Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 208: intelligence

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She suddenly turned and saw that a middle-aged man who was awkward was standing behind her.

As for when he came in, she didn’t feel anything at all!


Hera’s mouth was a little worried, but her hand hugged the lovely little boy.

"Ms. Hera. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Marvin took a cup of milk out of the empty conch, and handed it over in a friendly way: "Is he called Xiaoyan?"

“Children of this age need nutrition.”

Otaru is a very cute boy, and her hair is golden yellow like her mother.

In this rocky mountain of the coloring class, pure blond hair is rare.

Hera was a little bit mad, she didn't pick up the can of milk, but kept the little **** behind her.

She looked alert and said, "You... what do you want to do?"

It can be seen that her eyes are full of mistakes and panic.

If she was found alone in the old nest, she could escape with ease. But with a child, it is a bit difficult!

This man, called Robin, has such a skill.

She had been in the Liontown for a long time, and the golden lion's man wanted to take her out and was deceived by her amazing abilities.

But I did not expect it to be seen by a foreigner.

This made her completely unprepared.


"What do I want?"

Ma Wen dumbfounded: "My wallet is still in your hands, you said what I want to do."

Hera’s face flashed a glimpse, and she hurriedly threw Marvin’s wallet back.

"I didn't take the money inside." She said: "If you are this, then you should be satisfied."

Marvin caught the wallet, then walked to the table next to it and gently placed the wallet and milk on it.

"I think you need these two things more than I do."

Marvin retired and looked straight at Hera.

The latter is suspicious: "No one will pity a thief and a liar."

"Of course - if she is not a single mother who is struggling to survive."

Marvin’s eyes are very sincere: “It’s not easy to live in this place. The former noble lady, who fell to the night, and steals a little money with one hand, is not the average person can afford. Most people are even willing to choose to die. And you don't, just because of him."

His gaze fell on the little boy.

Hera took a deep breath: "Listen, Mr. Robin, I have no interest in your reasoning. I don't know where you came from and what we came from. But since you are such a person If you still have a little compassion, let us go."

"I don't mean what you mean." Ma Wenzheng said: "I just want to inquire about the whereabouts of the meteor."

"I can see that you are not afraid to be against the golden lion, isn't it?"

Hera hesitated and finally bite her teeth:

"it is good!"

"I tell you everything about the meteor."

"But you still need to do two things for me."

Ma Wen frowned. "Two things? A bit too much?"

Hera’s eyes were calm: “Believe me, about the meteor, no one in the entire Lion Town knows more than me.”


Marvin and Hera finally reached a trading intention.

The two sides had a preliminary conversation in her simple room. During the period, Hera still believed in Marvin and handed the can of milk to Otaru.

Xiao Yan is very happy to drink.

From time to time, he stared at Marvin with his big eyes. He was noticed by Marvin, and he continued to bury his head.

A very shy little boy. Marvin likes him very much.

Hera's request is simple.

That is protection.

Her eyesight is very sinister, and Marvin is able to follow her all the way, definitely a master of high hands.

And just this evening, she wants to trade intelligence with an employer.

As for the transaction content, she did not disclose it. She just said that the other person is a terrible person.

And this intelligence transaction, Hera will get a lot of money. This money is enough for her to leave the lion town with a small cockroach.

She will go with him to the City of Hope in the center of the rocky mountain.

That is the city built by the three sisters.

"Actually, I have long wanted to go to the city of hope. The order there is much better than here, and people are more friendly."

"The strength and potential of the three sisters far exceeds that of the golden lion."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to do anything except for easy surgery and theft. I don't want to steal good people's money. So when the business is done, I have money to open a shop in the city of hope of the three sisters." No matter what business, at least have the ability to raise a small donkey, isn’t it?”

Hera whispered her plan.

Her eyes are full of hope.

Although she retired the brilliance of Yi Rongshu, her appearance can only be called medium, but Marvin felt that Hera at this time was much more beautiful than the beautiful girl she met in the pub.

Marvin agreed to her request.

Protect her to complete the transaction, then send the mother and son to the city of hope after the transaction.

After the incident, Hera promised that she would tell Marvin the secrets of the meteor.

As for the transaction object, Ma Wen asked a few words, Hera whispered.

Only when Ma Wen asked about the strength of the other party, Hera hesitated to say:

"Probably, in the third order or so... In fact, I am not very clear, she is very fast, I have only seen her shot once."

"The three second-order professionals, all of whom are golden lions, were all killed by her."

"She used it for five seconds."

Ma Wen nodded slightly, and there was roughly a number in his heart.

As long as it is not a legend.

The legendary figure is not Chinese cabbage. Marvin has encountered enough. If there are several legends that come out in the air near the rocky mountain, Marvin estimates that he should doubt whether he has his own aura. It is.

The time of the transaction is 10 o'clock in the evening. The location is near an abandoned barn in the north of the Lion Town.

After Hera licked the little cockroach, he let him re-drill into the basement.

Xiao Yan is a very awkward child. He is very obedient about Hera’s embarrassment.

After Hera carefully checked the concealment of the house, it left with Ma The night of the rocky mountain was very cold.

The branches of the wind are constantly swaying, and the ghosts are as heavy as the broken moon.

Outside the barn, Hera was alone, holding a sheepskin roll tied with twine and carefully looking at it.

And Ma Wen, has long started the stealth mode, hiding aside.

Once there was a problem with the transaction, he could quickly rush to Hera to prevent her from happening.

This kind of protective task, Ma Wen’s previous life is also very skilled.

In the darkness, a dexterous figure appeared.

Ma Wen blinked, and the next second, he was suddenly surprised:

"Is it her?"


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