Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 31: Advanced manual

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In the dark abyss, Ma Wen’s figure leaps up and down. Oh,

With the fragmentation of a piece of slate, he couldn't even think about it and could only keep moving forward.

He didn't know what it was to fall.

The king of the night gave him his eyes, and he could not see the fog of the night.

Obviously, the space here is very special.

Marvin ran for a while on the floating slate and finally saw a glimmer of light in the distance.

It was a bonfire.

"The bonfire represents hope. In the wilder age, in the endless night, only a bonfire can dispel people's fears."

Before leaving, the old blacksmith's words seemed to be heard by Ma Wen'er.

His eyes lit up and separated and ran towards the bonfire!

After relying on it, Ma Wen saw it really, it was a platform suspended in the mysterious space.

At the four corners of the platform, there are bonfires.

On the platform, there are one staggered rooms, some are bookshelves in the room, and some rooms are equipped with various weapons!

“Here is the headquarters of the night walker?”

Ma Wen looked down subconsciously.

However, such a platform is arranged in the entire space from top to bottom.

There are nine!

"The advanced manual dominated by the night is said to be on the third floor!"

Ma Wen listened to the advice of the old blacksmith, controlled the body, and finally landed on the platform of the third floor.

As soon as he entered the platform, he had a strange feeling.

It seems that the body is stuck with something.

The agility brought by the agility of God disappeared without a trace.

"A strong and powerful ban."

"It is a relic of the hands of the king of the night."

Ma Wen secretly admired, but did not stop under the hand, began to look for a room and a room.

As the old blacksmith said. Most of the rooms in the third platform are rows of books.

These books have been sealed by a mysterious force. As a member of the night walker, Marvin entered this space once. Can only take one thing away.

This is the rule. Once it is violated, he will lose the blessing of the King of the Night.

Ma Wen naturally does not care.

This time he came, the purpose is the advanced manual dominated by the night!

The reason why I chose the night walker was to know that the night walker has the inheritance of the night master!

Today's Marvin, it's time to start preparing for the advanced legend.

The advanced legend is not so easy. It needs to prepare too many things. Even if Ma Wen has a strong memory, he can't guarantee that the memories of previous life will not be biased.

not to mention. Although they are dominated by the night, but the former Ma Wen is an assassin, this world is advanced as a ranger and nocturnal, the situation will naturally be different.

It is better to get the advanced manual first.

He looked back and forth in a row of bookshelves, and soon he found a big bookcase!

There is a label on the shelf: the legendary manual.

Ma Wen’s pupils are slightly shrunk!

This whole bookcase is actually a legendary professional advanced manual for all professions!

The night pedestrian organization is too exaggerated?

Marvin couldn't wait to start searching.

The first row is the warrior, and Marvin’s fingers are pulled in a row. The names of the professions are constantly flashing: the Guardian of the Fire, the Crushed Stones, the Lord of the Hawthorn, the sword of Orato...

These legendary occupations, in today's Fernan, have rarely been found.

First, the legend has been less; second. The legacy of the legendary profession is hard to find!

Therefore, the general legendary promotion is to choose the ordinary advanced career as a legendary career, becoming a legendary figure.

for example. Marvin is now a 9th level ranger / 6 level night walker / 6 level magic warlock. The total level is eighteen.

However, after entering the legendary realm (after level 21), the part-time level will not be counted in the overall rank. Just look at the level of basic occupations and advanced occupations.

If Marvin advances to the legend with a Level Ranger/8 Night Walker/6 Level Magic Warlock, then he can indeed become a legend.

But his legendary career is not a night walker or a night ruler. It is the [legendary ranger].

This is also why, few people will improve the basic occupation. When you choose the advanced legend, the highest class will be defaulted to the legendary class, gaining additional legendary expertise rewards.

Legendary characters and legendary occupations are separate.

Of course, there is another way, in the process of advanced legend, refused to advance as a Ranger, but chose an advanced legendary career.

Because of the particularity of the legendary profession, it is not restricted by the highest level of occupation.

That is to say, as long as Marvin completes everything needed for the advanced night dominated, even if he is a level ranger / level night pedestrian / level 1 night master. His legendary career is also dominated by the night, enjoying the legendary feat of [night dominated]! Not a ranger.

The expertise of the legendary profession is often stronger than the basic profession and advanced profession.

The night dominates and the legendary ranger or the legendary assassin is not at all a level!

This shows the importance of inheritance.

Many legendary figures, because there is no way to find a legendary career that suits them, but can only choose advanced career as a legendary career.

Although this way, the promotion of the legend will be much simpler, but their strength will be much weaker.


"I didn't expect the night walker to have so many advanced manuals for legendary careers!"

"If you can take it out and sell it, even if you want to sell the quasi-legendary family, they are willing to buy it!"

Marvin’s eyes flashed a trace of greed.

But he also knows that this is the accumulation of this organization for thousands of years.

If you can get the inheritance of the night, you will be satisfied.

Thinking of this, he directly jumped over the warriors and wizards and chose the rogue.

At a glance, Ma Wen seized the book in an instant!

"The Book of the Dark Night: The Dark Night Masters Advanced Handbook."

It is it!

Ma Wengang grabbed the book in his hand, and there was a tremor in the whole platform.

"Sheen said that it is really weird to take things away when they finish things. It is obviously a member of the night walker, and the conditions are so harsh."

Ma Wen secretly snorted and determined that the advanced manual was correct, then turned and ran to a corner of the platform.

There, there was a small single-player array, and Marvin just got up and was taken out!

Only before being taken out, Ma Wen’s afterglow suddenly saw a row of bookshelves and a faint piece of parchment!

He did not see the contents of the parchment. But an inexplicable heart rose from his heart.

"Book of Naru! First page!"

His heart flashed a hint of insight.

This is the magical touch between the sixth page and the first page in his hand.

Two pages of paper seem to be calling each other.

Marvin calmed The third page of Naru's book was sealed by Heather V. in the tower of the Ashes. The sixth page is in his own hands. Now the first page is being used by him, even at night. In the headquarters.

This powerful and powerful book, can you have the opportunity to restore it?

Thinking of this, Marvin is a little bit irritated.

But he knows that it is not the time.

Everything, wait until the advanced legend.

Thinking about it, Marvin was sent away from the night pedestrian headquarters and arrived at an unknown place in Chiba.

He didn't think much about it, only when it was randomly transmitted.

Who knows that at this time, a familiar face appeared in front of him.

"How could it be you?!"

The man was surprised.

... (to be continued...)

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