Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 170: Immortal spring

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The second project is a test of footwork.

Marvin was taken to a special room with only two doors and a certain distance between each other.

What Marvin needs to do is to cross the room between fifteen breaths.

The obstacles in the room are the key.

Ma Wen looked at the dense [explosive mushroom] inside, with no expression on the surface, but the heart was well-founded.

Every explosion of mushrooms will move very slowly.

You don't even have to step on it, as long as it is close to a certain range, it will explode automatically.

This is a very dangerous creature.

Even more frightening is that once an explosion of mushrooms blew up and the waves spread to nearby mushrooms, the second mushroom would also be fried.

In other words, as long as one step does not escape, the welcoming you will be a full house explosion!

Many people have basically given up when they saw this.

The explosion of the mushroom is very strong, with the assassin's weak body, if it is hit by a chain burst, it is absolutely erected in and out.

This is a test of the challenger's psychological quality, footwork, responsiveness, and speed.

There are still many viewers above the room.

They want to see how Marvin, who is so easy to beat the quasi-fourth-order powerhouse, can use this method to pass this pass.

Of course, if Marvin unfortunately stepped on an explosive mushroom, they might clapping their hands.

After all, no assassin wants other professions to pass the challenge of multiple assassin kings.

This is simply playing the face of the entire assassin profession!

"can you start it?"

The staff was still talking about the rules, reminding him of the risks he was about to face, while the latter asked some impatiently.

The staff stunned. Immediately cold face: "Yes."

"I will wait for you at another exit in the room..."

However, his voice has not fallen, Marvin has already rushed out!

His figure is lightning bolted. Cross the past directly from a slowly moving mushroom!

Every step of his life is very powerful. Just right.


After just three breaths, Ma Wen’s figure has appeared in the exit of the room!

The explosion of mushrooms in the entire room was safe and sound.

The staff opened his mouth and looked at it incredibly.

The people at the top of the room are completely speechless.

This speed... They have already seen it, and Marvin’s agility is definitely more than 25 points. Because just before crossing the room, the glimpse of the glimpse has been revealed.

But to get through this level, 25 points of agility is not the most important.

What is important is Marvin’s horrible judgment and experience.

Coupled with the same subtle addition to the demon striking, he passed this level. It's as simple as drinking water.

The second pass passed smoothly.

Marvin’s daggers took control and raised one level again, and came to the [Apprentice] level.


The third level, the secret room escaped.

This is also very dangerous for ordinary people.

The challenger will be tied to a fixed chair with his hands tied behind him. Outside him is a locked cage.

These are all pre-arranged.

At the beginning of the challenge, there will be water flowing into the room, flooding the entire cage.

If the challenger can't escape the bundle in a short time and escape the iron cage - he has only one. That is drowned by alive.

Escape is also a must-have skill for the King of Assassins.

The challenger will be informed in advance that the time to flood the chair is about half a minute; the drowning cage is about two minutes.

In other words, if you fail to escape the cage within two minutes. Either admit defeat or die.

The cage is locked, which means you need a very high unlocking skill. Of course, the premise is that you can escape the binding of the chair first.

Marvin will not unlock. Similarly, he does not have [bone shrink] to deal with the tied rope.

But he has the experience of past life. However, I know that there is a loophole in this issue.

He did not hesitate to choose to start the game.

Under the silent eyes of the crowd, the water began to fill the room quickly.

Ma Wen is calm. The hands behind it are shaking rapidly.

Soon, the water flowed over Marvin's belly.

However, at this time, his whole person suddenly stood up from the chair!

The people shook their heads silently.

They are not surprised by this result. This ranger is definitely ready!

For Marvin, getting rid of the rope bundle is not a difficult thing. Even without the help of osteotomy, he can easily unlock it.

The nighttime masters of past lives are not the name of the waves. There is no such thing as a hand, and Marvin is unlikely to achieve such high achievements.

The next step is the key.

The water has flowed quickly over his head, and even if he has unlocked props, he must work in the water!

Not to mention he did not!

He is not a thief, not an assassin, and he does not learn to unlock skills.

But he knows another way out.

In the eyes of the public, Marvin swiftly swam down. He quickly came to the entrance to the water. It was a cylindrical inlet that was sealed by an iron fence.

He closed his breath and groped for a while on the fence, slamming it, and actually pulled the fence down!

Although his power is not top, the iron fence is actually a display.

In the next second, he no longer hesitated and went straight into the mouth!

Ten seconds later, along with the sound of the slap in the water, Marvin directly drilled out of a pool outside the house.

He was wet and his face was pale.

However, everyone's eyes on him have become worship.

"How? The third level, have I passed?"

He looked at the overwhelmed staff.

The latter is simply dumbfounded.

Before Marvin, he had not seen such escape!

He has seen a lot of unlocking masters sulking with a smattering of iron to try to open the complex locks outside the iron cage, but no one thought. The iron cage door is not the only exit.

"He is cheating!"

Someone on the crowd shouted.

The staff hesitated for a while and carefully took out a manual.

The Assassin's King Challenge Rules.

He read it carefully for about six or seven minutes. I seriously said: "Well, I didn't say that this method can't be..."

"So. The third level, you passed."

Marvin showed a smile.

The dagger is in control and continues to improve, and arrogant to the [master] level!

You must know that after the battle with the Starry Juggernaut, Marvin’s scimitar control broke through [Master] and came to the [Master] level.

The dagger is in control, and the promotion is so fast, it is cheating.

But there is no way for this. Who made him play this line in his previous life?


The fourth level begins. The challenge of the Assassin’s King is no longer open to the outside world.

Because the fourth level is [assassination]!

The Assassin League will choose a suitable person who is being rewarded and let the challenger assassinate him.

Successful assassination will challenge success.

Only this level, Ma Wen directly chose to give up.

His choice made the staff very surprised.

Have already reached this step, how to give up and give up?

You must know that once you can get through the five levels, you will get the name of the "Assassin's King"!

Although the name of a Ranger who won the Assassin's King sounds a bit strange, it is also a glory.

Ma Wen is very simple. Assassinating a strong person is too much effort. What's more, there is a fifth level. He doesn't think he can pass the fifth level now.

As for the title of the Assassin's King, although there are many bonuses, those skills are not available. So it's useless.

He did not forget what he was doing to participate in this challenge. Since the purpose has now been reached, it is the right way to retreat.


Shadow Valley. A meeting room.

“Congratulations, Mr. Marvin. You have passed the three projects challenged by the Assassin’s King, according to your request. This pass is yours.”

One-eyed Byrd handed a black-painted pass to Marvin.

Along with the pass, there are three small medals.

Each medal represents a progress of the challenge of the Assassin's King.

If Ma Wen is interested in the future, he can hold these three medals and directly come to the challenge of the fourth level.

"But what I need to remind you is that there are so many crises in [Black Grotto] that few people can come back from that ghost place."

Bird said so.

Ma Wen nodded.

For the surface people, the underground world is indeed very scary.

But for Marvin, who has rich experience and dark vision, just be careful, don't try to provoke some creatures that are strong, but if you are on the road, it is still very safe.

With the pass, Marvin is ready to leave.

Who knows that at this time, One Eye Bird suddenly said:

"Mr. Ma Wen, your performance in the challenge of the Assassin's King is very good, which makes a friend of mine very interested in you, he has one thing, I want to entrust you to do it."

"I don't know if you are interested?"

"We will pay a high salary."

Ma Wen stunned, and immediately began to reveal the contents of the bulletin board outside Caesar.

"You mean killing white deer?"

"Isn't the saint of your Bai people personally responsible for this?"

Marvin asked strangely: "Why do I need this outsider to shoot?"

"Because the saint is fake."

An old voice came from outside the door.

Then there was an old man who walked in slowly with the support of a young maid.

Bird showed a look of respect: "The priests."

The old man greeted Ma Wen nodded. "Is this the Viscount Ma Wen? It is as young as the legend."

Ma Wen got up and simply returned.

The two sides talked for a while, and Ma Wencai knew that this old man turned out to be the high priest of the Bai people and the person who served the Holy Spirit White Deer.

"Half an hour ago, we found the body of Monica's Virgin in a sand Obviously, the one who is now in Kassell is fake."

"Someone is continually hunting white deer, we have to stop it all, and unfortunately, the key clues we find are hidden in a place where our people can't penetrate."

"So I need your help."

Ma Wen indulged for a moment: "To tell the truth, my time is not much..."

"You can listen to our rewards first." One-eyed Bird apparently had a close relationship with the High Priest. He looked at Marvin's eyes and said:

"One is not a spring."

Ma Wen took a deep breath and said:


... (to be continued..)

Ps: The fourth is more! Keep working hard! There is a fifth more in a while!

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