Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 230: Reading heart

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On the wall of the city of hope, Lorry looked grim. ∷,

"It officially started." There was a sorrowful color in her eyes.

The huge enchantment enveloped the entire Lion Town, a horrific sacrifice, and even the underground race was stunned.

They followed Black Dragon Clark to attack the surface and attack the rocky mountains for survival and food!

Absolutely not to die.

But now Ms. Tess is dead, there are signs of instability in the Dark Elf clan; and the rest of the race is more heart-wrenching, because the object of sacrifice also includes some of them!

Many dark-race creatures want to retreat.

There are a lot of food in the town of Lions, which is enough for them to survive this long winter.

However, the evil black dragon does not allow this to happen.

All who wanted to escape were brutally killed by him.

For a time, the atmosphere in the town of Lions was cold to the extreme.

Under the personal selection of Black Dragon, in addition to the Dark Elves, each race contributed at least 100 creatures.

Among them, the Kobold, the Gnoll and the ordinary goblin are even worse, and at least half of them will be sacrificed!

Who is willing to resist when the black dragon personally presided over the sacrifice?

The original Lion Town has long been razed to the ground, and the open altar is tied with countless black-pressed creatures.

Only one-third of them are less than the captives of the surface, and two-thirds are the underground races!

The underground army on the side of the crowd has a feeling of sadness in the rabbit.

At the beginning, Black Dragon was not so promised!

He promised that they had food and freedom.

Now even the right to survive is deprived!

If it is not the strength of the Black Dragon is too strong, they have no way to resist, I am afraid that these people have long been scattered.

The killing ceremony has begun.

Clarke turned into a black robe of human females. Sing loudly on the altar.

The thick **** suffocation has begun to spread.

Countless creatures mourn and die. The grievances are collected and the energy is concentrated. It is enough to temporarily penetrate the universe magic pool!


"Has he not returned yet?"

Jessica was a bit uncomfortable: "Although it takes two or three days, but I can't do it without looking at the innocent human beings to die."

Stupidly interjected: "I have said that the kid is not reliable at all..."

However, her voice did not fall, and a certain voice rang on the wall: "I have always believed that the lucky elf is best at telling the truth."


There was a glimmer of joy in Lori’s eyes.

Jessica has a lot of direct: "Get it?"

Ma Wen nodded.

"Let's do it!"

The big sister of the rocky mountain directly clenched his fist: "According to the plan. I attract their attention. You secretly sneaked and ruined the dragon scale!"

"The rest of the people are waiting in the city!"

"Lori. I will give it to you here."

Lori nodded hard.

Ma Wen took a deep breath and said that he was ready.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in Jessica's side.

That is the evil magician Daisy.

"I will go with you too."

"As the head of the devil's hand, how can you get a little strength?"

Daisy laughed very softly.

Jessica’s eyes showed a hint of worry: "Do you want to..."

"At least, I can help you share some pressure."

Daisy interrupted Jessica’s words: "And, after Robin’s destruction of the dragon scales, he will certainly encounter the black dragon or projection, and he needs my help."

Jessica was silent for a while and finally nodded.

She gently hugged Daisy. Whispered a few words in her ear.

Marvin looked at the two women in a strange way, an evil thought could not help but emerge in his mind:

Jessica, a female man, wouldn’t be a woman I like?

It seems that the relationship between the two relatives is very unusual.


"Mr. Robin. Your current thinking is very wrong."

At this time, Lori suddenly appeared behind him and looked at his head:

"Sister, she doesn't like women."

Marvin was shocked: "Can you hear the thoughts in my heart?"

Lori showed a lovely smile: "Sometimes can. Sometimes it can't. In short, it can be considered a very distressing ability."

Ma Wen secretly wiped a sweat.

This girl is too horrible. Her wisdom. Has it actually reached this point?

Reading the heart is the realm that the most wise wise man can reach.

Even the gods can't directly read a person's heart. At most, I feel his emotions such as emotions and sorrows.

Because of the heart of everyone. They are all protected by the power of order. This is a law that no one can defy.

Marvin is very curious, to what extent Lori's talent can develop.

However, discussing this matter at this time is obviously not a problem.

On the other side, Jessica and Daisy have already negotiated.

The plan begins!


Over the sky of the Lion Town, the colorful light group wrapped Jessica, falling like a meteor!

On the altar, the black dragon suddenly looked up, and there was a faint anger in his eyes!

She had long known that the Apocalypse Warlock would come to destroy her ritual, but the ritual has already begun, and then it is only necessary to continue slaughtering the creatures!

With the dark dragon scale as the plane coordinates, everything is not a problem.

A white-eyed eye hangs over the altar, and its gaze is shot in every corner of the Lion Town.

This is the ontological form of the insights of heaven!

Any enemy stealth unit, under its gaze, will have nothing to lose!

Clark slammed his feet and greeted him directly!


Her body recovered the black dragon form in an instant, after all, the human form is still too weak!

In the other direction, a shadow also rushed over.

That is the projection of the Dark Dragon God.

They all know that single-handedly fighting is definitely not Jessica's opponent, so we need to deal with her!


Haven't waited for Jessica to get close, the black dragon's belly is slightly bulging, and a horrible dragon's breath will come out!

The black dragon's dragon's breath, with the horrible acid, this acid liquid is comparable to the dissociation technique. Once the mortal is contaminated, it will be directly corroded into a pool of pus!

Only this time, in the colorful light group, not only Jessica alone.

There is another woman.

The black dragon feels a little surprised.

However, the next second, a **** mouth suddenly emerged from the void, swallowing all the dragons of the black dragon in one breath!

Black Dragon and Dragon God projections are shocked!

"Hey! The taste is rotten, but the energy is full."

"Dear mother, you haven't called me for a long time."

Behind that big mouth, is a deformed face and a long neck.

The neck is covered with barbs, and it looks greedily at the black dragon and projection:

"It’s rare to summon me once, it’s all big stuff."

And the things in the sky, but the face is pale!


The battle on the sky is at your fingertips.

On the ground, Ma Wen, wearing the "Erikson's brooch", easily escaped the gaze of the heavens.

Three minutes later, he calmly approached the altar.

... (to be continued..)

Ps: In the last few hours, if you have a ticket, don't hide it. The two chapters will be updated directly in the early hours of the morning, and then there will be a summary in June. No. 2 will break out. Just like this, goodbye, the end of June.

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