Night Ranger

Chapter 43: Sly warlock

Actually it is +1 item!

Although it is still in the category of twilight items, there are not many people who know how to enchant in the world of Fernando!

In the heart of Ma Wen’s heart, he held the emerald dagger in his hand and turned a few laps involuntarily.

[Emerald Dagger (+1)]

Quality: low light

Attack: 6-9

Effect: Sunder Armor +5

Enchanting effect (+1): parry +5


This dagger, it seems to be the weapon that the shepherd used to defend himself. The two attributes of Sunder Armor and Parry are completely extreme.

"A dagger can slap something..."

Marvin couldn't help but want to vomit the enchanter who gave the dagger a enchantment. But after thinking about it, the property of parry, although it looks very tasteless, but sometimes it can also come in handy.

In addition to the current Marvin, it is not a thief. Although it can be daggered with a left hand and a left hand, while maintaining high attack and flexibility, it will weaken the power of the double knife.

Therefore, this thing, for Ma Wen, can only be used as a third weapon.

He replaced the whiteboard dagger at the waist and replaced it with a jade dagger. At the crucial time, he could also discard the machete and switch to a dagger attack.

This provides a variety of flexible offensive routines.

The only pity is that the sword is not a machete.

If it is a low-light scimitar, then Marvin’s combat power will rise to the next level!

"After finishing the territory, I must get a pair of good scimitars."

Ma Wen thought in his heart.

A double-knife ranger, the knife is a guy who eats, playing a pair of whiteboards all day, what is the system?


In the treasure chest, except for the bottle and the machete, the envelope is left.

The envelope was sealed with a lacquer seal. Anyway, the shepherd was dead. Marvin checked it and confirmed that there were no mess or cursing things on the envelope.

There is a letter in it, written in a secret language dedicated to the organization of the tree.

Marvin searched the language of the nobility, and unfortunately found that he did not secretly graze.

This is also normal.

The shepherd organization, like the devotees of the plague, and the twins of the world, are all evil forces active on the continent of Fernan. They have their own system and secret language to communicate with each other. Except for the grazing people themselves, it is very difficult for the rest of the people to unravel the secret language of the grazing people.

Their rivalry is the Northern Migratory Birds Council, a powerful force composed of Druids. There are many legendary druids.

Because the shepherd trees planted poisonous species everywhere, inciting the emotions of the soul, causing the druids to be very dissatisfied.

These natural balancers have been working to eliminate the shepherds.

Perhaps the druids may understand the language of the shepherd.


After finishing the booty, Marvin no longer stayed in the mine.

After another round, to ensure that there was no omission, he went out of the tunnel.

This time, he did not encounter any spirits very smoothly.

Only when he walked out of the mine, he found that everyone was awake and waiting for it!

Most of the adventurers are hiding behind the shallow holes in the mine or behind the obstacles in the camp.

Only the guards of the Baihe Valley, behind the fortifications, are waiting.

A torch was erected, and in the darkness of the distance, some eyes with shimmering light appeared.

The gnoll is coming!


"They are coming so fast."

"I thought it would be at least noon tomorrow. I didn't expect this Gnoll Warlock to be so decisive. I actually arrived before dawn."

Ma Wen sneaked in the past, next to Anna, inquired a bit, only suddenly realized.

This group of gnolls just arrived.

Fortunately, at the time of the night, there were two Rangers, one of whom was a single archer. His name was Joey.

Joey is a personal class, but has a talented specialty - [deep insight].

His eyes are very sharp, and even in the dark, he can detect the sneaking gnoll scouts.

It is because of this guy's strong personal strength that he is free from the sneak attack!

At that time, it was said that four scorpio scouts quietly approached the camp.

But Joey, who was all reacted, shot with ruthless bows and arrows!

This made Marvin look at him a bit.

These guys, of course, still have some skills.

"He just used the scattering and shot six arrows, four of which hit the target." Anna said in a low voice: "This kind of shooter talent is even rare in pure blood elves."

Ma Wen nodded.

Without Annado, he also knows that this ability is changeable.

In addition to [deep insights], Joey must have other powerful expertise, otherwise he can't do this.

It is a personal talent.

Ma Wen’s heart flashed through such thoughts.

"What do we do now? After the failure of the sneak attack, the wolves did not choose to attack, they looked very cautious."

Anna whispered.

She lets the adventurers hide in the mine or where the wolves can't see.

In this way, only members of the Guard and Joey were exposed.

This approach is very sensible.

"How many people are there in the wolf?" Ma Wen asked.

There is no moonlight tonight, his vision is about zero, and it is normal to see the number of enemies.

"I don't know." Anna shook her head in a dignified manner.

Their people are also ordinary humans, and they do not have a dark vision.

Even Joey only perceives the stealth unit, and can't see how many people are watching outside.

"It doesn't matter, we can wait, it will be dawn soon."

"If I didn't guess wrong, this group of gnolls will attack after dawn!"

"We still follow the original plan."

Ma Wen thought about it and said so.

After saying this, he found a bunker and took a rest.


Why did the gnolls attack after dawn?

the reason is simple. Their eyes are almost wolves, and there will be a faint green glow in the middle of the night.

On the other side of the human race, it is purely hiding in the darkness.

In this way, if the sneak attack fails, if the attack is strong, the wolf will become a moving target and the loss will be relatively more.

The sorcerer warlock is not a fool. On the contrary, a warlock who can control a tribe is often very clever.

He certainly will not waste his life.

It is the best choice to storm after dawn.

As everyone knows, Ma Wen has already set a bigger trap for them.


Everything, as Marvin expected, the sneak attacking wolves did not attack urgently.

They were resting outside the northern mines. Except for a few variants of the coyote, they made a sound of screams from time to time, and the rest of the gnolls did not move.

This situation is actually very difficult to get.

Because it does not meet the characteristics of the gnoll.

Marvin is very happy about this, because the long-lost gryphon shows such discipline, there is only one possibility.

That is the sorcerer warlock, also in the line!

The guy is coming, don't think about going back!

Although Marvin is fake, he is still very excited.

The first-order ranger, single-kill second-order warlock, is actually a very challenging thing.

Not to mention the chaos.

Think about it, you will be excited, even if it is based on the strength and experience of Marvin, you need some luck!

But if it doesn't work, Marvin still has a backhand.

He believes in his skills and strength, but believes in his own mind.

In Ma Wen's opinion the real master, never the second thing to say, the knife on the kind.

It seems that it’s not a matter of speaking, but before it was put on, the tens of thousands of times have been counted in the mind...

There is no doubt that Marvin is such a person.


Time passes by, and dawn is coming.

Members of the garrison have taken up their weapons and prepared for adequate combat. Most of them are melee fighters, only two archers.

After all, the archer has high training costs and needs talent. From the price point of view, the consumables are also very expensive.

Fortunately, Joey is also an archer, and it is a good guy who shoots well, which gives them a lot of support.

The distant jackals are starting to move.

Suddenly, a total of six coyotes smashed into the battle of the gnolls and rushed to the positions of everyone!

"It's a sly and greedy guy!"

"I actually want to use the coyotes to wash away our positions and break through our defenses in one fell swoop."

Marvin’s mind flashed through such thoughts.

It is true that the impact of the variant Coyote is amazing, but Marvin has a solution!

He yelled at Joey and shouted: "Help me find the warlock hidden in the wolf!"


(The new book list is currently the second... Hey, everyone is working harder?)

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