Night Ranger

Chapter 31: noble


"What are you doing?"

Lola was shocked and suddenly had a bad idea in her mind.

However, Ma Wen did not make any excessive moves, just sitting cross-legged in front of her, determined to say:

"Tell me all the vocabulary and grammar of the wolf people you know."


Lola snorted. She did not expect that the other party actually made such a request.

Does he want to learn the wolf language?

"This adult, I am offended." Lola said: "While the wolf is simple, it is not something that can be learned in a short while."

Ma Wen said much more lazy, taking out the scimitar and putting it aside.

"You said, I listen."

Lola wants to cry without tears.

I dare to be a nephew teacher for him.

"It's a wicked person who can't get into the oil."

She thought so in her heart, or she bluntly said all the wolf people she knew.


Although the wolf language is relatively simple, since it is a language, it is not so easy to master.

Lola said it for almost two hours, and it was a little hard to stop.

She looked at Marvin cautiously: "Adult, I have already said the vocabulary I know, almost all."

Ma Wen did not move.

Not long after, a strange syllable suddenly appeared in his mouth.

When I heard this syllable, Lola was shocked!

This turned out to be the meaning of "food" in the wolf language!

How can this be?

He used to learn the wolf language for more than a year. He only listened to himself and talked for two hours.

Lola felt that she must have an auditory hallucination.

However, in the following, Marvin began to communicate with her in the wolf language:

"You did a good job."

"It really helped me. But now, I can't let you go."

After all, he got up and tied the Lola to the bed with a rope.

After leaving a few breads for her, Marvin sealed the doors and windows of the farmhouse and left alone.

Lola sat on the bed in a stupid way, feeling that she was a ghost.

And from beginning to end, she even forgot to resist!

Although rebellious, it is only in vain.


Marvin did learn the wolf language.

And it only took two hours. This is amazing, but it is a fact.

After killing the Miller family, Marvin not only upgraded his ranger level to level 5, but also took a look at his other career.


This life profession can also be upgraded. The title of the Baron can raise the rank of the nobles up to level 4.

Going up, it won't work, and Marvin guesses that a higher title may be needed.

Ma Wenshun lost ten points of general experience, and then added the forty experience.

He successfully upgraded the rank of [Aristocrat] to Level 4!

After upgrading to level 4, in addition to the extra 20 points of aristocratic skill points, he found that he actually had an extra professional expertise!

[Fast Learning] (Aristocratic Level 4 Professional Expertise): When you activate this feat, you will learn a lesson in a short time.

The time to activate the feat is three hours a month.

As for the objects of learning, including various languages, geography, culture, astronomy and the like. The wolf language is also among them.

It is also because of this professional expertise that Ma Wencai tried to make Professor Lola himself a wolf.

The result was really successful -

[You are using expertise - fast learning]

[A new knowledge is being studied...]

[Learning, your knowledge +1]

[Knowledge-Language (Gnomish)]: You have mastered the basic gnoll language and can communicate with the gnoll.

He succeeded in mastering the most basic scorpio language, although it was only the first stage, but it was barely enough.

He came to inquire about intelligence, and he couldn’t understand what the werewolf said could not.

"In this way, the aristocratic life profession is not nothing."

"Similar expertise, I have heard of the Pearl Tower scholars before, they can quickly learn what to learn through some special skills."

"I didn't expect the nobility to have this ability."

However, according to Marvin's speculation, such expertise is not 100% born.

The aristocrats of this world are 100% sorcerers or descendants of wizards. There are some things in their blood that are different.

It is these things that give them a chance to master some special expertise when upgrading their aristocratic occupational level.

And [fast learning] this feat is indeed quite practical.

After fixing the wolf language, Ma Wen no longer hesitated, but under the cover of light rain, he wandered to the mountain wall of the castle.

In the vicinity, there is a secret passage for escape.

The secret road leads directly to the bed of the city owner. When Marvin was attacked, because it was still in the restaurant, even the secret road was not used.

Therefore, this secret road should not be exposed yet.

Marvin used stealth and clever moves to avoid the sight of the Werewolf Sentinel on the castle and set aside a pile of grass.

On a sunken grasshopper, he opened the board and the secret road was exposed to him.

Although it was raining, Marvin's torch was placed in the void conch, so after entering the secret passage, it was lit with a rubble.

The torch is burning very well, and it seems that the air quality in the secret passage is not bad.

Marvin closed the board and the cat walked in.


Unlike the wet outside, the tunnel looks very dry.

Although there is a lot of dust, Marvin is a lot more comfortable.

With the route in his memory, he quickly moved forward.

At the intersection ahead, there was a fork.

According to Marvin's memory, go left, walk through a staircase, and go to the exit; on the right, it is sealed.

A boulder hinders the way forward and does not know what the other end of the road is.

At this time, Marvin suddenly thought about it. Before Miller died, he seemed to mention the treasures under the secret passage of the castle.

"Is it behind this boulder?"

Ma Wen was puzzled, but he was not in a hurry. Even if he had a treasure, he would not escape by himself.

He still completes the reconnaissance mission in front of him.

Reconnaissance is very important to win a battle.

Because only with enough intelligence from the other side, you can win the battle. This matter Ma Wen does not trust other people to do, so he can only come by himself.

At the moment, he carefully followed the secret passage and came to the room of the city owner.

There is no sound, it seems that my luck is not bad.

When Marvin sneaked into the castle and opened the sneak, every step was very careful.

On the outskirts of the castle, the appearance of the gnolls began to appear.

Ma Wenyue was more shocked.

These gnolls are not warriors!

It is an ordinary gnoll, most of them are old and weak women, and they have no fighting power.

The number of these gnolls is more than two hundred!

This means that this is a medium-sized gnoll tribe. The real professional level of the gnoll, about one hundred and five!

This number is indeed not solved by the 20-member garrison. Not to mention there are so many variants of the Coyotes.

He walked around the castle cautiously.

Fortunately, he is very familiar with the terrain here, and the feelings of those gnolls are not very good, he can calmly retreat.

Only to make him somewhat puzzled is that he has seen most of the forces of the Gnoll tribe, but he has not found their leader.

The Gnoll tribe has about one hundred and fifty qualified fighters. Among these fighters, there are about six third-level non-commissioned officers; two four-level adjutants.

The real leader is definitely a second-order professional.

At the same time, Marvin also noticed that the mutant Coyote did not seem to listen to the command of the ordinary Gnoll and even the Gynecologist.

They seem to be controlled by a stronger presence.

"Their Who is it?"

With such doubts, Ma Wen gritted his teeth and prepared to continue.

Who knows that at this time, not far from the street, a group of gnolls surrounded by a thin guy came over.

Ma Wen’s eyes stunned and suddenly he was shocked!

The average gnoll is already thin enough, but the guy in the middle is particularly deformed.

It is probably only as small as a child of five or six years old, and the color of the fur is quite smooth. The rest of the gnolls look at his eyes and are full of respect!

"Oh my God!"

"I won't be wrong?"

"The Gnoll community, always known for its low intelligence, actually gave birth to a warlock?!"

Ma Wen, who made a quick judgment, did not stop in the same place, but turned and slid!

The most basic talent of the Warlock is the eye of the pain. It is the nemesis of all the stealth units.

He is alone, can't be folded here!


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