Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 207: Hera

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Seeing that Marvin threw a few silver coins so slickly, the golden beauty suddenly appeared.

Her eyes couldn't help but change. It seemed to be thinking about something.

The bartender on the side reminded me kindly: "Hey, friend, this woman is not as good as you think."

The beautiful woman immediately roared: "Go down your wine."

Ma Wen smiled slightly.

Soon, a glass of spirited spirits was brought up.

She looked very thirsty and couldn't wait to drink half a glass of wine.

"My name is Hera."

After half a cup of spirits, Hera's white face was slightly reddish.

Her eyes are more and more confused.

"I don't seem to have seen you before."

"Call me Robin." Marvin made a name.

Anyway, now he appears in front of everyone as a middle-aged man. The magical warlock's own camouflage effect is very powerful, comparable to the most professional Yi Rong master.

"Oh, Mr. Robin, who is generous."

Hera squinted and smiled: "Don't you think that it is a bit noisy here? I know a quiet place, just two of us, you can talk."

Marvin frowned slightly.

He was a little bit guilty of this Hera's coming.

The bartender reminded him that he knew it naturally. At first, he thought it was an ordinary 妓*女... If so, Ma Wen wouldn’t mind trying to get information from her mouth.

However, from the observation of Marvin, this woman does not seem to be engaged in the service industry for a long time.

And she looks a little weird.

Where is the problem? Ma Wen couldn’t say it for a while.

In short, this Hera is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"I like the lively place."

Marvin smiled slightly: "Just here."

Hera’s eyes flashed a bit strange.

Generally speaking, travellers from foreign countries come here. Especially men, it is estimated that they are crossing the entire desert, and they have to be broken.

Such a hot girl in front of her eyes sent her to hug, actually refused?

This guy is seeing what is coming? Or is it simply a waste that is useless?

However, she is still very calm, said with a smile: "That's here."

"But don't you think you are a bit out of place here?"

Her gaze is on the other side, and the two men are looking at it from time to time.

Golden lion's heel.

Marvin didn't put them in his eyes.

"Don't worry about them." Marvin whispered: "I heard that some time ago, a meteor fell near the rocky mountain. Is that the case?"

Hera's face changed, and the smile immediately solidified on her face:

"You also came for this matter?"

"Sorry. I can't talk to you anymore. The golden lion has a password, no one can talk about the meteor in the town."

Ma Wen brows.

Who knows that at this time, a few big men suddenly broke into the pub!

Hera saw them and immediately shouted: "Not good. My enemies are coming."

"Let's talk again next time, handsome guy."

Speaking of her short stature, she was very flexible and wiped from Marvin, then sneaked into the crowd and fled from the back door in the blink of an eye.

"She is there, catch him!"

The two big men shouted loudly. However, Hera’s escape was so strange that she disappeared into the bustling pub in the blink of an eye.

They did not catch up.

There was a sharp eye and saw her sitting with Marvin drinking.

They suddenly came around.

"Man, I have already told you that. Hera is not so good." The bartender said gloating.

Marvin smiled slightly and gently pushed the cup that Hera had drunk in the first third: "Help me keep it."

The bartender nodded.

The next second, one hand slammed on Marvin's shoulder!

"Hey. Foreigner, what is your relationship with Hera?!"

Who knows that Marvin's figure is very flexible, that slap, directly on the bar.

Hey, the person who shoots himself has a painful hand.

"I have nothing to do with Hera. She asked me to ask her to drink a glass of wine, and that's it."

Ma Wen spread his hands. It is full of innocence.

The four people were not well-sighted, and one of them said: "Hera owes us a lot of money."

"Since you are willing to ask her to drink, I will be willing to pay for her."

"Hey, look at you as a strange face, give you a way out."

"Give me a wizard gold coin, I will let you go."

Ma Wen is dumb and laughs.

He looked at the bartender: "She is a group with them?"

Ma Wen saw much more about this kind of fraud.

The bartender smiled and said, "That is not. But I am with them, but it is a group. We are all a gang."

"Let's pay the money. I don't think you are the master of money."

"It turned out to be."

Marvin slowly turned around.

"Okay, but pay the money, you must let me go."

"What is the honing? He *Mom* will give the money quickly. Otherwise, Laozi will pull out your soft egg and crush it!"

A big man shouted fiercely.

He seems to want to threaten Marvin by this means.

However, in the meantime, Ma Wen’s eyes, which had originally wanted to be a good person, suddenly flashed a sneer.

The next second, his movements are like lightning!

Snapped! His whole person suddenly started like a cheetah, and his fist hit the first person's stomach!

The latter immediately bent down and the face was white!

Ma Wen took advantage of the situation, his hands pressed against his body, and his legs were kicked out!

The other two people, who were directly kicked into the head by Marvin, fell awkwardly on the ground and struggled with embarrassment.

And the last person, he had just pulled out, a black hole in the muzzle, and pointed at his head.

"If you don't want your brain to be cracked. Just talk nonsense."

Marvin said with ease: "I suddenly don't want to give money. What do you think?"

Inside the pub, it was quiet.

Everyone includes the bartender. They are all shocked.

This foreigner, a terrible skill!

"It’s a Sha people!"

"McKenns fighting, and a pistol."

"The master of the Sha people is really rare..."


Marvin’s lightning shot, three big men fell between the two breaths, and the other one was being pistoled with his head.

This poor guy can definitely swear. He didn't even see where Marvin got his handgun out!

The other party's degree is almost terrible.

They have never encountered such a terrible Saudi.

Although the lethality of the pistol is very general, it is taken up by the head. The scene is absolutely spectacular.

The man had already brushed his face and was sweating.

Ma Wen smiled calmly.

This is the result of a combination of level agility, constant reflection, and hand effort.

His reaction is scary, and the average thief does not have such a skill.

Not to mention these are only second-order small characters. In front of Marvin, they are nothing.

"Big, adults...we...we are only responsible for debt collection..."

The man shuddered and said: "We have mistaken people. Since you have nothing to do with Hera, we will leave immediately. Let's go."

Ma Wen did not care about him, but shot again.


Two darts, exactly hit the two stupid followers in the corner.

Obviously, these two guys are ready to report the newly born things to the Golden Lion.

The darts didn't hit the point, but they were coated with anesthetic. They could only struggle in the same place for a while.

Finished it all. Ma Wencai Shi Shiran took back the pistol.

The man showed an ugly smile: "Thank you..."

His words had not been finished yet, and he had an elbow on his stomach. The whole person was kneeling on the ground. Inhale the air.

Ma Wen turned and looked at the bartender and reached out.

The bartender immediately handed the glass that Hera had drunk to him, and quickly explained:

"I am a gang for me and they are not responsible for a business."

"Relax, young people." Marvin smiled: "I am not coming to the market."

After that, he will not stop. Directly one plus, suddenly disappeared into the pub.

His degree is as fast as a whirlwind. The adventurers in the pub didn't even see how he disappeared!

"Masters above the fourth level..."

The bartender swallowed a sip, and there was a shock in his eyes.

Xiongshi Town has not had such a master for a long time.

It’s really not calm recently.


Night tracking is on.

Marvin, wearing a mask and a cloak, walked through the town of Lions.

The light red thin line represents that Hera is almost out of the scope of night tracking.

"Hide it really fast."

Ma Wen sneered in the heart, could not help but add again.

Faster, at night, too fast pedestrians!

Twenty minutes later.

In the corner of the Lion Town, in a slum, outside a cabin that seems to have been abandoned.

Ma Wen landed steadily.

Hera was very spirited. She took Marvin around the Lions for several laps before she stopped here.

Here, should it be her stronghold... or, home?

In the window blocked by the wooden strips, a hint of shimmer was heard.

Marvin opened the sneak and walked silently.

Through the window, he saw a woman in her twenties. She is very rich in body and looks very ordinary. She can only say that she is medium-sized.

"Come on, Xiao Yan, my mother is back."

The girl whispered.

A wooden board in the basement was supported. A child, about three or four years old, climbed out from the inside and then plunged into her arms.

There was a happy smile on her face.

"Mom today made a lot of money."

"You can buy something delicious for you."

She said that she had stolen the wallet in her hand.

That wallet is awesome.

Of course, Marvin is not without attention. He just doesn't care about this money.

Anyway, he is also confident, able to find Hera ~ ~ just did not expect to find this female liar and thieves, but this is a scene.

"Very good tolerance." Marvin thought.


"There is only a little soup tonight."

"There are a lot of enemies outside to catch my mother."

"I will drink a little."

The woman, holding the little boy, said softly.

However, at this time, her back suddenly sounded a shocking voice:

"I have some milk here."

... (to be continued)

Ps: There is still a chapter after the zero point. In addition, thanks to the book friend [磐石gg] for 1 point!

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