Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 222: Sacrifice

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Jessica's speed is unparalleled, and she is a legendary flight!

Ma Wen looked at the small figure and decided to pounce on the huge black dragon. It was also silent. Oh,

I am afraid that only the Apocalypse Warlock has opened the aura of the plane, dare to do it?

Even more ironic is that in the face of that small figure, the Black Dragon is actually paralyzed!

Clark suddenly opened his wings and faced Jessica, a burst of frenzied.

The wind is wrinkled!

Even in the wilderness where Marvin was, there was a hurricane and a violent wind, and Marvin was blown away for nearly half a mile!

Thanks to his skill, coupled with the skills of the night walker, he barely stood on the heel.

Such a terrible wind, with a little bit of edge, can make Marvin so embarrassed.

It can be seen how strong wind pressure Jessica is being attacked!

However, Ma Wen saw it really, and the wind did not stop the flight of the Apocalypse Warlock.

She just paused, and the body surface flashed a hint of light blue enchantment!

The wind element is ineffective.

This is the nemesis of the wizard who practices the plastic energy system, especially the wind elemental witchcraft!

Jessica's body glowed with colorful light and a smile on his face.

However, this smile, in the eyes of Black Dragon Clark, is like a demonic horror!

The power of apocalypse!

Petite woman is like a meteor, directly on the head of the black dragon!

The latter was awkward, completely lost balance and head down. Wrestled in the wilderness!


A sigh of screams sounded.

Black Dragon fell to the ground, crushed and did not know how many dark races!

Jessica under the colorful light. Like a god, her style of play is not like a warlock at all. Instead, it is like a monk!

Of course, apart from Inheim, Marvin has never seen a monk who can play Black Dragon Clark!

But seeing her grab the black dragon's neck and directly gave Clark a hundred and eighty degrees of shoulder-slung!

The power that is completely mismatched with the figure, the disarray of the body, makes people think that the blood is squirting!

The entire city wall is full of people.

Although they couldn't see Jessica, they could see the colorful light.

It is this radiance that shines through the entire rocky mountain; it is this brave and invincible girl who dragged the rocky mountain step by step from chaos.

She is the founder of order. Do not allow anyone with chaos to come to destroy.

Even if she is a god!

The colorful halo squats on the black dragon, and the city of hope is rejoicing, but the dark race is like a dead man!

They are already looking dumbfounded.

In the surface human beings, there are such powerful people?

That is the black dragon Clark who dominated the underground... It was so beaten by the petite woman... This is too unreal.

Clark's roar is louder and louder, but the black dragon, who has always been known for his melee and invincibility, can't even do a petite human small woman.

This made her faceless, but she could do nothing.

In the previous fight, she has already learned the arrogance of the apocalypse.

Continue to fight, the defeat must be yourself.

The power of the apocalypse is really something that is too much beyond the law.

The abused Clark is in a hurry. Suddenly spit out a black shadow.

Jessica saw the black shadow, her face suddenly turned green, she just wanted to increase her strength, but the sound of stupid voice was already ringing in her ear:

"Come on! The projection of the Dark Dragon God is coming down."

"The power of your apocalypse is not enough!"

Jessica slammed the black dragon. He took him out for a quarter of a mile.

The poor black dragon was so shackled by her, at the same time. A group of blurred black shadows were laid down from the sky.

"How small do you dare to hurt my blood?"


Jessica returned to the air. Looking at the black shadow coldly:

“Can you change the lines of fresh words?”

"Don't move people who are small, don't you recognize them. Is this small human in your mouth just tearing up another projection?"

The black shadow was furious: "How dare you..."

However, his words were interrupted by Jessica ruthlessly: "Okay, I am in a good mood today. I will put you two horses for the time being; I am in a bad mood someday, come out to play hunting, and it is good to get rid of black dragons!" ”

After releasing the mouth gun, the colorful halo was wrapped in Jessica and Stupid, and returned to the city of hope all the way.

As Stupid said, her power of apocalypse is not enough. It’s a little hard to kill the Black Dragon alone, let alone a projection of the Dark Dragon God.

However, Jessica's peerless force did make the projections of Clark and the Dark Dragon gods stunned. The two looked at each other and did not even pursue the thoughts of the pursuit. They directly returned to the Lion Town.

And Ma Wen, can only stand under the city of hope, silently collected [Crying Sky].

Oh, not every wave of stealing chicken can be successful.

Or next time, anyway, Jessica tearing the black dragon should be a matter of time, waiting for her apocalyptic power to slow down and grab the head - not right, there is a chance to grab the leader!


In the Lion Town, Black Dragon Clark changed his human form and became a woman with a hip-exploding milk.

It’s just that her face is faintly bruised.

That was played by Jessica.

"My father..." She exchanged with the long ancient language and the shadow of the group: "The power of the Apocalypse Warlock is beyond our imagination. If we don't kill her, we can't attack the rocky mountain!"

The shadow of the group was silent for a while. It seemed that the ancient language of Clark was not skilled enough. He actively changed to the lingua franca: "My projection is not enough to kill her, I must summon my avatar!"

"But the universe's magic pool has hindered everything." Clarke said very depressedly. "Since the shadow prince's waste has lost the time and space remains, the gods' avatars can no longer enter Fernan, and you are the same."

"You don't have to be full." The shadow said: "You only need one paw."

"Come on. We sacrifice."


"You are Marvin?"

City of Hope, inside the castle of the Three Sisters. Jessica looked at Marvin awkwardly.

"Here, my name is Robin." Marvin smiled. He still has not faded the signs of camouflage.

The name of Marvin is now too loud, and it will be eye-catching wherever he goes.

In some cases, it is better to keep a low profile.

"It doesn't matter, whether you are Marvin or Robin. You can be surprised by the vote of Tess, who can kill the **** of darkness."

Jessica turned a corner: "But your kid is deceiving my sister's feelings. I can't count this account!"

Marvin stunned: "How did I cheat?"

Jessica sneered: "Do you know how precious a golden blood is? It was that I was rushing to get it, and a Tess was far from enough to make up for the value of gold blood."

"Lori is very kind, but she is not a fool. It must be what means you used to defraud the golden blood from her!"

"What do you say?"

Marvin is silent.

No wonder the big sister of the rocky mountain is looking for himself. It is said that some private issues need to be discussed, it is to settle accounts!

He smiled awkwardly: "Miss Jessica, maybe there are some things you misunderstood. The deal itself was raised by Lorry."

Jessica's eyebrows shook: "I don't care, you swallowed the golden blood, which is cheaper for my sister."

"I believe that the great hero Ma Wen, who is famous all over the world, will not take advantage of this."

Marvin rolled his eyes: "Let's just say, what do you want?"

Jessica smiled. The eyes seem to penetrate Marvin's body:

"It’s good to use your weapon once."

Ma Wen snorted.

It turned out to be the idea of ​​a dragon gun!

Indeed, with the crying sky, Jessica's strength against the sky, the slaughter of Clark is a minute.

But there is no dragon slaughter. In the case of a single-on-one, Jessica is also enough to abuse the Black Dragon.

Although Marvin didn't know when Jessica discovered his secret move, he would never easily hand over the treasure to others.

"You are very strong. But once people all over the world know that the dragons are in your hands, I am afraid that the city of hope will always be visited by the dragons."

"And Black Dragon Clark is by no means the biggest trouble in the city of hope. Isn't it?"

"The projection of the Dark Dragon God is."

Ma Wen looked at Jessica: "The power of your apocalypse is not endless, you can't have an enemy."

Jessica snorted. No more words.

Ma Wen is right. The reason for the Dragon Slayer is that it is very easy to use, but the ability to trouble is stronger.

If you use the dragon to kill the black dragon, it will not be long before the custody of a group of ancient dragons of the five-color dragon group to brush the city of hope.

This situation is not what she wants to see.

"This treasure, I dare not use it easily. But the only good news is that I am Robin now."

Ma Wen smiled slightly: "If Black Dragon dares to break into the city of hope, I will shoot at the right time to solve a trouble for you."

Jessica had not had time to speak, who knew that the door of the reception room was suddenly pushed open!

Lori hurriedly walked in from the outside: "Not good, they are offering sacrifices!"

"What?" Jessica suddenly stood up.

Lori explained: "I just saw that they are slaughtering people of all races - even part of the underground race."

"The blood is very This is a very rare secret method. Through sacrifice, you can temporarily penetrate a passage."

"If I didn't guess wrong, they wanted to summon a paw of the Dark Dragon God..."

Jessica looked blue: "No, we must destroy it immediately!"

"There is no way to destroy." Lorry is also very anxious: "The projection of the Dark Dragon God summoned a [Tianjie Insights], and the entire Lion Town is in his eyes."

"If you are forcibly destroying your face, your sister's power of apocalypse is not enough."

Jessica clenched her fist angrily.

However, at this time, Ma Wen stood up leisurely:

"I have a way."

... (to be continued..)

Ps: Thanks to the book friends [relative d tomatoes] 1w point reward!

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