Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 211: Dead wing knight

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Dig worms.

A large monster that grows in the darkness!

This creature is very large and looks like an octopus, but in essence it is a variant and huge insect monster.

The digger has had sixteen tentacles.

But these tentacles and octopus sea monsters are so different.

The tentacles of the digger are very hard and the tip is spiral, which is the perfect choice for drilling holes in the mountains.

There are not many such creatures, and they are too lazy to move.

However, according to the scholars of the Pearl Tower, 60% of the caves in the dark area are not naturally formed, but the result of the active period of the earthworms in the ancient times.

The perception of digger is very acute, and the caves they open are rarely landslides.

Because they chose to open the road in a better soil.

"I didn't expect even the digger to be conquered by Black Dragon Clark!"

"Zall and other small creatures don't need to dig their worms to open such a large cave. Since they have used diggers, I am afraid that the number of slayers in their army is not small!"

"Plus some of the underground monsters that will fly... It’s very difficult for the Lion Town to hold it."

Ma Wen is dignified.

He watched the mountains in the distance tremble constantly, and the Lion Town was awakened in the silence, and the alarm sounded endlessly.

Although he had already given the Golden Lion a warning a few hours earlier, it was clear that the guy didn't think of Marvin's words as one thing.

Otherwise it is not the case now.

Distant east. The first rays of sunlight are faintly reflected from the desert.

At this time, the dark races in the mountains and plains were killed from the caves opened by the worms!

Dark elves, bear goblins, gray dwarves, and the huge body of the Zede!

As for the Kobold, the ordinary goblin, the gnoll, and so on, there are more.

I am afraid the adventurers of the Lion Town. Just opened your eyes, you will be scared by this horrible scene.

Not only the Lion Town, but even these farmers near the Lion Town are unlikely to be spared.

"Let's go!"

Ma Wen whispered a word.

Although he looked bad in this scene, he was not a sage.

He can't save everyone.

This assault, he has done what he should do.

The next thing, you can only go with the flow.

Hera saw this scene. Nature is scared.

Be aware that if the Dark Clan moves forward one day in advance. She will also become a member of the slaughter in the town of Lions!

She is not fighting, I am afraid that this group of monsters will be swallowed for the first time!

At the moment, under the urging of Marvin, they accelerated the pace of progress!


On the southern mountain of the Lion Town, a mysterious woman in a cloak is singing loudly.

Accompanied by her humming sound. Black lacquered black clouds gather from all sides.

The scarlet light is constantly shining from the eyes of the monsters around her.

They are very excited!

The harsh environment of the underground has devastated them. They are hungry, suffering, they are eager to kill!

No need to spur, instinctively driven, all the monsters swarmed!

Since there is no force deployment map, Ms. Tess, who is responsible for the advancement of the army, will simply not deploy more!

Anyway, the previous survey showed. The adventurers of the Lion Town and the army together are definitely not the opponents of the dark army.

The underground creatures like the tides generally broke through the weak barrier of the Lion Town.

The mourning began to ring. Bloody gas begins to spread!

In the hustle and bustle of the noise, a high-pitched singer continued to ring. It is getting louder and louder!

It is the cloak woman!

She opened her hands and prayed at the high heavens.

The dark clouds are constantly condensing and becoming more and more strong!

In the land of Fernan's recognized civilization, the first rays of the dawn are blocked by thick black clouds.

The next half month. There will be no sunshine here!

Because this is the magic that the Dark Dragon God has given her - [covering the sky].


"It really is to cover the sky."

Marvin could feel it, and the sky was dark. It is already in the morning, but it is still dark with the night.

This is a large magical spell that covers the entire rocky mountain area.

The underground creatures dare to attack the surface, not for no reason.

Behind them are not only Black Dragon Clark, but also the Dark Dragon God!

Ma Wen remembers that during the process of the underground creatures entering the surface, a female commander was particularly eye-catching.

She is the mother of the dark elves in the dark army, and the name seems to be Tess.

And her other identity is more compelling - the dark dragon god's voters!

Few dark elves choose to believe in gods other than the Spider Queen, and the narrow-minded Spider Queen definitely does not allow this.

But this dark elf clan seems to be an exception.

It is quite strange that the Spider Queen defaults to the actions of the Dark Dragon God to **** the believers from her hands.

For Marvin, both the Dark Dragon and the Spider Queen are very troublesome characters.

Although their power is only moderate, they show great interest and * to Fernan.

And they are very embarrassed.

They are also among the ancient gods, one of the few gods who support the attack of the universe magic pool.

"Dark Dragon God, Spider Queen, God of Plague... The third generation of ancient gods in the impression has few good things."

Ma Wen’s heart secretly spit out a sentence.

The back of him, Ruiwen has another sign of dishonesty, and Ma Wen immediately stunned her with a hand knife.

Just kidding, now he is carrying Hera in the fast flight, where is the management of Ruiwen?

The reason why he grabbed Ruiwen was because he used the dark elves in the future.

On the way to find order fire. Will face some very harsh conditions, he hopes to find a qualified assistant. At present, Ruiwen has the qualities in this regard.

As for whether she will be willing to cooperate. This is not a problem that Ma Wen needs to solve now!

His current task is to bring Hera and a small donkey to the city of hope as soon as possible!

However, what makes Marvin uneasy is that the Dark Clan's assault is faster than he expected.

Ms. Tess did not put all her strength into the battle of the Lion Town.

She sent a lot of soldiers around the town of Lions and headed for the city of hope.

These monsters came from the wings of the Lion Town, stepped on the farmland, and all the farmhouses that Marvin had passed before were destroyed by them.

"Her purpose is to kill all the people!"

“At the same time cut off any connection between the City of Hope and the Lion Town.”

"Not good. If you don't hurry, I am afraid I will be surrounded."

Marvin released a dark crow. Observing the route that the dark monsters came in, it was obvious that an encirclement was formed.

This encirclement is not tight, but once closed, a blockade line will be formed inside the Lion Town and the Rock Hill.

Any surface creature. There is no way to pass the blockade line and arrive at the city of hope.

There is no doubt that this dark dragon god's electorate is definitely a commanding genius!


The group accelerated the pace.

Hera was very strong, she gasped and sweated, but she was still following Marvin's footsteps as soon as possible.

As for Xiao Yan, I am really obedient on the mother's back and closed my eyes. Nothing to look at.

"Come on."

"There are still a few miles, and we are here."

Ma Wen encouraged.

Who knows that at this time, they suddenly set off a gust of wind!

Above the sky. A group of giant bat-like creatures suddenly swooped in!

They were so fast that they caught up in the blink of an eye.

Two of the bat monsters seem to have seen Marvin and others, and they immediately rushed down!

"[Dead Knight]!"

Ma Wen’s face suddenly changed.

"Let's find a hidden place to hide!"

He shouted at Hera.

Not far away, an abandoned wind mill warehouse stood there, and Marvin immediately pointed in that direction, letting them go to hide first!

These bats are strange. Each is the shape of a giant bat, but unlike a bat. They have a human-like head!

This is the only dead wing knight on the ground.

Marvin did not expect that the dead wing knight, which did not appear in the trailer, was actually in the army of the dark race.

History has deviated!

This dark army seems to be more powerful than the previous life!

Hera hurriedly hugged her hand and rushed to the wind mill.

Ma Wengang wants to follow the past, who knows that at this time, there is a strong wind behind him!

It’s that **** bat!

Ma Wen’s backhand is a knife.

The anger slammed into the neck of a dead wing knight and cut his fragile neck directly.

This creature is not strong, but the key is that they have strong flight capabilities.

On average, each level of the Death Knight is in the 13th to 15th level, and the highest level will not exceed the third order.

But the ability to fly has greatly increased their threat.

Marvin had just smothered one of his heads, and his shoulders were light.

A gust of wind whizzed past, and another dead wing knight aimed at the opportunity to take Ruiwen away from Ma Wen's shoulder!


"Take a woman with Laozi..."

Ma Wen’s heart fires!

These birds are not arrogant when they fly.

Ruiwen has a great use of Ma Wen, how can he give up?

At the moment, his figure is like electricity, and he is tempted to move in a farmhouse on a few steps.

The dead wing knight dragged a dark elf, and the flying height dropped a lot immediately, and the degree was slower.


Ma Wen jumped directly from the roof suddenly fell on the wings of the dead wing knight!

The latter immediately lost balance and struggled to fall.

It can't afford such a load!

Ma Wenqi grabbed the neck of the dead wing knight and broke it in the air!

The three men spiraled and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the height is not very high, Marvin took control of his body, he caught Ruiwen.

Who knows that at this time, there was a scream behind his back!

That is the voice of Hera!

Ma Wen looks green.


... (to be continued)

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