Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 4: miracle

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The prince in jail fell into a long silence.

He looked at the guards who couldn't see the distance, whispered:

"I have to know who you are, or I can't trust you."

"I killed the priest and swears with the temple. You only need this." Marvin said quickly.

"What is your purpose? To overthrow the temple? There is no such master in the rebel army!"

Aragon is getting more and more confused.

The man in this shadow seems to have emerged suddenly. In this small world, he has never heard of this person.

"If you really want to know, you have to show the sincerity of cooperation."

Marvin whispered: "If you are willing to cooperate, I might as well tell you about my origins."

“Cooperation?” Aragorn said with a wry smile: “Do you really think that with a few masters you can overthrow the temple?”

“Why not?” Marvin asked.

"The power of the temple is deep-rooted. From the generation of my grandfather, Nottingham is ready to weaken the power of the shadow temple; my father, once had such a desire."

Said here, he paused.

Ma Wen’s brain turned sharply and instantly understood what he was saying: “Rebels.”

Aragorn nodded slightly. "To tell the truth, with our business arrangement for so many years, it is really impossible to do it with the temple."

"But the temple is not just the temple."

"It is God who stands behind the temple."

"Although the shadow of His Royal Highness has not shown miracles for a long time. But he is still there. The fate of this land is already doomed. We are all God's people, and we cannot defy his will."

Marvin looked at the Aragonese prince with some playfulness.

The prince is already thirty years old. But it still looks very young and handsome.

As one of the strongest in this plane, he clearly saw a place farther than ordinary people.

"The Nottingham Palace has a secret library." Aragon whispered: "I went to see it when I was very young."

"So I know that this world is far from what the temple says. The world is big, and the Poussin world is just a small part of the world."

"The gods that we worship and worship are just more powerful than ours. I have known this for a long time, and many people know this. So we will resist."

"But once the miracle comes, there will be no one in the shadow temple."

"We have no hope."

The prince's tone is full of frustration.

However, at this time, the voice was full of confidence:

"If I say, can I kill the **** in your mouth in this world?"


East Pole Snow Mountain. Shadow in the Great Temple.

Daily prayers are still going on.

Capella silently glared at the teachings of God, but somehow, she actually felt a little restless today.

Maybe because it was yesterday.

Dina, a senior priest, was assassinated in White Elephant City!

Dana's strength, she is very clear, Prince Aragorn did not shoot, no one can kill her.

Even those embers in the rebel army do not have such an ability.

Who is it?

Such doubts emerged in her mind.

However, at this time, a circle of dark halos suddenly descended on the cold stone statue!

Capella dared to widen her eyes, and she looked up at her head with enthusiasm. Call the name of God in the mouth!

In an instant, the shadow of the Holy Power descended from the sky, shrouded the entire East Great Snow Mountain.

On the streets of Wangdu under the snowy mountains. Everyone looked at it all at a loss.

At this time, someone screamed: "The miracle!"

Everyone squatted and worshipped.

Someone has tears in their eyes.

Someone is at a loss.

More people just numb down and pray for the blessing of the gods.

In the palace, the old king stepped out of the court step by step under the help of a delicate girl.

He looked at the shadows on the snowy mountains. Tears fell and fell.

Many people around him fell down, only the king and the girl. No majesty.

"Nono. I am sorry for your brother." The king was tearful.

The girl is silent.

The shadows lasted for a long time before they slowly dispersed.

A dark rain, falling from the sky, everyone in the kingdom can feel the power contained in it!

In the slums, the elderly who were seriously ill, drenched by the rain, suddenly recovered a few minutes.

Under the shower of this black raindrop, everyone's physical and mental state has been slightly improved.

In the shadow of the Great Temple, suddenly there was a cry out of the hearts of everyone:


"Father God!" Most of the people in the king are shouting loudly.

In the palace, the old king fell to the ground, and the girl still stood there.

She looked at the indifferent shadow in the sky and said lowly:

"If it is really a father, how can you squeeze your child like this?"

This sentence is not her original.

It was written in a book she saw when she was young. The book is a royal secret, and her brother stole it to her.

The book is at least a hundred years old, and the author's name and title are very strange.

So much now, she feels that the memory is still fresh.

The plane traveler, Bacon.


The miracle of the kingdom sensationalized the entire Kingdom of Nottingham in one day.

The belief that people are gradually shaking has become more determined.

With this miracle, the next day, the High Priest of the Great Shadow Temple claimed to have received the **** of the Father!

This **** spreads through the kingdom in the fastest way, through the temples and priests everywhere in the shadow temple. Passed to everyone's ear.

The contents of the shrine are as follows:

Just a few days ago, the evil side of the ectopic plane fell to the Poussin plane.

These evil aliens are prepared to destroy the world.

And where they came. It is a white elephant city in the north of the kingdom!

The temple must seize these evil aliens and kill them!

For a time, White Elephant City was once again pushed to the cusp.

In addition to the two high-ranking priests, the high priest Capella has sent five hundred and three orders of the Knights of the Temple and two senior priests to the White Elephant City!


At the same time, the prisoner carrying the prince Aragon also arrived at the kingdom on the same day.

The folk rumors have rumored that the prince not only has an affair with the rebel army, but also colludes with those evil aliens.

all of these. In line with the miracles that came a few days ago, even the majority of ordinary people who sympathize with and worship the prince. They all don’t trust Aragon.

They began to wait and see.

Among the kings, the undercurrent is surging.

The moment the prince’s prisoner entered the gate, all the people were summoned to watch the prince enter the city.

Their eyes are cold and ruthless. Seems to be a true sinner.

The last time he returned to the kingdom, it was because he regained the white elephant city that had been occupied by the rebel army for three years and returned to accept the awards of the temple and the kingdom!

Such a huge contrast, Rao is the Aragonese prince has been psychologically prepared, and still flashed a trace of gloom.

The prisoner ran along the straight King's Road and passed the palace to the East Snow Mountain.

There, the prince will accept the trial of the temple!

The great priest Capella will personally preside over this trial. Under the eyes of the Father and the Messenger. Any pagans can't escape the final punishment!

The team has been moving forward.

The people remain silent. It was thus the result of the princes they had loved to go to the Hall of Destruction.

Under the ladder of white marble, the high priest Capella has been waiting for a long time.

Her eyes were cold and she looked at the prince in the prison car.

Aragon looks very decadent.

"Take him to the trial hall."

The black robes and the high priest said coldly.

Suddenly there were two sides of the knight to unlock the chain of the prisoner. The half-dead prince was dragged out.

Most people in the crowd cannot bear to watch it.

They opened their heads.

The aristocrats of the entire kingdom were on the sidelines, and none of the people of the royal family of Nottingham came to the scene.

There was a triumph in Capella’s heart.

This world is the world of God.

She raised her chin proudly. Against the prince who lost his soul, he despised:

"The ants that jump high again. After all, they are still ants."


The inner courtyard of the palace, in a small courtyard.

The girl sat alone on the swing and listened silently to the report of the maid beside her:

"His Royal Highness, the trial results of Prince Aragon have come out."

"The sin of Capella is personally determined."

Speaking of this, the maid has a slight meal and seems to be unable to bear to say it.

"Say." The princess's tone was calm.

"Private rebel forces, collude with heresy, and disobey God." The maid said silently: "The third-class felony. In the prince's years of fighting for merit, the crime is reduced by one."

"It was originally the punishment of the fire of the seven days... it has now changed to three days."

"It’s just three days later."


The rope of the swing was broken, and the princess stood up safely.

"I know, let's go."

The maid looked at her under the princess, but in the eyes of her insistence, she finally left.

The empty courtyard, there is a girl left.

"Come out."

"The swing cannot be broken for no reason."

The princess said faintly.

"Your brother said that you are very smart." Marvin's figure slowly came out of the shadow of the swing.

"But I didn't expect your reaction to be so smart."

“Rebels? Different*s?” Her eyes were clear.

“Is it important?” Marvin asked.

“Not important.” Princess Nono whispered: “What is your purpose?”

Ma Wen did not speak, took out a ring directly and handed it over.

For the first time in her gaze, there was a wave of volatility.

"You are my brother's cronies? Why haven't I seen you before?" She asked cautiously Some people were destined to hide in the shadows. ”

Marvin also did not explain: "If the prince of Aragon is dead, the royal family of Nottingham is even more dangerous. He is ready to let go, what is your opinion?"

The girl looked at the ring with affection:

"My brother's opinion is my opinion."

Ma Wenyi clap his hands: "Okay."

"Invitation. Tomorrow evening, you must hold a banquet or dance in the palace, invite some people..."

"Of course, there are other things that you need to do."

... (to be continued)

Ps: The first one is sent, the new volume is opened, and some preparations are needed. Please be patient. * Soon it will be ~ today is still guaranteed. Ask for a referral.

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