Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 160: Fighting!

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In the middle of the rolling yellow sand, the two sides rushed together like two streams.

The Anzula bear was more burly than the ogre, and Marvin took the first step and bravely rushed at an ogre.

Undoubtedly, under the use of [outbreak] skills, the ogre was thrown by him.


The fierce attack, directly smashed the ogre's head, but this guy's vitality is tenacious, and the Anzula bear hit the ground so that he can still resist.

His stick was smashed to the ground, and he tried to catch the thick wooden stick, but Marvin would not give him such an opportunity.


The bear bears a fierce scratch and directly digs out the eyes of the ogre.

This guy screamed and lost his ability to resist!

Although the ogre is a natural second-order monster, most of the adult ogre is third-order, but that is because they are Pang $ novel network (www). (qule) du. () large body and strength!

The ogre is endless, the body is special, and the resilience is strong, so it is easy to be promoted to the third-order or even the fourth-order quasi-legend.

However, most of the ogres have only stopped there, and few ogres can advance to the legend with their melee strength.

After all, their melee ability is strong, and it is impossible to compare creatures such as dragons.

The only exception may be a heterogeneity such as [iron armor]. Under normal circumstances, the ogre wizard is relatively common. This creature is the magic pool of movement, with enough creativity and comprehension ability to promote the legend.

So Marvin is not new to the legendary Ogre Wizard in the Horde. Only the appearance of the Iron Man Ogre made him feel surprised.

But now everything doesn't matter.

The armor had its own Ibrahimovic, and Daniela and Zhu played well. Constantine and O'Brien teamed up, and the cannibal magician could escape and burn high!

The remaining ogre warriors. Naturally, he is dealt with by his army!


Ma Wen led the 16 Dark Guards to the first step into the ogre.

They are like a sharp blade, straight to the heart of the Ogre camp.

Marvin observed. These ogres still maintain a certain formation even under the threat of landslides.

This means they are trained.

Fortunately, the Anzuola people are brave and fierce, and they can suppress the ogre in strength!

Although the Dark Guardians only have second-order, the power is not lost to the Ogre.

The intimidation of the spirits in them will greatly reduce the combat power of the ogre.

A total of sixteen figures, so inserted into the ogre camp, opened a big mouth.


"Go, follow the plan and support Ma Wen adults!"

Gudrian screamed. The guardian knights of more than forty silver churches are dispatched at the same time!

On the other side, the knights of the River Beach City patrol also set off.

They followed Marvin's footsteps and rushed into the mouth.

It is the first step of the plan to drive the ogre from the mountain.

The second step is to divide them apart!

Can't let the ogre gather together!

These guys, single-handedly fighting is a good hand, but getting together is an iron army - any army encountering them on the battlefield will be a nightmare.

And the division of the battlefield is exactly what the knights are doing!

Despite facing the ogre more than two meters tall. The knights are still somewhat imaginary, but on the battlefield, there is only a glimpse of life.

The charge initiated by Guderian and the chief knight of the River Beach City patrol followed the gap of Marvin. Cut from the wings!

More than forty ogres, the most elite of the fourth-order powerhouse and a dozen third-order ogres are being attacked by Marvin and his dark guards.

The rest is divided into two parts. They were separated by the knights on both sides.

The adventurers on the recruiting list swarmed and they lined up according to the previous Marvin. Holding a special weapon, the next step in the cover of the knights is approaching the past.

The second-order wizarding group also took action.

Every second-order wizard can float on the magic carpet at low altitude. This will at least guarantee their safety.

They began to attack the ogre in due course according to Marvin's previous instructions.



After a fierce fight, the Anzula bear finally smashed the head of the first ogre!

This is also a very labor-intensive thing for Marvin.

The ogre's ability to regenerate is too strong, and the melee is also a first-class one. Just killing one end consumes so much power.

Fortunately, he is not alone!

Every Dark Guard can forcibly drag a powerful ogre on a one-on-one basis.

Their armor is sturdy and their body is very strong.

Even if it was swept out by the ogre's thick stick, the patted dust could still stand up after a few seconds, waving a big sword to the ogres' stomach.

The two sides are entangled and temporarily form a stalemate.

During the chaos, Marvin did not forget to observe the situation.

The situation seems to be developing in the way that I think.

The battlefield was cut into three parts, and the main battlefield was a piece of the dark guards that he led.

This locks the strongest of the ogre.

On both sides of the north and south, under the rush of the cavalry, although many people were lost, the ogres were successfully separated.

Every ogres are facing more than ten times the enemy attack!

These enemies include knights with impact, hand-held chains that are used to specifically bind their adventurers, and powerful warriors, rogues with bows and sneak attacks, and wizards who constantly use spells to attack, are effectively Killing these ogres!

Although they are strong, they are severely weakened in the face of Marvin’s tactics.

Although some people may die every moment, Marvin has done the best for the ogre war weapon.

In the square of the north and south wings. Already an ogres have fallen down.

The tactics first saw the effect.

Next, it is a long battle. They must persevere, and the ogre party will eventually die!


After the dust has passed. The ogre was the first monster to rush out, but they were not the only beasts hiding in the mountains.

Soon, the buzzing sounds, a large number of wolves sprinting down the mountain, behind them are mixed with goblins, kobolds, gnolls and other not powerful creatures.

Presumably these creatures are the forces of the Ogre tribe.

Ma Wen has already considered them inside.

He leaped high, far away from the monsters, and it was a [savage shock]!

The Dark Guards also take the initiative to use their own [Blood Intimidation] to scare those monsters!

In an instant, the monsters were messed up. Most of the low-level creatures can't be shaken by such a strong will.

The firepower of the wizarding group was transferred for the first time. A large range of witchcraft is thrown out, and these small lives are harvested in groups.

Everything is developing in the right direction!

After Marvin helped a dark guard to kill an ogre again, he finally consumed almost nothing.

He regained his human form.

This can be a little dangerous on the battlefield.

The two dark guards immediately came together and left and right to protect him in the center.

He is ready to withdraw and then command.

This is a war, far from being as simple and refreshing as a personal adventure. Just kill the enemy in front of you.

As a commander, Marvin must look at the whole picture. After breaking through the enemy's defense, victory is only a matter of time.

They need time to consolidate the fruits of victory. Ma Wen, you must remain calm and observe the variables that may occur at any time.

He temporarily withdrew from the battlefield.


north. Two unrelated battles are in full swing.

Bamboo and Daniela.

Ibrahimovic and Iron Man Ogre.

The two sides each occupied a wilderness and fought fiercely.

Although the level of fighting is equally intense, the ways of both sides are quite different.

Whether it is Daniela or bamboo. They are all powerful casters, and the two battles are equally sparkling. But it is a confrontation between spells.

Have to say, Daniela in the form of ice angels. It's really powerful too much!

"There can be a confrontation with the strongest voters in the legendary legend. The blood of the magic warlock is precious."

"It's no wonder that the Clinde family values ​​the purity of the blood."

However, judging from the situation of the war between the two sides, bamboo apparently did not return to its peak. She is so anxious to find herself, she must be tempted to take this opportunity and destroy her actions.

But what she didn't think was that Ma Wen had more of Daniela's variable.

The two sides are currently in a stalemate. It’s not good to say who wins, but Daniela should not be too dangerous. After all, it is a woman who will fight against the goddess of ice in the future.

On the other side, the battle between Ibrahimovic and the armor is very brutal.

The strength of both sides is not as balanced as the other pair.

The armored ogres belong to the suppressed side. Ibrahimovic is basically playing with the Iron Man Ogre.

However, the vitality of the armor is too strong, and Ibrahimovic is enough to kill the dragon's strength, and it is just to smother him.

After a blink of an eye, he can stand up again and fight with Ibrahimovic.

"It's the perfect sparring." Marvin shook his head.

Now he can conclude that the legendary expertise of this Iron Man Ogre must have [Super Rehabilitation] and [Rapid Growth].

These two legendary feats allowed him to hang his life under the violent storm of Ibrahimovic.

However, it is only hanging, and his defeat is already obvious.

Ma Wen sighed with relief.

The overall situation has been set.

However, at this time, a roar was issued from the most important ogre mouth.

His skin is brown with only one eye.

After this roar, all the ogres began to move closer to him!

"not good!"

"This guy is their battlefield commander, he is gathering the power of the same family."

"Can't let him do this!"

Ma Wen’s heart sank and immediately shouted loudly: “Guderian!”

The dusty silver knight suddenly understood the meaning of Marvin!

That is to not let these ogres come together!

This requires the Cavaliers to organize the charge again and disperse them.

It also means that more knights will die.

The ogre is not so easy to deal with, every time the charge, there will be a knight who was caught and smashed.

Even so, the knights of the River City and the Silver Church still silently completed the assembly.

The adventurers have no way to trap the ogre, they are too strong and powerful.

Although at this time on the battlefield, more than a dozen ogres have fallen. But the remaining monsters are still a powerful force.

They must stop it all!


Under the leadership of Guderian and another knight, the knights once again launched the charge!

They are determined to divide the ogre in the north and south wings.

And Marvin’s gaze is aimed at the roaring ogre!

"Commander is it!"

"As long as he kills him, this victory will be nailed!"

Marvin’s eyes showed a murderous murder.


The next second, with a double knife in hand, his whole man rushed past in dexterity.

"Let a force!"

Accompanied by Marvin's A dark guard gathered his hands and let Marvin jump to his own hand, then force Ma Wen to the sky!

Fly the wall, float and glimpse!

The 26-point agility allowed Marvin to explode with horrible flexibility. He seemed to be light-handed and walked fast on both sides of the enemy and the enemy.

Almost a few breaths, he rushed to the commander.

"Get out, give this ogre to me!"

Ma Wen’s voice has not fallen, and the double knife has already flashed through the cold, kneeling!

... (to be continued...)

Ps: The second is sent, the 3500+ big chapter ~ glanced at the monthly ticket list page, suddenly, the coconut will erupt.

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