

For example, today's plot about Mediel.

These are all conceived in advance by the coconut. I don't think any of these plots have been written, and I have racked my brains to write them out. At least people feel different.

As for whether it is a thankless or not, or everyone to test.

I feel that there is nothing wrong with myself. Today, six days later, I completed a *, launched a new clue, and transitioned the part.

Is there a story that is a turning point in God?

In short, if you think that the coconut is not well written can be raised. But please word the gentle point, the coconut is the glass heart, some slammed me to fill the water, I saw it is heartbreaking - because I really did not do this, you said that I did, I am not convinced.

As for those brainless sprays, I have learned to ignore them automatically. Is this a big improvement?


That's about it.

At the end of the single chapter, as usual, still ask for a ticket.

If you are defamed, you can't influence the ticket request. You can ask for a monthly pass and a recommended ticket!

The recommended ticket quickly broke through the 150,000 mark.

As for the monthly ticket list, now we are the fifth in the total list!

It is really hard to get the game book to this position. Thank you for your support.

Let's blow up in a few days!

... (to be continued)

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