Night Ranger

Chapter 46: Ranger unparalleled!

Under the hill, Ma Wen stood alone.

The gnolls are like tides, and they are coming.

Before I rushed to the front, there was already a gust of wind. If it was an ordinary person, I am afraid I would have scared my legs and legs!

However, Ma Wen did not.

He is like a strong reef in the tide.


He stepped on the muddy head and the muddy head of the Gnoll Warlock was crushed directly by him!

Ma Wen under the mask, took a deep breath. In the next second, he took out an unmarked bottle at an incredibly fast speed.

There is a small potion in it.


Ma Wen immediately drank the potion. His movements were quick and hidden, and the humans standing on the side of the camp did not see it.

They only saw that Marvin had lowered his head and seemed to be groping for something.

But the wolves on the hills are clearly seen.

But they didn't care.

A bottle of potion only.

What role can it play?

There are so many people on their own, and that human being is just alone!

The awkward adjutant riding the variant Coyote took the lead and screamed, and all the gnolls rushed down excitedly.

By the speed of the downhill, they look unstoppable!

However, after Marvin finished the potion, his hands were pressed on the double knives.

"Although I really don't want to use it at this time, there seems to be no way other than that."

"Fortunately, a bottle of syrup can be divided into three drinks, or it will be a big loss."

"It's time for this ignorant gnome to end this battle!"

Marvin’s blood began to boil!

Come on, the more people, the better.

Because there are more gnolls, it will only become the soul of his knife!

Thinking of this, he stopped staying, but his feet were full of strength. The whole person seemed to be an arrow from the string, and he rushed into the wolf!


The human camp side, suddenly suddenly!

This guy, actually did not want to escape, but the front to kill it!

Who does he think he is? Isn’t the third-order monk of King Kong not bad?

Even if it is a second-order warrior, I dare not do it.

That is a whole army of wolves, the battle in the chaos of the army, never different from heads-up!

A humble gnoll, it is possible to kill a master in the chaos.

The adventurers don't believe in miracles at all. They only believe in the facts they see.

As for what Anna said, they ignored it. It’s a pity that the double-knife mask has just become famous and it’s going to fall.

"Captain, do we want to withdraw..."

A member of the Lynx team whispered a whisper.

However, his voice suddenly stopped.

Because of the scene that happened next, I completely shocked him!


The Marvins who entered the squadrons were not as good as the adventurers imagined, and they were quickly put down by the number of wolves.

It’s a life that kills a day!

Marvin’s movements were steady, his double-knife waved, and he took a piece of blood--but what really exaggerated was that when he waved the first knife, he even flew the two scorpions that rushed to the front. !

It’s flying!

The two jackals were not only hacked to death, but the bodies also caught like a kite in the crowd of wolves, causing a mess!

In the camp of the Gnolls, there was a vacuum zone.

And Ma Wen himself, is a double foot force, continue to rush!

His whole person, like a whirlwind, entered the battle of the jackals!

The double knives in his hand are strict and effective, just like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables, frantically harvesting the lives of the wolves.

Every knife can kill a jackal, and he himself is like a ghost. The sword of a wolf, or even a bow or arrow, can't approach his body!

His speed and reaction have reached a horrible level!

What is even more terrifying is that his power has actually formed a crush on the Jackals!

In this case, only all the adventurers can only do it!

But Marvin, a Ranger, did it.

The adventurers are dry and have no idea what to say.

"He *Mom*! ​​Is this a Ranger?"

The cat head Verne blushes, can't help but burst into a foul mouth!

This is clearly a monster!

If Marvin is by his side, I am afraid he will say to him seriously:

"This is indeed a Ranger, but it is just a matchless ranger!"

At this time, if someone told Verne that the double-knife mask was actually a dragon that became a human being with high-altitude deformation, he also believed.



Marvin sighed softly, double-knife, and the attributes reached this level. He didn't care about precision.

Because every knife goes down, not a scorpion is hacked, or a scorpion is cut!

Close to the strength of the second-order warrior, the attack frequency of the second-order assassin!

That's right, this is the anti-sky effect brought by [Dragon Power].

His property panel has changed dramatically.

Power +6! Directly 17 o'clock!

Agile +4! Coupled with the bonus of the [combat master], actually rushed to 25 points!

25 points of agility, will get another agile super long traits [floating glimpse]!

[Floating light]: Your speed is as fast as a ghost, the archer can't aim at you, the melee hits -3!

Don't underestimate this "hit-3", the gnolls themselves do not have many hits, which leads to them not playing Marvin at all.

Marvin seems to be a ghostly ghost in the wolves, harvesting their lives.

On the other hand, he is like a real warrior, the knife is deadly, and hacking is as easy as cutting watermelon!

However, the warrior does not have such a terrible attack frequency!

Gru self-proclaimed, the time of his own attack, enough double-knife mask to cut three knives!

Only with the intensity of this change, can a single pick 60 of the wolves with a warlock!

The adventurers resisted the attack of their own gnolls, but the main thoughts were all placed on the side of the double-knife mask.

Anna is right, this is a grand performance.

A Ranger, can you even play like this?

I am afraid that they will not see similar scenes in this life!

There is a hunch in their hearts: perhaps this double-knife mask can really force the situation back!

You know, in just one minute of contact between the two sides, Marvin has already done a third of the Jackal!

More than 20! Hard life was killed by him!

And he himself is unscathed!

This record, no one believes when you go out!

"Hey... Ai Fan, I remember that you are also a Ranger?"

A member of the thorn team could not help but smash the teammates around him. The latter said silently: "I am... of course the Ranger."

"Just you're sure that the guy with the double-knife mask is also a ranger?"

Everyone is speechless.

The high-end pharmacy of the dragon's power, they are inaccessible to these low-level adventurers. After all, it was Marvin’s risk of stealing something from the Scarlet Monastery.

The guards did not have so much thought, their morale rose!

The double-knife mask once led them to take revenge and kill Miller, who was framed by the old lord. Now, they firmly believe that he can lead them again!


In the chaos of the army, Ma Wen came to the wind, and the speed was much faster than the variant Coyote.

The last wolfman warrior was also stunned he continued to roar, the amateur who was riding the mutant Coyote waving a thick wooden stick and smashing it.

"Want to find death? Then kill a big one."

"There are ten minutes of anti-drug effects, and you can't annihilate these groups of wolves!"

Ma Wen sneered in his heart, he ran a sprint, the whole person almost flew up.


He leaped high and stepped on each of the two unspeakable gnoll's heads, instantly completing the adjustment of the body.

This is where Ma Wenzhong loves the rogue!

Agile is high enough to basically reach the level of light work in martial arts novels.

These ordinary gnoll warriors, he really did not look in the eyes!

His body glided in the air for a while, and suddenly his right hand was lost!

Wishful rope!

Under Marvin's curse, the wishful rope was instantly tied to the right hand of the Gnoll's adjutant!

Ma Wen used force to pull!

The latter's strength is still sufficient, and by the aid of the mutant Coyote, it has actually stabilized.

But it doesn't matter!

Marvin quickly converted the spell. Under the sudden contraction of the rope, he escaped two bows and then slammed into the scorpion adjutant!

The adjutant was decisive. His right hand was **** with a rope, and his left hand gave up the reins, slamming the dagger from his waist and stabbing the mighty Marvin!

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