Night Ranger

: Resume normal update + outbreak notice

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Resume normal update + explosion notice

Today is the first to send!

Also explain, starting today, resume normal updates.

There was a period of time before, two chapters a day, 2k per chapter - can't help, coconut is really no time code.

Yesterday, everything was busy, and some things were settled. Of course, some were provocative, and some extreme powder or black continued to linger.

I don't care about these things. Let's not tear, we only code words.

I hope that the book lovers who really love the book of the Night Ranger will not pick things up.

It’s really not necessary, there are so many books in the game, why bother you and die.


In terms of the plot, I began to make up the settings slowly. Of course, it won't be written long and cumbersome. It is still interspersed and will not affect the progress and plot of the story.

I always think that the setting is for the story. Therefore, the rational party and the original party should not bother to provoke, it is really unnecessary.

Careful readers can probably feel the general pattern of this book.

Cataclysm is a major turning point, and the plane war is the bigger stage!

Fernan is very big, but our journey is the sea of ​​stars - cough, will it be a little vulgar...

Yesterday, I saw on the dragon sky that someone wondered if I could write the word. In fact, there is no bottom in the coconut. Because of this fast-paced writing, I really didn't see it in other books at the beginning. Most of the books, at least in the middle of the period, will begin to drag and drop. After all, the book is too strong and physically and mentally hard.

But the Night Ranger does not, I am still forcing myself to maintain this high-intensity and fast-paced plot propulsion. This is a bit tiring, but as long as everyone likes it, the coconut is very happy.

If you can't write less than 10,000, you can't write it. How many words have finished the outline, and you will finish it with pleasure, and never let go!

A book is a fate. When there is always a song in the end, the story should be talked about with great enthusiasm, and the end must be crisp and neat.

Not watering, keeping the current style, this is the promise of coconut.

So, if you haven't started to slaughter, you can start to read it. If you don't subscribe to a book, you can really subscribe. After all, the sincerity of the coconut is here.


Finally, let's talk about the explosion today, the two guarantees of the bottom are restored to the normal 3k.

Today, the bottom is four, but the goal is five or six. If you can't do it, you can see everyone's enthusiasm.

Not only today, but also because of the summer vacation, the coconut is also half full-time writer, so the explosion will become the norm.

The number of the bottom is more explosive. No. 13 guarantee bottom six more explosive. Next, it's almost like this strength.

Of course, the explosion is based on quality, please believe in coconut.

I will take all the time, all the time! Put all into the codeword.

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... (to be continued)

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