Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 188: Secret of the throne

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The secret of the throne.

In fact, Ma Wen has known for a long time. And the core of the second part of the plan is here.

Why did Di Gaogen always refuse to leave the throne?

Because once he leaves, he will reveal the biggest flaw!

If this flaw is used by a person like Marvin, Di Gaogen and his rotten plateau will be completely destroyed.

But to do this, you must let Di Gaogeng deity to leave the throne - or the throne to move a little.

Even if it is a little bit of a gap, Marvin has a chance.


When everyone heard Marvin’s voice, it was a sinking heart.

The matter of the shadow prince, Marvin reminded them. As for the rest of the gods, they are not ready to fight them!

Especially the ancient **** of the plague god, although his strength is weak, but he has mastered many ancient gods.

Even if it is a avatar, it is very difficult to deal with.

But no matter what, since today has come to the rotten plateau, everyone is ready to die in the end!

"Do it!" Inheim slammed a punch and resisted a avatar of Di Gaogen, the first to respond to Marvin's call.

Everyone nodded.

The most crucial moment has finally arrived!

In an instant, Ibrahimovic and Inheim also gave up their opponents, and directly with the powerful explosive force!

They abandoned Di Gao Geng's avatar and aimed at his deity!

"They really saw it!"

Di Gaogeng is in a bad mood!

His deity must not leave the throne. And the throne can't leave this land!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the two avatars were ready to chase back. Who knows that at this time, a dragon screams in the evil spirits!

In the gaze of Di Gaogeng and the evil spirits, the wrath of the sky that had been silently infusing the mana of the world tree exploded!

He left from the endless ocean and leaped high.

His body has undergone a series of changes. In the blink of an eye, the evil spirits have lost a powerful druid, but they have a more powerful bronze dragon!

This is the ultimate transformation of the wrath of the sky - the bronze dragon.

Same as the red copper dragon. The bronze dragon is powerful and wise, and is very different from the evil five-color dragon.

The bronze dragon whizzed down. A bit of dragon's interest directly destroys many evil spirits.

At the same time, it also hindered the step of returning to the avatar!

The bronze dragon grabbed him directly and began the most primitive melee!

And the tree of the world is handed over to the endless ocean alone. As a result, her pressure has also increased dramatically.

Hathaway and the Holy Spirit White Deer continue to clean up nearby evil spirits.

The ashes storm swept continuously. A large number of evil spirits were ruthlessly eliminated.

Di Gaogen can only condense three avatars at most, one is on the way to the rush, the second is entangled by the bronze dragon, as for the third avatar -

Ibrahimovic did not return, and directly lost the handle of the wind!

He screamed a tough and whimsical spell.

The next moment, the wind began to distort, and in the blink of an eye it became the same elf as Ibrahim!

This is the strongest secret of one of the Elf Nine Swords!

Ibrahimovic, who is transformed into a wind, has 90% of his strength, which is enough to hold the third avatar.

Thus. Di Gaogeng’s deity is about to face the challenge of the two powerful melee kings of the Elf Wusheng and the legendary monk!


Between the electric and the flint, Ibrahimovic and Inheim are left and right. Rushing over the supreme throne!

Di Gaogeng was gloomy, and a lot of filth power gathered in his body.

Gather the energy of the entire plane!

After the three-layer barrier that has just been the same, he does not believe that these two mortals can break their own barriers!

You must know that just the monk's meteor fall can only break the first layer!

However, everything that happened next completely overturned Di Gaogen’s cognition!

Ibrahim and Inheim did not directly work. There was a loop of rope in their hands.

This is not an ordinary wishful rope, but rather tough and mixed with fine gold.

Legend is that this is a high elf. Used to imprison the ancient giants!

The two men cooperated, and in the case of Di Gao Geng, the prisoner's rope has bound the entire barrier with the throne!

"What do they want to do!"

Di Gao Geng angered the shot, the power of terror directly condensed into the purest fist, one left and one right banged out.

The result was escaping by Ibrahimovic and Inheim.

In the next second, the two men ran from the left and right, running in the same direction!

They did not resist, but chose another way.

"Want to pull me off the throne?"

"It's a joke!"

Di Gaogen only felt incredible for a while.

These two guys must be brain* disabled? Just rely on the strength of both of them, want to pull yourself?

However, the next second, Di Gaogeng's face is green!

The two ran for a distance and actually threw the rope directly out - the ropes of the prisoners who hugged the throne to the high throne directly differentiated into countless pieces, and the other end of the ropes, a total of six tall virtual shadows began to condense. real!

Someone is coming!

Di Gao Geng couldn't help but want to marry her mother. Today's rotten plateau is just like the unprecedented excitement.

He just wanted to stop the entry of these people, but the other party did not come through the gap of time and space.

This is the summoning technique.

Ibrahimovic buckled his chest with his right hand and sang low.

Six high-level figures, each holding the scattered ropes, circled them around themselves.

This time, Di Gaogen was really scared!

Stone Giant!

Actually six elite stone giants!

"Long time no see." Ibrahimovic showed a smug smile.

He is not waiting in the stone giant territory!

Before he left. The stone giant collar once gave him a summoning badge. No matter where he is, he can summon six elite stone giants to help.

"Come on you, pull the guy off his broken chair!"

Ibrahim shouted.

The stone giants nodded slowly.

They are in one direction. Hold the rope of the prisoner tightly, and then work together!

With a sigh of relief, in the eyes of Di Gaogeng’s unbelievable, his throne moved a centimeter to the right!

Just one centimeter is enough.

The eyes of all are condensed under the throne.

What is the secret under the throne?


"Let's do it!" The shadow prince couldn't wait to say: "I don't know what secrets there are under DiGao's throne. But the situation seems to have completely favored humans."

The **** of the plague hesitated: "Or wait, Di Gaogen has not done his best."

"Let's see what's under the throne!"

Glenos is helpless. It can only be observed by following the temper.


Despite being moved a centimeter, Di Gao Geng’s Supreme Throne has also undergone a strong change.

A strange aperture emerges from below.

It is a hollow of swirls.

The interior of the void is an unknowable world, with the exception of Di Gaogen and Marvin. No one in this world knows this secret.

No one knows that as the owner of the rotten plateau, Di Gaogen even combined his own plane quietly with the real world tree!

In order to capture the power of the world tree and let the rotten plateau grow stronger, he chose to take risks - anyway, the ancient gods have been sleeping for a long time, and no one will take care of the world tree.

As long as he keeps the entrance, he will be foolproof. He can always enjoy the power of the tree of the world until the awakening of the ancient gods.

On that day, he probably has the power of the other side. His ambitions have already been realized.

By the time. The whole universe was surrendered to his feet.

It is a pity that he thought that no one knew the plan, but because of the appearance of Marvin. And there was a trace of omission.

Just as the throne was moved, Marvin moved!

He was ready to be put on, and the whole person disappeared in place.

With the help of this artifact, he drilled directly into it!

Di Gaogen looked at it all with horror and anger. He didn't think of the seemingly weak ranger. It turned out to be the key to the enemy's plan!

The shadow prince and the **** of plague are also dumbfounded!

They did not expect that Di Gaogen would actually do such a daring thing.

He actually stripped the rotten plateau from the sea of ​​evil spirits and then grafted it to the tree of the world. So secretly capture the power of the world tree!

This will certainly increase the level of the rotted plateau, but the danger is infinite.

Because the tree of the world is the realm of the ancient gods, and the ancient gods have an artifact called gold scissors!



All the legends are happy!

Even Inheim, who has never been sneer, has a smile.

Just he and Ibrahimovic were used to attract Di Gaogen’s attention. This move was also planned by Marvin.

Even if it is God, attention is limited. When it is attracted by the existence that it thinks has a great threat, it is difficult to notice other places.

The ropes of the six elite stone giants and prisoners are all strangers.

The purpose is to move the throne of Di Gaogeng, even a centimeter!

This cent is enough to bury Di Gaogen and the entire rotten plateau!


Di Gao Geng’s roaring sounds through the rotten plateau!

He felt an unprecedented crisis of life and death. He can't enter the whirlpool, because only those who hold the natural ancient gods can enter!

In the hands of Ma Wen, holding a gold scissors.

The rest of the people are not allowed to enter!

He is close to being crazy!

"If you wait for me is destruction. Then you, don't even want to escape!"

In an instant, the world suddenly became dark!

The whole land began to heat up sharply and even began to melt!

De Gao Geng's deity finally walked down from the throne!

"No! He is desperate!"

The Holy Spirit White Deer loudly reminded: "We will retreat first!"

The colorful stones suddenly bloomed with dazzling brilliance, directly opening a plane channel.

Everyone just wanted to evacuate. Who knows that at this time, a arrogant force came from the void and directly cut off the plane of the colorful stone!

That is divine power!

The plague **** smiled happily out of the shadow plane:

"Di Gao Geng, I did not expect that we also have a day of cooperation."

... (to be continued)

Ps: vomiting blood fifth more... eyes hurt ==


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