Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 46: Magic arm

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With this sneer, the pictures in all the mirrors disappeared abruptly. Oh,

Unification has become a clown with a face!

The clown's eyes were cold and his mouth was smiling with a sinister smile.

"I was discovered by you, my hiding place."

"Max is very surprised..."

The sound of a clown is like laughing and laughing. It makes people feel creepy.

However, Ma Wen is not afraid!

In the circus, the clown was originally responsible for the funny character. This character carries too much joy, but it achieves its purpose through comics, ugliness and other forms. He has the most powerful evil atmosphere, and it is normal to become the home of the theater magic spirit!

What surprised Ma Wen was that these evil spirits actually cultivated the clown in a one-sided mirror.

This is a bit difficult to do.

Although the door of the fitting room was blocked by two people, the theater itself was under the control of the devil, and it would not take long for those evil spirits to come in.

It will be troublesome at that time.

"What to do?" Ge Wen frowned: "With so many mirrors, which one is the real body?"

Marvin glanced at the door that was constantly being squeezed and decisively said: "Looking for it!"

Then he just found a makeup mirror and rushed in!


The world in the mirror is purely a replica of the McKinsey Theatre.

The big theater was empty, and there was a sob in the dark air.

Marvin sneered, listening to the extreme, sensing the change of airflow.

He followed the sound. Soon, I found a clown in the stage under the stage!

There was a flying knife in his body. Under the rags of clothing, it is the scar of the skin.

He bowed his head and wept.

Ma Wen is holding a knife. Whispered, "What are you crying?"

The clown suddenly looked up and looked at Marvin with a sinful look: "Why should I fire me?"

"I clearly work so hard, why should I fire me?"

"Is it because I accidentally bumped into you and Xiya last time?"

As he spoke, he rushed over to Marvin.

His tongue was strangely extended, like a snake-like thorn.

Ma Wen easily flashed, who knows that the tongue suddenly burst open, countless pieces of fine teeth and small tongue branching from above, entangled with Ma Wen's neck!

The clown himself is trying to hold Ma Wen’s waist with a pair of nails and long hands!

On the occasion of a thousand miles. A simple shadow of Ma Wen appeared behind the clown.

There is a trace of pity in his eyes:

"Sorry, you have mistaken the person."


A gunshot, the clown's head was directly broken!

Oh la la!

The mirror was broken.

"Not this side." Ma Wen looked gloomy, Ge Wen did not see the figure, apparently entered other makeup mirrors.

There are thirty-two mirrors in the entire fitting room. In the current situation, except for one interview. No way!

At the moment, he did not delay, and the evil spirits had not been surrounded, and they immediately flew into another mirror!


Out of the ancient altar.

In the face of the condensed projection, the face of the pale hand showed a playful look.

"Tidomas. After Di Gaogen’s death, you seem to be a lot more active..."

“Do you really believe that so-called prophecy?”

The huge faucet looks straight at Skye, and the sound is like a rolling thunder:

"Blood. Although you are already in the legendary field, and I am just a projection. But near this altar, you can't be my opponent."

"Get out of here right away. Otherwise I will deprive you of your soul and my thoughts!"

This huge faucet is a projection of the king of the second evil spirit world, the tomb of the evil dragon.

It is said that Tidomus itself is a dragon, and was later selected as [Dragon Tomb Watcher].

In the long and eternal years, Tidomus fell, and under the temptation of powerful power, under the attraction of the sea of ​​evil spirits, he was left by the dragon souls in the tomb of the dragon and a lot of majestic and evil thoughts. The impact eventually becomes extremely evil and powerful.

He took control of the power of the dragon's resentment and eventually opened up the tomb of the evil dragon. Although the ancient dragon gods have robbed most of the dragon's corpses, they were still opened by Titomas with their own powers, and they became the evil spirit world closest to Fernan except the rotten plateau. !

Among the nineteen monarchs in the world of evil spirits, the strength of Tidomus is the most advanced one, and it is much stronger than Di Gaogen with great potential!


When Sky's eyes turn, the projection of the evil spirit lord will appear in Saruha, which is something he expected.

There seems to be a secret in this ancient altar, and the two evil spirits have encountered such troubles, and they still maintain the concentration of spellcasting!

"What are they doing?"

Sky's curiosity was mobilized. Among the rest of the light, he saw a tiny ball of light floating between the two.

There seems to be some pictures on the ball of light, but after all, he can't see clearly through the enchantment of the altar.

At the moment, Skye laughed:

"Tidomas, let me care about your business, but your two men have been in Saruha long enough. You should know very well here."

"I want them to help me find someone."

"After I found that person, I left immediately, how?"

In the eyes of the pale hand, his words are already low enough.

After all, he is a legendary strongman, and Tidomas is stronger, there is a universe magic pool to block, if it is not taboo on the ancient altar, there is no accumulation of power for many years, he can directly kill Titomas's projection!

As long as the two evil spirits help find the text, he can make a concession.

However, what made the pale hand unpredictable was that Timothy’s attitude was unprecedentedly tough:


The huge faucet suddenly opened, and a green poisonous mist sprayed fiercely!

Skye's face changed dramatically.

This is the poisonous fog of the evil spirit lord, once it is sprayed. I am afraid I can't solve it!

At the same time, he was also irritated by the attitude of Tidomus.

In an instant, the figure of the pale hand suddenly disappeared in place!

An electric light. Start flashing around the altar!

"Dirty evil spirits, I have made the biggest concession. If you still disagree, don't blame me!"

In an instant, four pale hands stepped out of the shadow plane, and they even ignored the altar enchantment and rushed to the two evil spirits.

"Give me a hand!"

Tidomus seems to be unexpected. This legendary vampire has such a powerful strength!

However, regretting it is too late.

Skye's shots are extremely hot, and the four avatars have attacked an evil spirit messenger, and the birth of the evil spirit messenger who is casting a spell is successfully beheaded!

In an instant, he saw the contents of the ball of light, and his face changed dramatically!


at the same time. Backstage at the McKinsey Theatre, most of the mirrors are broken!

Only the last huge floor mirror was left.

Marvin and Ge Wen directly fell out of the mirror world, and a slight glimpse of the face.

Although I don't know what happened, the body of the theater magic is finally found!

The two did not hesitate, and once launched, they were like thunder, and they directly penetrated the middle of the insults and rushed into the last mirror.


In the mirror world. It is exactly the same as the previous McKinsey Theatre.

Only this time, the theater is full of people!

The cheers of the mountains and the sea came from all directions, and both of them were slightly stunned.

The former theater seems to have nothing to do with people. What happened to these figures?

Is it the trick of the theater magic?

Ma Wenjing looked carefully. On the stage, a performance is going on.

That is a broken head!

Next to the broken head, a hippie-smiling clown ran up from the edge of the stage.

He ran up. It was thrown away by everyone using banana peels and rotten apples.

However, he still has a funny smile.

"Stupid Max."

"Fool Max, performance has not yet begun. You want a beating?"

The audience shouted loudly, regardless of the clown's feelings.

The clown is hard to stand on the stage. After fighting for a long time, I barely let everyone agree and give him a chance to perform.

He was ecstatic and embarrassed.

"Look your eyes." He looked up and smiled brightly: "This is the magic with the highest risk factor."

At this time, a tall and strong man suddenly appeared around him.

The brawny will be ruthlessly pressed down without any mercy!

The next second, blood splash!

The clown heads down!

The audience was in awe.

Marvin and Gewen looked serious. The head of the clown fell to the ground and rolled to the front of the two, with a smile on his face:

"Is my performance good?"

Before the Ma Wen and the two responded, all the audience even fell to their heads, all staring coldly at the two:

“Do our performances look good?”

"What the **** is it? Illusion?" Ge Wen was cold.

This strange scene, he is also the first encounter!

Ma Wen calmly said, faintly said: "boring is dead."

As soon as this statement came out, all the smiles on the faces of the people disappeared, replaced by a face of grievances!

"People who don't like my performance have to die!"

Clown Max said wickedly.

All the people rolled over and tried to bite Marvin.

However, in an instant, Marvin’s figure was cut into the dark night!

The night of the night!

His body and darkness merged into one, and suddenly rushed to the stage.

Clown Max's headless body is still lying under his head.

"No!" All the people shouted!

They seem to be afraid of something.

Ma Wen doubled his knife and slammed it, and smashed the body into a meat sauce in one go!

The fourth holy water is a masterpiece.

Not waiting for the text to react, a cracking sound rang in his ear.

Oh la la!

The last mirror was also broken Although the magic spirit was successfully killed, but the strength of the enemy has plummeted, there must be a reason. ”

"There must be problems with the evil spirits."

Marvin also held a black armband in his hand, standing side by side with the blood family.

The two looked at each other and understood the meaning of Ma Wenkou.

The only Saruha that can make the evil spirits cause problems, I am afraid that there is only that legend!

"We are in trouble. You must leave here immediately."

Marvin did not hesitate to wear the magical armband that was taken from the body of the clown.

This is a good thing.

... (to be continued..)

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