Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 213: Wind knight

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The book of Naru, with only a thin page, has infinite power.

Soul stripping is just one of the more easily manipulated ones in many taboos.

However, these forces are also very dangerous.

If it is not anger to a certain extent, Marvin is seldom willing to take the initiative to use these taboos.

Taboo two words, it represents a lot of things.

The Soul Stripping Ceremony is the book of Naru who, through its powerful willing charm, captures Rivin as his slave.

Marvin is the master of the sixth page of Naru's book, and naturally became the master of Ruiwen.

But this captive has a price, and Marvin also needs to bear a fairly strong will.

If Marvin did not overcome this *will shock, then he himself would become a slave to Naru's book.

Marvin estimated that with his willpower, he would control up to two slaves.

The former Mediterra is one, and the second is Ruiwen.

However, the race of the Dark Elves has long been among the servants of Marvin.

This race is naturally weak and will be easily tempted by * and ambition. They can't even restrain the body*—the dark elf's society is very savage—relatively, controlling the dark elves with Naru's book is much easier than controlling other willpowered races.

Ruiwen is determined to be determined in the Dark Elves.

Marvin’s sting from time to time can be felt.

This is a sign of spiritual overdraft.

This means in the will confrontation. Ma Wen still paid a lot of effort.

"It was only the best policy to control your mind with the book of Naru."

"But you killed Hera and brought the Dark Elf Scouts. I can only do this."

Ma Wen thought silently.


Hera and he are just ordinary trading relationships. Marvin has no special feelings for her.

But she is the mother of a child.

In order to let her children live a better life, she quietly paid too much.

Marvin can see that the former aristocratic wife worked hard in the sinister place of the Lions Town for the future of Xiaoyan.

In order to let Marvin take a decisive takeaway, she sacrificed herself decisively in order not to let herself become a chip of Ruiwen.

She didn't even hesitate.

This feeling makes Ma Wen move.

Mother is always willing to give everything for the child.

And Ruiwen is actually not wrong. She just wants to be free.

Only she did not expect Hera to protect her children. Will make such a choice.

At this time, how could Ma Wen disappoint Hera's prayer?

Xiao Yan, he must be safe to bring him to the city of hope!

Outside the barn, the fine footsteps are even more pronounced.

This should be a standard dark elf scouting squad.

Under normal mood. Most of the Dark Elves should still be attacking the Lion Town. This team can track it so quickly, apparently from the signal released by Ruiwen.

"The trouble you have caused, you solve it yourself."

Marvin said coldly.

He backhand gave Ruiwen a shot of antidote.

The anesthetic effect will recede in half a minute.

"kill them."

This is Marvin’s order.

Ruiwen is naturally obedient. She took the knife given by Marvin, her eyes flashed the rune of the deceitful god, and walked out calmly.


"Small cockroach..."

"Your mother is dead. We must leave here as soon as possible, understand?"

Ma Wen tried to whisper softly.

Who knows that at this time, Xiao Xiao, who had been silently beside her mother's body, began to cry.

This is the first time Marvin saw him crying.

When caught by the dead wing knight. The boy of about four years old didn't even cry.

But now, he is crying and tearing his heart.

His way of crying is very strange and his voice is very low. But the breath throughput is great, like a horrible monster!

What makes Marvin even more shocked is that Xiao Yan’s tears are actually with a hint of blue!

"It won't be too dark, I am wrong?"

Ma Wen blinked.

However, the next second, he looked directly at the stupid!

With the cry of a small donkey. His body began to swell slowly.

The original clothes are not enough.

The bones that are constantly growing grow up!

in a blink. He changed from a four-year-old child to a teenager!

His face is still green, but his figure has grown.

Just a few seconds between this.

It is too exaggerated!

If Marvin didn't sense the trace of [deformation] from him, he would definitely think of the result of what spell.

However, there is no arcane energy and there are no signs of spells!

Pure natural feeling.

"This is... the power of the blood?"

Marvin felt a bit wrong.

At this time, Xiao Yan gently wiped away the tears.

His expression regained a calm and waveless look.

"At a very young age, my mother always told me: Xiao Yan, you can't cry."

"In fact, I can't just cry, I can't laugh."

"Some things don't need to be learned. I feel a lot more knowledge in my mind..."

"Robin, let's go."

He stood up slowly, his eyes filled with sorrow, but he was firm.

Such a small child actually has such emotional control ability?

Ma Wen looked at the mutant Xiao Yan, this face, he felt very familiar!

"Wait... This is not after the Cataclysm, except for the three sisters, the most famous [Wind Knight] Auburnson?!"

Ma Wen suddenly realized.

He vaguely remembers. The name of the wind knight Auburnson is - Hera.


Wind Knight Auburn.

In the past games, in addition to the three sisters of the Rock Hill, there is another legendary strongman.

The place where the strongman is most famous is not to guard the city of hope. The heroic achievements obtained.

Nor is it a single-handedly one-minded person who does not fall into the wind.

It is the face that he has always been unsmiling.

Auburnson is actually quite handsome, but I don't know why, he just doesn't laugh, and no one has seen him cry.

Later, a master of the level has done a hidden task on the wind knight, and the truth is revealed to the world:

The blood of Auburnson is especially special.

He is a descendant of the lord of a certain territory in the north. The lord is also a descendant of some mysterious race similar to the Hamon, and they have a curse on them. Only passed between male members.

That is, there can be no mood swings.

Can't cry, can't laugh.

Whether it is crying once or laughing once. It’s the equivalent of years flowing through them for ten years!

This is a very terrible curse, which makes the male members of this family never have emotions.

Xiaoyan was trained by Hera to control her emotions from an early age. He has never lost control.

However, in the face of his mother's death, he finally lost control.

He cried once and time took him ten years. His body is mad, and his mind is accompanied by the power of blood, and in a flash he is promoted to the age of fourteen or five.

In other words, the current Xiaoyan, in fact, the real age and Marvin almost.

This is a very strange experience. Those who have not experienced it will definitely not be able to tell the feelings.

But the wind knight Auburnson. It was originally a person who was not good at words.

In addition, this curse gives them a powerful force - they can control the wind and make good connections with any wind-related creatures.

For example, it is grown on the highland of Roland. Another example is the wind element.

The name of the wind knight comes from this.

In the past life, Marvin and the Wind Knight were not very familiar. I only know some of his background information: the mother died in the hands of the underground monster, talked about a love, but the girl made him laugh once but let him cry once, so he lost his life.

The man of this family. Usually do not live fifty years old.


"It seems that even without my intervention. Hera will die in the hands of the underground monster."

"As for Xiao Yan, it is alive."

Marvin’s mind flashed through the data.

He got up and patted Xiao Yan's shoulder: "Let's go."

The next second, he took out a thousand paper cranes and loaded Hera's body.

This action gave Xiao Xiao a horrified look, but he still trusted Ma Wen.

After all, Uncle Robin, at great risk, saved himself from the death wing knight.

It is also a person entrusted by the mother.

He should be trustworthy.

The two walked lightly to the back door of the barn.

The killing sound outside the door is nearing the end.

Marvin gently pushed the door open, and the dead wing knights in the sky had disappeared. They should be tired and return to the integration of the Lions.

And more underground monsters should have been blocked between the city of hope and the town of Lions.

Ruiwen gasped, and the double knives could not stop bleeding.

At her feet, the bodies of six dark elves lie horizontally.

The strength of the elite captain is really extraordinary.

What's more, these dark elves probably didn't think that the next master's candidate would suddenly attack their cronies!

"Master, I have completed your order."

There was a fascinating color in her eyes.

However, the body is somewhat stiff.

Marvin frowned slightly.

At that moment, his brain was stinging again.

It is clear that Ruiwen is still resisting. Only the power of Naru's book is too strong, forcing her to be suppressed. Marvin managed to control her.

Next, he gave her an order to let her wander alone around the city of hope.

For Ruiwen, breaking the blockade line is not too simple.

When Marvin needs to use her, she will naturally call her through the book of Naru.

Ruiwen left.

Marvin took a small squat and continued to break out in the direction of the city of hope.

The only pity is that a thousand paper cranes can not be used to hold people, otherwise the breakout is really no pressure for Ma Wen.

In front, there is a faint crowd of monsters.

Marvin took a nap and tried to walk around.

... (to be continued)

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