Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 209: Underground winter

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In the dark, the handsome figure that came over, Ma Wenchu ​​looked a little bit wrong, and immediately responded!

This woman is actually the dark elf she saw in the pool before.

Although she didn't know what skin color she changed her appearance, she looked like a half-elves.

But that face is exactly the same!

Ma Wen’s heart screams badly: Hera’s trading object is actually a dark elf?

In order to confirm the identity of the other party, he also secretly took out the other's machete and turned on the night tracking.

The skill is confirmed. The half-elves that are "washed" in front of you are definitely the one who was kicked by himself in the pool!

How could the dark elf come to the surface?

What information is she going to buy?

Ma Wen thought sharply.

In an instant, an electric light flashed through his mind.

He is a bit worried!

"Mom*, the bottom of the winter!"

"I actually forgot such an important event."

Marvin clenched the machete and stared coldly at the dark elf who was approaching and took a deep breath.

It seems that the deal tonight is not that simple.


The ground is cold winter.

This is a large-scale regional climate anomaly that has been very rare in history.

Before the Cataclysm, in the western part of the dark area, the [Frozen Spring] of the Pangbo Sea in Biling suddenly began to spray extremely cold water.

The extremely cold water is a unique treasure of the water elemental plane. A small amount of extremely cold water is a good material for making magic items.

On the east coast, a small piece of extremely cold water. Can sell a very high price!

However, this time, the number of extremely cold water sprayed from the permafrost spring is so horrible.

The western part of the entire dark area was affected by this extremely cold water jet and began to cool down sharply.

The living environment of the underground is inherently very bad. This is due to the sudden changes in the climate, which causes most of the light plants to die.

The days of the dark clan are even harder.

In such a background, Black Dragon Clark, who is entrenched in the dark area, wakes up from a deep sleep.

He compiled some dark elves and other dark races and chose to raid the surface humans. Robbery of food.

Clark sent a dark elf scout and finally found a new secret path to the surface.

And the other end of the secret road. It is the rocky mountain!

This big battle was born about three months before the Cataclysm.

Because at that time, the player has not yet arrived in Feinan, this story has been promoted as a pre-release trailer, although Ma Wen has paid attention. But the impression is not too deep!

Looking back now, I seem to be just stepping on this timeline.

And it just happened at this time, the order of fire fell to the rocky mountains.

This time, the rocky mountain is really chaotic.

The situation in the past life was that the raids of the underground creatures were very successful. When the underground worms opened the way, the army rushed into the surrounding area of ​​the rocky mountains.

In just half a day, they swept a small town in the outer part of the rocky mountain!

Among them, it must have included the unguarded Lion Town.

And three days later. They are under the city of hope.

Seeing that the entire rocky mountain will be swallowed up.

It was also at this time that Jessica among the three sisters showed their strength for the first time in front of the world.

In the face of Black Dragon Clark, the Apocalypse Warlock killed him in the most arrogant way.

She blessed herself [the power of the apocalypse]. In the face of all humans and underground creatures, the black dragon was torn apart!

Tearing the black dragon!

This special thing is completely the thing that the protagonist of the online novel can do with the madness of the golden thigh.

At that time, Ma Wen spoke to the propaganda film.

However, he did admit that the three sisters are still very attractive.

Especially Jessica. This girl is a complete female man, and because of this, she can create a rocky mountain country. And the future of the Northland female Wushen.


The key now is the dark elf in front of you. What to trade with Hera?

Ma Wen faintly felt wrong, but he did not dare to rely too close.

The drow's perception is very high!

Marvin’s nervousness, this deal must be problematic, Hera did not tell him the transaction, I am afraid that this thing is very sensitive.

"What exactly is it?"

Marvin’s gaze aimed at the parchment in Hera’s hand.

In the next second, Hera seems to be a dark elf.

"Hey, Ruiwen, I haven't seen you for a long time."

She seems to be familiar with each other.

Ruiwen smiled faintly: "It has been a long time since I disappeared. I went to the bottom of the earth and the harvest was not small."

"This dark elf idiom is not bad..." Marvin listened secretly.

The underground creatures generally use the underground lingua franca, and the surface is still quite different. Obviously, this Ruiwen lingua franca is specially trained.

Hera took the roll of parchment and shook it:

"As always, what you want, I have brought it."

"What do I want?"

Ruiwen smiled slightly: "Money is not a problem."

After all, she took a heavy money bag backhand.

She gently opened a corner, a faint golden light reflected, dizzying.

These are actually pure gold nuggets!

No wonder Hera says that this money is enough for her to live in the city of hope.

"Things are for you. Give me the money."

Hera said very simply.

Ruiwen nodded.

The two slowly approached, and Marvin expected Hervin and Hera to complete the deal in a friendly manner.

Throughout the transaction process, this dark elf did not show a sinister and fierce side.

In fact, she did not get what she wanted and immediately killed Hera, which made Marvin very surprised.

What surprised Ma Wen was that when the two sides were separated, Rui Wen actually said one more sentence:

"Leave the Lions Town early, it may not be very peaceful recently."

Hera nodded.

The Dark Elf took something and soon disappeared into place.

Marvin slowly came out.

“Rui Wen is still very creditable.”

Hera looks good: "I always thought that all the dark elves were sly and ruthless, but there are exceptions."

Marvin coldly said: "You have already seen her disguise? What are you giving her?"

Hera replied calmly: "The troops in the town of Lions are armed."

"Either they don't have this thing, they can easily smash the golden lion, aren't they?"

"Don't look at me with that kind of look, I am much worse than you think. On the day I first came to Lionstown, Xiaoxi was almost killed by them, and I was almost raped by a few people." ......"

"This town is full of criminals they deserve it."

Marvin gave her a deep look: "It is not a very correct thing to destroy evil with something more evil."

"Take a little sister, wait for me here, two hours later, I will **** you to the city of hope."

"But before that, I have to do something."

After saying all this, he suddenly added, and the figure disappeared into the night.

Night tracking!

A red line that is not far away appears in the vision of Marvin.

Ruiwen did not go far!

She is still in the town of Lions.

... (to be continued)

Ps: Khan, I thought it was timed, but it didn't... next five o'clock in the afternoon.

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