Night Ranger

Chapter 49: The majesty of the lord!

Capturing a double knife mask?

Hearing the call of several knights, there was a commotion on the wall.

River Beach City actually dispatched the disciplinary knight?

This is too exaggerated, right?

It is important to know that the disciplinary knights are directly under the leadership of the chief sorcerer, they have more powerful combat power than the patrol.

The disciplinary knights in Hetao City have no more than 20, but each is a master of at least the second-order peak.

Such a guy, dispatched three?

This is a battle that is not caught by evil believers...

Everyone in the thorns team is exposed. Gru is directly looking at the cat's head.

The latter is calm and self-satisfied, but his heart is sneer.

The double-knife fake faced his threat, and of course he listened. But even though there are people behind him, the adult who plays for himself has a high status.

He is willing to gamble!

In the game of the upper level of Hetao City, he naturally does not want to participate, but if he vents his message, he will get a large sum of money. Why not he?

As for the revenge of the double-knife mask, the joke, the double-knife mask is very strong, but under the siege of the three disciplinary knights, does he still have hope of escape?

The answer is of course no!

Thinking of this, he could not help but show his smug look.

However, at this time, his eyelids suddenly jumped!

Double knife mask?

Just how others are still standing here, how suddenly disappeared?

Before the cat’s head reacted, a weak but firm voice rang from the depths of the castle:

"Receiving the Cavaliers? Are the disciplinary knights now available?"

"Where are you in the White River Valley occupied by the Jackals?"

"Where did you go when you loyal to the Wizarding League?"

"The White River Valley is my territory. You are good at my territory. Who else do you want to capture on my territory? This is a serious violation of the rules of the Wizarding League!"

"Your behavior has seriously constituted an offense to me! I don't know who told you to do this, but now, please get out of my territory immediately!"

One sentence is stricter than one sentence.

On the wall, a thin, pale boy came out, and he looked sick.

Like a gust of wind, he can blow him down.

But his body is quite straight, his voice is very loud, and the three knights under the castle are clearly heard!

Their faces have changed dramatically!


"Lord Lord!"

"Lord Lord!"

"When is the Lord Lord, when are you coming back??"

The members of the garrison suddenly boiled!

They also thought that Marvin was waiting for their good news in the city of Heda.

I didn't expect to know when Marvin had returned to the castle!

The cat head saw Marvin appear, and the heart was a bad voice!

This little aristocrat, a good mind!

He must have been behind us. Last night, under the cover of Anna and others, he sneaked into the castle!

And the double-knife mask is definitely released by him!

It’s finished now!

Verne's head is as clear as his mind, and he can already guess what will happen next!


Yes, Marvin is a lonely little aristocrat.

But the nobility is still aristocrat.

When he was in Hetao City, he became unnamed because he lost his territory. Even the gangs and casinos dare to bully him.

The City Hall dared to fool him, and because of this. You can't even keep your own territory, even if you are a nobleman, what about?

River Beach City is not your territory, you have no authority.

But the Baihe Valley is different.

Here is the territory of Marvin!

Marvin has a very high degree of autonomy over this land. This power is given by the Southern Wizarding League.

Anyone who tries to challenge the autonomy of the nobility territory will be seen as provoked to the Southern Wizards League!

No one dares to do this!

This is true even if it is a disciplinary knight in the state of the river beach.

It should be known that the Baihe Valley and the River Beach City are not directly affiliated, and the Baihe Valley is completely independent. Even if the master of the river beach city, Ma Wen can choose to ignore!

Because this land is his grandfather, a high-level wizard. The Southern Wizards Alliance will guarantee the basic power of Marvin!

With the supremacy of the wizards, at least for now, no one dares to take risks because of a little interest.

The three disciplinary knights were dumbfounded.

The adult behind them seems to have looked down on the little baron in the White River Valley.

The latter is not only as weak as the legendary, but also tough!

His own group of people, without the permission of Marvin, trade and trade then came in, it was a bit guilty.

I want to catch people in the White River Valley... It’s impossible without Marvin’s permission!

The three faces are all angered.

But there is no way, with their force, even if the castle is closed to the gate, they can also kill. What's more, there is also a squad in the Bobcats.

But they don't dare.

This is the majesty of the lord!

Its roots are the supreme power of the wizards in this era!

Now that the Cataclysm has not yet arrived, Ma Wen can completely fox and tiger!


The three disciplinary knights were silent for a while, and one of them finally shouted: "Baron Marvin, a very dangerous wanted man with a double-knife mask..."

His words were interrupted by Ma Wenqiang: "I did not see the official wanted order at the River Beach City Hall!"

"I only saw an anonymous wanted order in the major guilds. This kind of overnight, as long as there is money, can anyone do it? In my opinion, the double-knife mask is completely eye-catching by a wealthy enemy. ""

"But I don't care about these things. You can go to other places to see the double-knife mask and try to catch him."

"It can be in my territory. He is not guilty. He is like me, like all civilians or craftsmen and businessmen."

Speaking of this, Marvin pretended to cough violently for a while before he said sternly: "Please leave!"

"We just cleaned up the gnolls and there are still a lot of things to take care of."

"At my most critical juncture, the River Beach City Hall did not give me any help."

"So, since then, the White River Valley does not welcome any official staff of the River City!"

When this statement came out, everyone suddenly lost!

Even Anna, she showed a surprised look!

Marvin's sentence is equal to breaking off with Hetan City!

This is not a joke, and other things are worth it, but in terms of food, the Baihe Valley is purchased annually from Hetao City!

After the break-off, how to solve the food problem? How to solve the trade problem?

This is a huge problem.

"Lord Lord..." Anna couldn't help but want to say something.

Marvin waved and pretended to be angry: "I have made a decision."

"Now, I am going to rest."

"If the three people refuse to go, I will use the [September Medal] to apply for an arbitrator from the Wizarding League."

After that, he left silently.

A bunch of people left behind the walls of the city.

The adventurers showed a different look, and Gru was relieved. He bet that the double-knife mask should still be in the castle.

Baron Marvin’s tough attitude, the three disciplinary knights are absolutely not afraid of chaos.

Sure enough, after hearing that Marvin wanted to use the [September Medal], the three disciplinary knights immediately squinted and left without a word.

They have no choice. This matter can only be reported.

The three knights were all angry and burned. They thought it was a trivial matter. I didn't expect this little noble to be so tough.

This is something they didn't expect.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising that this little aristocrat has suffered a lot from the river beach city and hates the law enforcement officers of the river beach city.


"Since the mission has been completed, our team should leave."

Verne smiled ugly at Anna.

He didn't know if the double-knife mask had noticed that he was reporting in the air, but staying in the castle for a long time was obviously not a good idea.

It is good to go back to Hedacheng City.

"If you are really spotted by a double knife..."

When I think of it, Verne feels that it is cold behind. Yesterday, Ma Wen was a man who resisted sixty scorpions and took a scorpio warlock. He could see clearly.

Although his team is fully equipped and has a strong combat capability, it is nothing compared to Ma is not worth mentioning.

Of course, he didn't think that Ma Wen was so ruthless. He thought that Marvin had hidden his strength.

"Of course, welcome to come back to Baihe Valley next time."

Anna smiled and let go of the Bobcats.

This is what Marvin means. Although I don't know what Master Ma Wen is playing, I just did it.

Anyway, since the serious illness, Master Ma Wen seems to have made no wrong decisions.

The Bobcats and the people left the castle.

As the night fell, the castle looked a bit lonely and deserted. After all, apart from the guards, there are only a few people.

Most of the territorial residents are still in the country. Early tomorrow, Anna will send people to bring those people back.

At that time, the reconstruction of the Baihe Valley will kick off.

However, under the night, Marvin’s study room The leader of the thorns team Grugio was sitting at the desk uneasy.

The seemingly thin Marvin pretends to have a look of surprise: "What are you talking about? But Mr. Double Knife, he really has gone?"

"He said that the solution to your daughter's plague is in my study?"

Gru nodded heavily. He remembered the words of the double-knife mask.

"Ah, that's fine. I'll look through it first. Is there any relevant record of [Black Glycerosis?" Don't worry, don't worry about it. According to your statement, there is still some time for love. I hope that during this time I can Find related books."

"Thank you, thank you Baron!"

Gru showed a grateful color.

He left the room.

After a while, Anna walked out of the side door and asked faintly: "Why not save his daughter?"

Ma Wen smiled silently: "I will."

"But not now."

Of course not now, black-and-toxic is the test of the **** of plague. It is lifted too early and will be stared at by the **** of plague.

Marvin is not afraid of the gods, but he has no brains to go directly to the enemy.

What's more, there are so many things he has to do now.

The first thing is the food issue.

(Thanks to the bookmates for [smiles and laughs and sadness]! About the update, it is now a public period, and it is stable every day! It will be accelerated after the shelves.)

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