Night Ranger

: Explain 1

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First, I will send it to you. There will be at least two chapters today.

Ask for the ticket.

But this is not the focus of this single chapter.

In fact, everyone knows that the coconut has recently become a dog, and the time for the code is almost gone, and there are some leisure things to pay attention to some messy things.

The result is a friend this morning, saying that the night ranger and the abyss dominated?

I was confused at the time. I don't know what happened.

Looking back at a forum, the good guy, indeed, saw a post saying that the night and the abyss fought.

I am so surprised that what the authors don’t know about themselves is fighting?

Then I ran to look at the single chapter of the abyss. After reading it three times, I didn’t know where the buzzer’s anger came from?

Stock short position?

Feeling a bit lying.


To put it simply, the book of the abyss I liked very much. I used to watch it every day. Later, if I didn’t chase it, I wrote my own book. If I have been chasing it, I will be affected by the subtle influence. Therefore, everyone has seen it in the early stage, and the coconut has its own style.

Obviously, if there is no abyss to dominate, there must be no night-night ranger, which is beyond doubt. As a follower, I feel that there is nothing to hide. But in the same way, there is no amber sword, there is no abyss dominated or dark night ranger or other books of this type. The theme of the game's heterosexuality is that the earliest nature of the big light is pneumonia.

For the abyss dominate, the Dark Knight is a latecomer; for the same thing, the two books are latecomers.

I feel that there is not much problem with the follow-up on this subject. Not every author is a genius, can create a genre. Coconut is limited in talent and can only tell a good story.

But there is a clear difference between following the trend and plagiarism. The abyss and the dark night, whether it is the plot, the characters or other aspects, I think it is not the same as the plagiarism?

The dark night book is also my brainchild, especially the fast-paced writing, each chapter has a lot of plots. We are now more than 800,000 words, the story is opened and written, and others can write two million words. I wrote this book very calmly, and the story characters are all my thoughts. Of course, there are also some sacred tributes to my favorite books, such as the smog of Jiangnan.

As for the abyss chapter in the chapter on what is on the top, what is the face of the face, I am even more inexplicable. The night fight is very fierce, because I fight, the monthly vote is good, because everyone is sure of my efforts.

These seem to have little to do with other books?

I don't like any fighting. Especially between the authors, there is absolutely no need. Everyone is writing a book, and telling the story well is the right way. This is the only thing I want to do.

In conclusion, I like it very much for the abyss; I respect the floating squad.

For the powder or senior black or the person who provokes the separation, I am helpless.

If you want to find a chance to start a war and ask for a monthly ticket, the coconut does not recognize it.

In this case, the coconut will not show any nonsense.

I just want to write a good book.








Since I can open a single chapter, how can I not ask for a ticket? Everyone will hand over the guarantee!

... (to be continued)

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