Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 206: Chaotic land

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Walk along the dark, damp caves.

Marvin’s degree has suddenly increased a grade.

This is an area close to the surface. There are often human adventurers on the surface to sweep, and there are few magic objects that Marvin can't handle.

In fact, the wolf claws are almost the boss of this site.

After Marvin killed them, it was difficult to meet more terrible monsters in the vicinity.

So he was unscrupulous and ran fast.

The dark elf did not catch up.

Perhaps it was because Marvin snatched her scimitar. The drow warrior who lost his weapon must not dare to pursue it.

In short, Marvin was very lucky to escape from a potential Dark Elf Scout team.

After half a day, he finally arrived at the exit of the cave.

The fresh air came from outside the cave, and Marvin dad stepped out, and the glare of the sun suddenly made him somewhat uncomfortable.

He closed his eyes and it took a while to slowly open.

Shown in front of him is a beautiful fertile soil!

Two meandering rivers flow from the north through the flat plains, and a large number of farmland covers the corners of the plains.

The mountain is a small town, and some simple houses are scattered on the edge of the farmland.

The people in the town come and go, and they are very lively.

In the distance, a mountain stands tall and white steam is everywhere.

It is a volcano.

Rocky Mountain.


Ma Wen quietly got out of the cave. There are many similar holes in the whole mountain.

Most of the large holes are guarded. The adventurer wants to enter and seems to charge a fee.

However, the cave that Ma Wen came out, because of the relatively remote reasons, nobody even cares.

He adjusted the state slightly and opened the camouflage.

Here is the surface world, although it is the dismissal of the Southern Alliance, but it is also the edge of human civilization.

Since the rotten plateau incident. Marvin learned that almost all of Fernando 6 saw himself – and of course the Rock Hill.

In this era of relatively difficult information flow, Ma Wen is simply known for his popularity.

If not a little disguise. It will be recognized at once.

In order to facilitate his actions, he not only changed his appearance, but also re-taken the set of the original line in the city of Hetan.

Double knife mask, plus a cloak.

Marvin hurried down the mountain. When I tried to enter the town, I was in trouble.

"What? Protection fee?"

In the face of two poor-eyed big men, Marvin asked strangely:

"Isn't this the site of the three sisters?"

The two big men are tall, with upper body* and long knife, which looks extremely fierce.

When I heard Ma Wen’s words, the two looked at each other and one of them frowned:

"You are the [three sisters] people?"


In the darkness of the silence, there was a faint glow above the cave.

That is some gems with radiation.

The entire dark ground. In addition to some light plants, these gems are basically used to ensure the light source.

"... Ms. Tess, the above is the result of this reconnaissance."

"Except for the accident in the group of Ruiwen. The rest of the team, all successfully completed the task."

A delicate voice is reported as such.

It was a female dark elf, and the figure was equally hot. She was stunned to look at Ruiwen, who was also the captain of the scout team.

This time, even if Ms. Tess likes you again, there is no reason to cover it.

Ms. Tess, who knows that she is on the top and the whole person is covered in the cloak, has not pursued this.

She said lowly: "A human being on the surface can kill four evil claws alone. It also includes the mutant of the horror. This kind of master is not necessarily the opponent of the scouting team. He chooses to escape. Just not willing It is against us. The decision that Ruiwen did not pursue is correct."

"That man is not the key, anyway, before tomorrow dawn, we will make a surprise attack."

"But before that, we need to do the last reconnaissance."

"This time, I will only send the most elite masters, up to two."

Ms. Tess’s eyes condensed on the female Dark Elf and Revin, who had previously reported: “You two, are you ready?”

The two nodded.

"Go to the Lion Town to see if the humans are really vulnerable. Look at their troops."

“Make me remember that the reels of the high-deformation I gave you can only last for six hours.”

"You must be careful not to disturb the masters of mankind!"

"If you fail, what is the end, you know it too!"

In the last sentence, Ms. Tess clearly increased her tone. Ruiwen and another female drow have buried their heads deeply.

Tess is a little slower:

"[Underground winter] Advance in advance, our food is not enough. Clarke directed me in the direction."

"Those stupid surface people will never think of it. We have united under the wings of Clarke and found a new exit to the surface."

"They are destined to die, and we will be reborn."

In her fascinating voice, in the boundless darkness, suddenly there are countless scarlet eyes.

This is the initiative to open the characteristics of [Fear of Fear]!

The densely shaped figure completed the assembly in the open area.

The Dark Elves are just a part of them, the Bear Goblin, the Kobold, the Gnoll, the Zede, and a few gray dwarves!

These creatures, which have always been regarded as deadly enemies, have finally joined together.

A disaster, quietly brewing.


The humans on the surface are still unaware of it.

Even Ma Wen, because of the two idiots in front of him, is also innocent to think about what it means to be a dark elf scouting squad near the surface.

He realized that he was having trouble.

When I was alive. He arrived at the rocky mountain, where the land has been unified and formed a complete country.

The three sisters of destiny are the masters of this place. but now. Not yet!

At this time, the Rocky Mountain, despite its beautiful scenery, has a fertile land, but it has been entrenched by various forces!

Here is a place of chaos, a place of exile in the human civilization!

For example, in the Southern Wizarding League, after expelling the warlocks, they often exiled some sinful people here.

Because of the natural obstacles of the Bai people and the sages. Few people can cross the desert alone and return to the civilized world.

So over time. It has become a paradise for criminals.

The current rocky mountains, or various forces are rampant, the three sisters this organization has already had some fame, enough to compete with the other two forces - but this is also the case in recent years. Everything is because the Jessica, the boss of the three sisters, has stirred the power of his blood. Became the horror of the Apocalypse Warlock.

All in all, the current [three sisters] is still an organization in the exhibition.

Their base camp is in the city of hope under the rocky mountains, not the town called the lion.

In fact, the town is currently controlled by an organization called the Golden Lion.

This place is close to the ground, where the adventurers gather. The town is full of fish and dragons, but under the management of the golden lion, the order is not bad.

Just don't go out at night.

The town welcomes all consumers and adventurers. There is only one kind of person who is not welcome - the three sisters.

So when Ma Wen subconsciously said that sentence, the people around him looked at his eyes immediately and it was not right.

Although the two big men did not directly do it, they were very quick. A group of people came out of the town!

These people's equipment is very simple, but the momentum is rampant, one of the lame tall and thin men staring at Marvin coldly:

"If you want to make trouble, you are advised to go somewhere else. The Lion Town does not welcome any three sisters."

Marvin secretly smiled, but quietly replied: "I am not a three-sister, I am just a passing passenger."

"I want to replenish the town. Can't you?"

The master man looked at Ma Wen up and down and warned: "It is better!"

"If you are a spy from the three sisters, our old assembly will turn you into a patties."

"You want to enter the town, you can, but the protection fee must be paid."



A crisp sound, two silver coins were directly lost by Marvin.

“Is it enough?” Ma Wen asked quietly.

The lame man grabbed two silver coins and said coldly: "Yes."

After all, his people suddenly let a word come. Ma Wentai walked in with pride.

"Find two people and follow him."

"Report to me at any time."

The lame man whispered the opponent.


The daylight in the rocky mountains is very short.

Ma Wengang entered the town of Xiongshi, and it didn’t take long for him to stroll, and the sky would be dark.

As for the two followers behind him, he simply ignored it.

How to say that he is now a fourth-order master, in addition to the legendary shot or they dispatched the army, Marvin will not be afraid.

In such a place as the Lion Town, the army is composed of a mess of bandits, without any discipline.

Ma Wen asked himself how difficult it is to kill seven or seven, but it is no problem to escape safely.

Xiongshi Town is located on the edge of the rocky mountain, but it is still lively.

What Marvin needs to do is to find the news of the order fire as soon as possible.

To this end, he strolled in the business district for a while.

In the end, he found a still prosperous pub to drill in.

Ma Wen sat at the bar for a ordered a local famous wine, but the fruit wine was quite sour, and Marvin took a sip and no interest.

He sat here, his eyes involuntarily looking at the people coming and going in the pub.

At this time, a tempting voice rang in her ear:

“Can you please have a drink?”

A golden hot woman.

She was exposed in clothing, and a pair of huge pigeons swayed in front of Marvin's eyes, which was visually impactful.

Marvin shrugged and threw a few silver coins and threw them on the bar.

"Ten cups will do."

... (to be continued)

Ps: 9 o'clock on time, the first is sent. The monthly ticket list was bursting twice in a 24-hour period, causing pain. However, if it does not seem to explode, there is no way to canvass the ticket. Coconut can only hope that the big **** behind is not too ferocious.

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