Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 176: Crying sky

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At that moment, the figure of the middle-aged man suddenly disappeared in place.

In the next second, his figure quickly condensed behind Marvin, and the fierce dagger pierced his heart!

Do not!

The triumph and cruelty of the middle-aged man’s face turned into a loss.

Because he found out that the moment when his dagger broke into the heart of Marvin, the whole room suddenly turned into a night!

And Marvin’s body suddenly became a shadow of nothingness.

Magic Warlock, shadow form!

Physical damage is halved!

There is no point!

This is the most powerful place in the shadow form.

Ma Wenxin looked at his life's value in a straight line, and was instantly lost by the enemy's fierce attack!

If you don't change the shadow shape in time, I am afraid this time it really hangs!

"Mom*, it’s a shadow novel web spider!"

In the meantime, Ma Wen saw the emblem of the dagger in the hands of middle-aged people.

Although the emblem is small, it is not time to discover it.

Are they coming for Black Jack? It is unlikely that, as a matter of fact, Black Jack has become a red-handed exile after being killed by himself.

Time is too tight to allow Ma Wenduo to think.

Before the middle-aged people reacted, Marvin’s counterattack was unfolding!

Before he turned into a magic warlock, he had already opened [Eternal Eternity]!

This skill creates darkness and endless shadows.

In the next second, Ma Wen relied on his strong personal expertise [tolerance] to endure pain. A shadow **** wraps up!

Who knows that the middle-aged man's skill is extremely agile and he can't beat it. Immediately disappeared in place.

Shadow **** failed!

"A good skill, at least a fourth-order assassin. It is very likely to be a legend!"

Ma Wen’s heart was cold.

Is this the highest assassin in the Shadow Spider? Many characters in the novel network with some powerful tools can even assassinate the legend!

Such a strong person, actually came to assassinate himself such a small role?


On the other hand, middle-aged people who have withdrawn from the darkness are also worried.

He was shocked to see the strange darkness in the middle of the room.

As if that area, it really entered the night.

What is this ability? He has assassinated so many people in his life and has never encountered such strange skills.

It was at this time that a figure ran out of the darkness.

He has blood on his back and is running in the direction of the magic mirror that has been rushing to the ground!

"Want to run?"

The middle-aged man sneered and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Next second. He appeared in the back of Marvin!

The dagger ruthlessly pierced the back of the latter, and along the original wound, his heart was smashed!


"It's a avatar!"

The middle-aged people responded quickly.

The next second, he suddenly turned.

The darkness in the middle of the room was gone, and the real Marvin arrived at the other end of the room with a long gun.

He glanced at the middle-aged man deeply, remembered his appearance, then opened the door and fled inside.

Middle-aged people try to follow up. However, it failed.

Because this is only the first time he mistakenly entered the secret room of the magic mirror maze, he wants to get rid of the magic mirror maze, he must go three times.

"Hell... actually let this kid escape."

"It's a bit of a skill to make a lot of legends. It's a big loss!"

The middle-aged man waved his daggers somewhat uncomfortably. But the look is not so annoying.

Anyway, no matter what, the kid is dead.


Outside the maze, deep inside the cave.

Marvin struggled to try to hold the wound behind him. But this still can't stop the blood flowing.

He looked extremely pale.

This time. It is really dangerous.

If it wasn't for his previous life, he was also an assassin, familiar with every hidden preparation action when the assassin launched the attack. I am afraid I can't understand the other's intentions.

I am afraid that I will not know who is dead in the hands of death!

This is the horror of the assassin. They are a group of people living in the shadows, they are good at camouflage. Be good at one blow and kill.

"Fortunately, the bet is right. This guy must have entered the Chamber of Secrets by mistake. Unlike me, I can leave through that door."

"I just don't know if this is the first time he has entered the Chamber of Secrets."

When Ma Wen thought about it, he took out a bottle of wound medicine and a bandage and tried to bandage himself.

Fortunately, there is also the skill of [fast dressing], and the means learned from the old Sheehan finally came in handy. Although it does not have the title of "First Aid Master" as an old Sheen, it should not be a problem.

Ma Wen glanced at the data record while bandaging himself. No way, the wound is on the back, it is too inconvenient.

However, at this time, the data record suddenly flashed two news that surprised Marvin:

[You have unknown toxins in your body. 】

[From now on, your body will remain stiff for at least 2 hours. 】

"My grass!"

Ma Wen’s heart screamed, and he turned out all kinds of antidote. However, before he sent the first bottle of medicine to his mouth, the feeling of dizziness passed.


The potion fell to the ground and fell directly into pieces.

And Ma Wen also fell down incomparably. The wound behind him ruptured and the blood flowed faster.

He was black in front of his eyes, exhausted his last strength, and took a half step forward. He grabbed the white grass next to him and grabbed it!


"Now, he should have died."

"Although there is no direct quenching of the dead poison, but the stiffness and wound bleeding, is enough to kill."

The middle-aged man leisurely wandered in the magic mirror maze.

As Marvin suspects, he does not have time and can observe slowly.

These mirrors are quite interesting.

Who knows at this time. At the corner, come out a woman in white.

The two sides looked at each other. The middle-aged man showed a signature smile: "I finally met someone."

"Can you tell me how to get out? I am going around here..."

Who knows that his words have not been finished yet, the white woman has already shot it!

A fiercely incomparable flame condenses into the palm of your hand. Drilled directly from the ground, grabbed his ankle!

The middle-aged man was embarrassed, and an escape class skill got rid of the claws of the flame, and the ankle was still faint.

However, the other side did not say anything, the spell attack has been like a blast!

The middle-aged man complained, and turned and ran.

"Mom*, how is this neuropathy in this maze..."

"Who is this woman?"

He doesn't know her at all!


"Look, he has to wake up."

"Hey. The thief is going to wake up..."

"Is he killing our compatriots? So the father will be so angry?"

"No, I have not sensed the grievances of any of our compatriots from this person. It should not be killed by him."

The shattered sound rang at Marvin's ear, and he only felt a headache.

"how do you feel?"

A gentle voice said to him.

He tried to open his eyes and was lying on a stone bed. Next to the stone bed is a girl, the girl is wearing plain clothes, her eyes are large, with a light blue.

Behind her, she turned out to be a group of little deer!

Those noisy voices. It was from the mouth of the deer.

Marvin struggled to support his body.

"Fortunately, have you saved me? Thank you."

He took a long breath and smiled.

I finally survived.

It’s not easy.

"It's them." The girl smiled and pointed at the white deer behind her.

"You are poisoned, they are helping you to get rid of it. There is your wound. It is also their technique to help you heal. I don't have that skill."

Ma Wen nodded.

He once again thanked the lovely little white deer.

Without them, I am afraid that this is really dangerous this time.

The poison in him is not directly death. It just makes the limbs stiff and the wounds continue to bleed. This result. Even the strongest barbarian can't escape death.

Not to mention Ma Wen.

So he was in a coma before. Grabbed a white grass.

This is the experience of his past life.

This kind of white grass, by reason, should not be touched, because these grasses are planted by the Holy Spirit White Deer, in order to protect his children.

Once someone touches the white grass, these little white deer will feel it.

If you want to take treasures from the White Deer Cave, you have to be careful not to touch these white grasses.

But Marvin at the time had no choice but to do the opposite.

He knows that with the curiosity of the deer, they will definitely come over to see who pulled the white grass.

At that time, once they found Marvin seriously stunned, the good-hearted white deer would definitely help.

They don't have too much combat power, but they are more than any human priest in healing spells.

This is the power of the half-day biological template.

Although they are a group of second-order deer, they can easily cure Marvin's wounds. As for the poisoning effect, it was also lifted.

Marvin asked about it. It’s only 15 minutes before the past.

In the eighth minute, they found him. It took them seven minutes to pull Marvin back from the edge of death.

This made Marvin very grateful to them.

This group of lovely white deer is really lovable. They wandered around Marvin and curiously asked something.

In the past, there were white deer in the Holy Spirit. They didn’t dare to make it. Now that their father left, they became lively and lively.

Marvin has no choice but to answer their strange questions one by one.

After a while, the girl stopped the little white deer.

"Right, this is what you are holding when you are in a coma. Now, give it back."

She handed the long gun over.

Her eyes are very clear, and it seems that I don't care what kind of treasure it is.

Marvin took the pike with great He gently stroked the pattern on the gun.

Although the result of the reconnaissance is a lot of question marks, the pattern on the gun body will not be wrong.

[Crying sky]. This is its name.

Of course, it also has a simpler and more rude nickname - the Dragon Slayer.

One of Fernange's famous three-piece dragons.

... (to be continued...)

Ps: First, send it! Try to write more points today to see if it can break out! Yesterday, after writing a planning class, I was dizzy. When I saw it, I fell to 11th place, which means the next list. Today, we have to return to the top ten!

The 176th chapter is crying the sky [first]

The 176th chapter of the crying sky [first] is played by [Fiction Network] members, more chapters please go to the website:

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