Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 217: breakthrough! Bloody!

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Gold blood, that is enough to enhance the purity of blood!

In the treasures that Marvin knows, gold blood is the safest thing to break through the blood.

This thing is the most precious secret of the warlocks of the Rocky Mountain.

And Ma Wen, the reason why he can activate the blood of the magic warlock is promoted with the help of the fool.

But then, he will face a strong blood!

His magic warlock rank can only be upgraded to level 5, which is to stay in the first level.

If there is no special opportunity in his life, his magic warlock rank may not be lifted.

But for Marvin, the Magic Warlock is actually a very useful part-time job.

Nightwalkers and Rangers are the main professions, and eventually the late-night night dominates.

However, there are two major forms of the magic warlock's spells, which are a supplement to his hard power.

Not long ago, Ma Wen was able to lead everyone to break through the blockade line, relying on the powerful transformation ability of the magic warlock!

Neither the night walker nor the ranger has such a strong frontal battlefield breakout ability.

Therefore, Ma Wen has always been paying attention to the breakthrough method of the magic warlock.

Now that Lori has given such a tempting chip, he has to be tempted.

You know, this stuff is very rare in the rocky mountains.

If it is not the authority of the three sisters of the destiny, other people may not buy it at all!


As for the assassination of Tess. He carefully evaluated this task, and the risk was not as big as expected.

First, the dark race is strong. But it is mainly reflected in the quantity.

The master is not particularly special, as long as you don't get caught up with those weird monsters, secretly approaching, assassination, and then running away, it is still feasible.

After all, Marvin is now. It is also a fourth-order master. The power of the night walkers has long been proven in countless actual combat.

As for Tess himself. Although she is a voter of the Dark Dragon God, she probably consumes a lot of power in order to maintain the magical technique of covering the sky.

The power she can voluntarily is limited.

As long as the plan is right, there is no probability of success.

not to mention. Lori also promised that Marvin will have two competent partners to complete the task together.

While Lori himself, her ability to cast spells is still unstable, but it can interfere with Tess's prophetic spells.

In this way, the safety of the Assassin trio can be ensured to the utmost extent.

After the two sides agreed on the time, Marvin temporarily left the city wall and went to the [Devil's Hand] camp to rest.


"Ma Wen brother, he has more demeanor than I thought!"

Marvin’s figure has just disappeared on the wall. Lori’s original dignified and calm attitude suddenly came to a big reversal!

She glared at her hands with a sigh of relief: "They just can't get it anymore!"

"Sure enough, it is a great hero who has destroyed a world of evil spirits. Really handsome!"

Stupidly corrected the black line and said: "It’s just a rotten plateau. Where is the whole evil world!"

“Is there a difference?” Lori squinted and continued to commit idiots:

"You saw no. He promised my request, and it really is a gentleman."

The lucky elf hates iron and does not become a steel anger: "That is what you exchanged with gold blood!"

"This shameless guy knows the cheapness of the ignorant girl!"

Lori suddenly said with anxiety:

"The big sister said that he would be listed among the fiancé candidates. What if he becomes my brother-in-law?"

Stupid silently speechless.

She has been unable to keep up with the thinking of the girl jumping wildly.

Suddenly, she asked strangely: "Yes, where did you come from [golden blood]?"

Luo Rui said with a smile: "The last time my sister left it to me. She let me use it to break through, but I don't think I need to be jealous."

"I feel. It is still necessary for Ma Wen adults!"

Stupid vomiting blood three liters!

That is the golden blood feed!

That is the treasure that Jessica got to work hard, so sent out so generously? Just for a assassination mission?

"Right. In order to increase the probability of success of the mission, I decided to give him the golden blood before the assassination, let him improve his strength."

"What do you think is stupid?"

Lori shook the lucky elf who had been stunned by the past.

The latter is silent and directly pretended to die.


The hand of the devil.

The Rocky Mountain Warlock Group. When the Southern Wizards Union was founded, the first thing to do was to banish all the warlocks.

They think that the power of the warlock comes from the devil or the devil. This is a group of people who are walking on the edge of evil and are extremely unreliable.

They expelled all the warlocks, and the eventually expelled warlocks completed the assembly in the rocky mountains under the call of mysterious forces.

The oppressed warlocks began to unite.

They built their own organization, and the devil's hand is one of the most famous ones.

The Devil's Hand has an independent area and land in the City of Hope, and their buildings are mostly strange and eclectic.

This is because the warlocks before being exiled came from all over the world and had a variety of customs.

So that these habits continue to spread, their descendants have inherited this.

In short, the rocky mountain is a place where all kinds of customs are mixed.

Walking on a street, you may even feel that you are crossing one corner after the Big 6.

The Devil's Hand Camp is built in the east of the city.

This is where the warlocks exchange their experiences, but in the battle, this is the place where the warlocks who signed the construction of the City of Hope are assembled.

Warlocks have a powerful force, and in the moment of war, they often throw out unpredictable energy.


Marvin was led by a knight. Found a VIP lounge.

He needs to wait for the other two masters here.

There is everything in the lounge, and there are four or five separate rooms. Ma Wen chose one alone, and went to sleep and went to sleep.

This road from the dark area to the rocky mountain. Coupled with the previous breakout, it has consumed a lot of energy.

He urgently needs to replenish his energy through sleep.

Two hours later, he was awakened by the hunger in his stomach.

He came to the hall and found something to eat.

The food supply in the Rock Hill is not bad, at least in the VIP room.

Only at this time, there is already a person in the hall.

That is a woman. She wore a red dress and the v-neck of her chest was deep. Showing white skin.

Her body is hot and her eyes are extremely strong. It seems as if I have a look. I will be addicted to it.

"Good charm..."

Ma Wen gave a slight glimpse.

The charm of this woman must have passed 25 points!

As we all know, the charm of this attribute, the importance of the warlock is equivalent to agile for the thieves, the ranger. Very important.

The charm is so high, it must be a very powerful warlock.

It is not surprising that a warlock appears in the assassination team. They are going deep into the enemy's back this time. Without the help of the caster, they can't escape when they finish the incident.

After all, a pair of legs can't run a spell.

"Oh, you must be Mr. Robin in their mouth. I heard that you are a druid and will kill Kung Fu."

The woman volunteered to say hello to him: "I am Daisy."

Ma Wen nodded slightly, not at all for her 25-point charm naturally carrying the long traits [charming all beings], but very coldly responded to one sentence:


When talking to Lori, Marvin has emphasized not to expose his true identity.

The little girl also understands Ma Wen’s request. So from the beginning to the end, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a mysterious master who suddenly emerged.

Daisy looks very talkative. Unlike many autistic warlocks, she seems to be very good at communicating with people.

In just a few minutes, she told Marvin some details of the assassination mission she knew.

At the same time, there is another master who is said to be the only assassin of the three of them.

The occupation is [Ace of Assassins], and the level is over 18. It is the strongest of the legendary legend.

If there is no Marvin to join, Lori is ready to let the two men cooperate. Now let Ma Wen join, the purpose is to improve the success rate of the task.

After all, Kate knows Marvin's bottom, night walkers, strong assassination ability, and is not inferior to the ace of assassins.

As the number one fan of [Big Hero Marvin], Lori naturally will not let go of these details.


The two sides talked in the hall for a while, and the assassin repair still did not arrive.

Instead, another knight arrived.

"Ma Wen, the things you want have been sent. Miss Lorry wants you to get something done before 8 o'clock tonight."

The knight held a box in his hand and handed it to Marvin.

Ma Wen’s heart beat!

This is [Golden Blood]? !

Just give yourself this in advance?

At the moment, he and Daisy made a greeting and took the box and returned to his room.

He locked the box after he locked the room and made sure no one would bother himself.

There is a liquid container in the box.

Open the lid with a scent of fragrance inside.

It is a small piece of gold-colored liquid that looks like gold, but it is a real treasure.

It can purify the blood of the warlock and activate it to break through the order!

Ma Wen was excited, and now he opened the data panel and did not hesitate to assign the experience of 230,000 to the magic warlock!

This time, his magic warlock came to the fifth level, and can no longer be upgraded by distributing experience.

The next second, he gently placed the vessel on his lips and took a sip.

In an instant, all the liquid poured into his body.

Marvin’s body began to get hot.

A mysterious force is constantly flowing in his body, and this feeling is like the one that I experienced in the snowy mountains!

Only last time he was in the coma to get the magic warlock profession.

This time, Marvin is completely awake.

He can feel his body, a mysterious force is awakened.

On the data panel, the brush flashes through a series of records:

[With the help of some mysterious liquid, you broke through the blood of the blood]

[Your magic warlock ranks second-order, no need to assign experience, automatically promotes to level 6]

[Your professional expertise has acquired new forms of impermanence...]

Ma Wen's eyelid jumps - the six-level magic warlock, there is a new form!

... (to be continued)

Ps: In this case, the fourth is more guaranteed, but it is five more, but I know that if I stop here, I will definitely be cut off. Although I have already become a dog, I will continue to write, and there should be a sixth more in a while! Fight!

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